Crypto-Backed Tokens Coins list by Market Cap and Volume

The market cap of Crypto-Backed Tokens coins combined is $ 55.51B. This is a 5.18% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 81.3% of Crypto-Backed Tokens coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 18.7% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Crypto-Backed Tokens coins combined is $ 4.02B. The market cap of WSTETH makes up 25.8% of the market cap of Crypto-Backed Tokens coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Wrapped stETH (WSTETH) WSTETH Wrapped stETH $ 4 133.01 5.36% 6.27% $14.32B $43.38M 3.46M WSTETH
2 Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) WBTC Wrapped Bitcoin $ 103 956.98 4.19% 10.04% $13.64B $776.17M 131.18K WBTC
3 WETH (WETH) WETH WETH $ 3 476.37 4.89% 6.38% $10.79B $1.19B 3.10M WETH
4 Wrapped eETH (WEETH) WEETH Wrapped eETH $ 3 670.09 4.63% 6.21% $7.10B $24.64M 1.93M WEETH
5 Coinbase Wrapped BTC (CBBTC) CBBTC Coinbase Wrapped BTC $ 104 411.41 4.38% 10.52% $2.24B $520.38M 21.47K CBBTC
6 Solv Protocol SolvBTC (SOLVBTC) SOLVBTC Solv Protocol SolvBTC $ 103 978.39 4.22% 10.25% $1.37B $29.08M 13.19K SOLVBTC
7 Solv Protocol SolvBTC.BBN (SOLVBTC.BBN) SOLVBTC.BBN Solv Protocol SolvBTC.BBN $ 103 032.99 4.27% 10.62% $1.11B $12.78M 10.77K SOLVBTC.BBN
8 Wrapped BNB (WBNB) WBNB Wrapped BNB $ 721.81 1.55% 4.13% $876.07M $346.96M 1.21M WBNB
9 Coinbase Wrapped Staked ETH (CBETH) CBETH Coinbase Wrapped Staked ETH $ 3 794.78 5.34% 7.00% $574.97M $21.01M 151.51K CBETH
10 TBTC (TBTC) TBTC tBTC $ 104 023.63 4.17% 10.15% $448.70M $32.28M 4.31K TBTC
11 Olympus (OHM) OHM Olympus $ 22.61 1.66% 10.13% $371.30M $955.89K 16.43M OHM
12 CWBTC (CWBTC) CWBTC cWBTC $ 2 099.79 4.45% 10.44% $364.78M $0.00 173.61K CWBTC
13 Wrapped AVAX (WAVAX) WAVAX Wrapped AVAX $ 41.53 3.09% 13.20% $263.70M $94.54M 6.35M WAVAX
14 Wrapped Beacon ETH (WBETH) WBETH Wrapped Beacon ETH $ 3 687.72 4.91% 6.61% $261.63M $21.57M 70.94K WBETH
15 Wrapped Ether (Mantle Bridge) (WETH) WETH Wrapped Ether (Mantle Bridge) $ 3 478.22 4.91% 6.59% $248.99M $17.96M 71.53K WETH
16 Resolv wstUSR (WSTUSR) WSTUSR Resolv wstUSR $0.7890 0% 0% $220.86M $488.63 279.90M WSTUSR
17 CETH (CETH) CETH cETH $ 70.04 5.11% 6.65% $212.25M $333.24 3.02M CETH
18 Bridged Wrapped stETH (Gnosis) (WSTETH) WSTETH Bridged Wrapped stETH (Gnosis) $ 4 151.16 5.25% 6.85% $105.94M $708.29K 25.54K WSTETH
19 TempleDAO (TEMPLE) TEMPLE TempleDAO $ 3.60 0.4262% 2% $86.51M $13.60K 24.00M TEMPLE
20 Wrapped NXM (WNXM) WNXM Wrapped NXM $ 74.28 4.41% 0.5242% $78.83M $1.23M 1.06M WNXM
21 Ignition FBTC (FBTC) FBTC Ignition FBTC $ 104 587.02 4.38% 10.14% $78.54M $2.24M 750.80 FBTC
