Layer 2 (L2) Coins list by Market Cap and Volume

The market cap of Layer 2 (L2) coins combined is $ 17.46B. This is a 4% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 18% of Layer 2 (L2) coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 82% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Layer 2 (L2) coins combined is $ 878.61M. The market cap of POL makes up 15.8% of the market cap of Layer 2 (L2) coins.

Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 pol-ex-matic-pol POL POL (ex-MATIC) $0.3877 4% 2.34% $2.76B $47.48M 7.11B POL
2 stacks-stx STX Stacks $ 1.52 5% 6.50% $2.28B $35.02M 1.49B STX
3 immutable-imx IMX Immutable $ 1.27 3% 5.30% $2.05B $47.95M 1.61B IMX
4 mantle-mnt MNT Mantle $0.5543 3% 1.13% $1.81B $58.19M 3.27B MNT
5 arbitrum-arb ARB Arbitrum $0.5090 4% 0.1441% $1.78B $160.97M 3.50B ARB
6 optimism-op OP Optimism $ 1.47 7% 3.19% $1.74B $103.86M 1.19B OP
7 polygon-matic MATIC Polygon $0.3853 4% 2.45% $1.21B $6.67M 3.14B MATIC
8 starknet-strk STRK Starknet $0.3855 4% 10% $686.78M $66.34M 1.78B STRK
9 astar-astr ASTR Astar $0.05823 4% 10.68% $418.43M $16.19M 7.18B ASTR
10 zksync-zk ZK ZKsync $0.1088 5% 2.33% $400.33M $45.26M 3.68B ZK
11 aevo-aevo AEVO Aevo $0.3299 5% 0.3122% $286.43M $85.20M 871.05M AEVO
12 manta-network-manta MANTA Manta Network $0.6657 5% 1.03% $252.47M $18.36M 379.04M MANTA
13 blast-blast BLAST Blast $0.009160 3% 10.31% $183.82M $39.66M 20.07B BLAST
14 metis-metis METIS Metis $ 30.35 6% 3.83% $180.91M $8.83M 5.96M METIS
15 skale-skl SKL SKALE $0.03178 5% 5.44% $164.64M $19.23M 5.18B SKL
16 loopring-lrc LRC Loopring $0.1168 3% 2% $145.83M $13.76M 1.25B LRC
17 wrapped-ether-mantle-bridge-weth WETH Wrapped Ether (Mantle Bridge) $ 2 304.24 4% 0.1384% $143.37M $5.54M 62.17K WETH
18 aleph-zero-azero AZERO Aleph Zero $0.4065 1.24% 4.95% $134.49M $946.15K 331.06M AZERO
19 lisk-lsk LSK Lisk $0.7737 4% 0.4099% $123.90M $3.17M 159.80M LSK
20 taiko-taiko TAIKO Taiko $ 1.42 4% 7.97% $108.30M $32.47M 76.19M TAIKO
21 cartesi-ctsi CTSI Cartesi $0.1244 5% 0.7099% $103.52M $4.14M 831.09M CTSI
22 merlin-chain-merl MERL Merlin Chain $0.2642 6% 16.16% $95.49M $9.46M 360.00M MERL
23 boba-network-boba BOBA Boba Network $0.2079 0.4758% 2.23% $80.50M $1.12M 387.15M BOBA
24 gelato-gel GEL Gelato $0.1950 2% 1.22% $48.08M $89.54K 246.53M GEL
25 ethernity-chain-ern ERN Ethernity Chain $ 1.96 5% 2% $43.31M $2.15M 22.09M ERN
26 degate-dg DG DeGate $0.08946 1% 5.29% $34.64M $10.90K 387.22M DG
27 combo-combo COMBO COMBO $0.3904 3% 1.19% $27.76M $1.68M 71.05M COMBO
28 mintlayer-ml ML Mintlayer $0.1421 3% 14.50% $20.33M $2.14M 142.86M ML
29 coinweb-cweb CWEB Coinweb $0.003329 0.8987% 3.81% $17.73M $110.80K 5.30B CWEB
30 mode-mode MODE Mode $0.01146 0.8796% 2.05% $14.91M $1.79M 1.30B MODE
31 numerico-nwc NWC Numerico $0.07538 0.6314% 3.31% $12.78M $116.78K 169.47M NWC
32 hychain-topia TOPIA HYCHAIN $0.01060 4% 13% $10.14M $54.88K 955.64M TOPIA
33 zkbase-zkb ZKB ZKBase $0.03190 4.49% 3.41% $7.13M $1.18M 223.45M ZKB
34 satoshivm-savm SAVM SatoshiVM $0.9709 0.5782% 6.98% $7.12M $416.54K 7.35M SAVM
35 cult-dao-cult CULT Cult DAO $0.000001571 4% 6% $6.49M $8.80K 4.12T CULT
36 hacash-diamond-hacd HACD Hacash Diamond $ 53.21 2.97% 6.74% $5.14M $4.68K 98.09K HACD
37 bitrock-brock BROCK Bitrock $0.04418 2% 9.82% $4.42M $438.04K 100.00M BROCK
38 cyber-cyber CYBER CYBER $ 3.30 6% 4.31% $4.25M $12.56M 1.29M CYBER
39 layerai-lai LAI LayerAI $0.01258 3% 17.86% $4.00M $1.22M 318.00M LAI
40 lightlink-ll LL LightLink $0.01806 5% 6% $2.30M $379.64K 127.31M LL
41 alvey-chain-walv WALV Alvey Chain $0.01116 0.1173% 15.27% $1.30M $282.83K 116.77M WALV
42 cybria-cyba CYBA Cybria $0.0006626 1% 1% $524.48K $48.00K 791.44M CYBA
43 resistor-ai-tor TOR Resistor AI $0.00006295 5% 8% $0.00 $66.48 0.00 TOR
44 bvm-bvm BVM BVM $0.3601 7% 2% $0.00 $721.51K 0.00 BVM
45 partisia-blockchain-mpc MPC Partisia Blockchain $0.1038 0.5405% 4.34% $0.00 $143.38K 0.00 MPC
46 wrapped-bitrock-wbrock WBROCK Wrapped Bitrock $0.04410 2% 9.78% $0.00 $695.76 0.00 WBROCK
47 bitcoin-cats-1cat 1CAT Bitcoin Cats $0.001670 10% 2% $0.00 $3.82M 0.00 1CAT