22 Wrapped XRP (WXRP) WXRP Wrapped XRP $ 3.32 0.4535% 44.30% $59.54M $345.82K 17.95M WXRP
23 Wrapped QUIL (QUIL) QUIL Wrapped QUIL $0.05363 0.1330% 12% $46.71M $1.32M 871.15M QUIL
24 Wrapped Centrifuge (WCFG) WCFG Wrapped Centrifuge $0.3357 9.32% 17.63% $46.23M $684.47K 137.75M WCFG
25 CBAT (CBAT) CBAT cBAT $0.005515 4.11% 3.76% $37.37M $0.00 6.77B CBAT
26 Snowbank (SB) SB Snowbank $ 225.78 11% 0.7857% $36.21M $2.80K 159.64K SB
27 CUSDC (CUSDC) CUSDC cUSDC $0.02454 0.08881% 0.02755% $36.03M $8.11K 1.47B CUSDC
28 SUSD (Optimism) (SUSD) SUSD sUSD (Optimism) $0.9872 0.1464% 2.80% $31.80M $5.60M 32.22M SUSD
29 CDAI (CDAI) CDAI cDAI $0.02420 0.1015% 0.04205% $28.46M $1.59K 1.17B CDAI
30 Based ETH (BSDETH) BSDETH Based ETH $ 3 550.45 5.37% 6.99% $26.31M $7.76M 7.41K BSDETH
31 SUSD (SUSD) SUSD sUSD $0.9878 0.2141% 2.78% $20.49M $1.04M 20.74M SUSD
32 Wrapped Ampleforth (WAMPL) WAMPL Wrapped Ampleforth $ 17.60 0.6795% 0.7482% $18.09M $155.92K 1.03M WAMPL
33 Wrapped Mantle (WMNT) WMNT Wrapped Mantle $ 1.13 0.5036% 3% $16.92M $4.17M 14.93M WMNT
34 CUNI (CUNI) CUNI cUNI $0.3105 6.16% 9.32% $12.10M $27.09 38.96M CUNI
35 Wrapped STEAMX (WSTEAMX) WSTEAMX Wrapped STEAMX $0.05730 1% 1% $11.86M $1.80K 100.00B WSTEAMX
36 Osmosis allBTC (BTC) BTC Osmosis allBTC $ 104 267.59 4.15% 10.40% $10.82M $3.16M 103.81 BTC
37 EverValue Coin (EVA) EVA EverValue Coin $0.6770 5.12% 13.50% $9.71M $40.58K 14.33M EVA
38 Wrapped AyeAyeCoin (WAAC) WAAC Wrapped AyeAyeCoin $ 1.47 3.50% 29.19% $8.79M $7.56K 6.00M WAAC
39 Bridged Wrapped Bitcoin (StarkGate) (WBTC) WBTC Bridged Wrapped Bitcoin (StarkGate) $ 104 337.75 4.47% 10.22% $8.22M $442.45K 78.75 WBTC
40 RenBTC (RENBTC) RENBTC renBTC $ 23 173.99 5.45% 9.76% $7.06M $3.08K 304.50 RENBTC
41 Wrapped USDM (WUSDM) WUSDM Wrapped USDM $ 1.06 0.1095% 0.1249% $6.42M $934.53K 6.03M WUSDM
42 Wrapped MistCoin (WMC) WMC Wrapped MistCoin $ 13.25 0.7348% 13% $6.07M $31.36K 457.28K WMC
43 Wrapped QOM (WQOM) WQOM Wrapped QOM $0.00000004487 0.1494% 7.24% $5.52M $121.64K 122.81T WQOM
44 Fei USD (FEI) FEI Fei USD $ 1.01 2.32% 1.12% $4.62M $18.34K 4.57M FEI
45 Wrapped SUI (Universal) (USUI) USUI Wrapped SUI (Universal) $ 4.91 3.17% 4% $4.30M $2.95M 872.10K USUI
46 Rai Reflex Index (RAI) RAI Rai Reflex Index $ 3.00 0.2521% 0.3562% $4.00M $53.57K 1.33M RAI
47 SBTC (SBTC) SBTC sBTC $ 19 656.30 0.8583% 10.18% $3.94M $1.77K 200.37 SBTC
48 Osmosis allSOL (SOL) SOL Osmosis allSOL $ 219.46 3.93% 16.84% $3.90M $986.71K 17.76K SOL
49 VNX EURO (VEUR) VEUR VNX EURO $ 1.03 0.2928% 0.4464% $3.86M $72.59K 3.75M VEUR
50 Osmosis allETH (ETH) ETH Osmosis allETH $ 3 485.85 4.80% 7.42% $3.16M $1.01M 906.24 ETH
51 Wrapped Accumulate (WACME) WACME Wrapped Accumulate $0.009893 3.40% 10.68% $2.59M $343.75 261.76M WACME
52 Wrapped Solana (Universal) (USOL) USOL Wrapped Solana (Universal) $ 219.32 3.83% 16.82% $2.48M $1.46M 11.32K USOL
53 Wrapped XRP (Universal) (UXRP) UXRP Wrapped XRP (Universal) $ 3.24 0.9779% 38.03% $2.35M $1.11M 723.12K UXRP
54 Bridged Wrapped BTC (BEVM) (WBTC) WBTC Bridged Wrapped BTC (BEVM) $ 104 598.32 4.49% 10.35% $2.22M $603.47 21.23 WBTC
55 Wrapped BTC (21BTC) 21BTC Wrapped BTC $ 104 447.85 4.74% 11.24% $2.12M $104.11K 20.18 21BTC
56 SHOPX (SHOPX) SHOPX SHOPX $0.004361 0.3766% 1% $2.09M $265.73K 478.69M SHOPX
57 SETH (SETH) SETH sETH $ 3 450.44 5.43% 9.89% $2.01M $1.51K 11.58K SETH
58 DEFI.ssi (DEFI.SSI) DEFI.SSI DEFI.ssi $0.9982 7.69% 17.27% $1.88M $412.04K 1.89M DEFI.SSI
59 Osmosis allUSDT (USDT) USDT Osmosis allUSDT $ 1.00 0.04424% 0.7879% $1.87M $190.86K 1.87M USDT
60 C0x (CZRX) CZRX c0x $0.01136 6.75% 7.38% $1.64M $77.49 144.22M CZRX
61 MEME.ssi (MEME.SSI) MEME.SSI MEME.ssi $ 1.13 13.48% 23.88% $1.27M $452.49K 1.13M MEME.SSI
62 CLINK (CLINK) CLINK cLINK $0.5137 7.69% 25.19% $1.26M $0.00 2.45M CLINK
63 Wrapped eHMND (WEHMND) WEHMND Wrapped eHMND $0.09036 7.07% 2.86% $1.10M $23.19K 12.21M WEHMND
64 USSI (USSI) USSI USSI $ 1.02 0.4145% 0.3294% $1.07M $501.91K 1.05M USSI
65 Wrapped BMX Liquidity Token (WBLT) WBLT Wrapped BMX Liquidity Token $ 1.23 2.16% 0.4501% $745.77K $1.35M 604.80K WBLT
66 SEUR (SEUR) SEUR sEUR $0.7228 0.6425% 4% $719.26K $1.29K 995.00K SEUR
67 Bridged Wrapped Ether (Fuse) (WETH) WETH Bridged Wrapped Ether (Fuse) $ 3 466.85 5.01% 5.47% $711.57K $5.92K 205.25 WETH
68 Wrapped Energi (WNRG) WNRG Wrapped Energi $0.05088 1% 2% $701.29K $13.43K 13.78M WNRG
69 Wrapped DOGE (Universal) (UDOGE) UDOGE Wrapped DOGE (Universal) $0.4279 13.94% 28.25% $550.88K $227.26K 1.29M UDOGE
70 AurusX (AX) AX AurusX $0.1654 8% 5% $472.20K $1.74K 2.85M AX
71 GraphLinq Wrapped ETH (WETH) WETH GraphLinq Wrapped ETH $ 3 437.64 0.4739% 4.42% $451.98K $6.63K 131.50 WETH
72 Wrapped Aptos (Universal) (UAPT) UAPT Wrapped Aptos (Universal) $ 9.81 5.53% 7.16% $446.11K $85.74K 45.31K UAPT
73 Private Wrapped wROSE (PWROSE) PWROSE Private Wrapped wROSE $0.08471 5.89% 11.24% $396.71K $922.35 4.68M PWROSE
74 Wrapped NEAR (Universal) (UNEAR) UNEAR Wrapped NEAR (Universal) $ 5.80 11.52% 14.01% $389.86K $210.14K 66.63K UNEAR
75 Vaulted Bellscoin (VBELLS) VBELLS Vaulted Bellscoin $0.3742 7% 7% $348.80K $3.37K 820.98K VBELLS
76 Wrapped OptiDoge (WOPTIDOGE) WOPTIDOGE Wrapped OptiDoge $0.0000007745 6.48% 18.35% $325.52K $1.02K 420.00B WOPTIDOGE
77 Zasset zUSD (ZUSD) ZUSD Zasset zUSD $0.6871 17% 30.65% $325.24K $871.61 473.33K ZUSD
78 Wrapped Paris Saint-Germain (Kayen) (WPSG) WPSG Wrapped Paris Saint-Germain (Kayen) $ 3.12 1.01% 0.04526% $300.14K $11.47K 96.09K WPSG
79 Bridged Wrapped Ether (Voltage Finance) (WETH) WETH Bridged Wrapped Ether (Voltage Finance) $ 3 308.88 0.01137% 0.8903% $280.36K $1.16K 84.73 WETH
80 Wrapped OrdBridge (WBRGE) WBRGE Wrapped OrdBridge $0.002481 4.09% 1% $272.09K $59.78K 109.50M WBRGE
81 Wrapped Atlético Madrid (Kayen) (WATM) WATM Wrapped Atlético Madrid (Kayen) $ 2.10 2.61% 0.6536% $261.35K $9.77K 124.55K WATM
82 Wrapped Juventus (Kayen) (WJUV) WJUV Wrapped Juventus (Kayen) $ 1.59 1.93% 3.62% $259.55K $7.31K 163.43K WJUV
83 WDOT (WDOT) WDOT WDOT $ 7.51 3.44% 10.74% $254.31K $1.69K 33.85K WDOT
84 Wrapped OG (Kayen) (WOG) WOG Wrapped OG (Kayen) $ 4.86 0.2791% 3.61% $244.00K $14.41K 50.08K WOG
85 Wrapped FC Barcelona (Kayen) (WBAR) WBAR Wrapped FC Barcelona (Kayen) $ 1.99 0.4308% 4% $239.92K $11.66K 120.49K WBAR
86 Wrapped SEI (Universal) (USEI) USEI Wrapped SEI (Universal) $0.4301 6.03% 10.92% $229.47K $79.77K 537.33K USEI
87 Wrapped Manchester City (Kayen) (WCITY) WCITY Wrapped Manchester City (Kayen) $ 1.92 3.59% 2.37% $220.13K $6.25K 114.62K WCITY
88 Wrapped AC Milan (Kayen) (WACM) WACM Wrapped AC Milan (Kayen) $ 1.53 2.95% 2.78% $213.84K $21.89K 139.86K WACM
89 Osmosis allLINK (LINK) LINK Osmosis allLINK $ 25.23 7.68% 25.22% $213.41K $8.96K 8.46K LINK
90 Wrapped AS Roma (Kayen) (WASR) WASR Wrapped AS Roma (Kayen) $ 1.95 0.7430% 0.3709% $190.36K $6.36K 97.37K WASR
91 Wrapped Tottenham Hotspur (Kayen) (WSPURS) WSPURS Wrapped Tottenham Hotspur (Kayen) $ 1.15 0.2992% 3% $174.25K $7.46K 151.32K WSPURS
92 Bridged Wrapped stETH (Axelar) (AXL-WSTETH) AXL-WSTETH Bridged Wrapped stETH (Axelar) $ 4 142.68 5.08% 6.09% $163.39K $184.86K 39.36 AXL-WSTETH
93 Private Wrapped IX (PIX) PIX Private Wrapped IX $0.06285 6.79% 3% $148.38K $922.35 2.36M PIX
94 Osmosis allPEPE (PEPE) PEPE Osmosis allPEPE $0.00002052 12.21% 16.79% $135.24K $12.76K 6.59B PEPE
95 Wrapped Arsenal FC (Kayen) (WAFC) WAFC Wrapped Arsenal FC (Kayen) $0.8255 0.5258% 0.9618% $129.06K $2.56K 156.11K WAFC
96 Wrapped Inter Milan (Kayen) (WINTER) WINTER Wrapped Inter Milan (Kayen) $ 1.20 0.4405% 0.5655% $108.65K $2.97K 90.51K WINTER
97 Wrapped Bitcoin - Celer (CEWBTC) CEWBTC Wrapped Bitcoin - Celer $ 104 489.01 3.72% 9.59% $103.68K $14.00K 0.99 CEWBTC
98 Wrapped Virgin Gen-0 CryptoKittties (WVG0) WVG0 Wrapped Virgin Gen-0 CryptoKittties $ 82.09 1.64% 10% $103.68K $247.13 1.26K WVG0
99 Wrapped Aston Villa (Kayen) (WAVL) WAVL Wrapped Aston Villa (Kayen) $0.5289 2.88% 0.09223% $94.96K $1.11K 179.23K WAVL
100 Osmosis allARB (ARB) ARB Osmosis allARB $0.8298 8.84% 10.83% $94.06K $4.82K 113.35K ARB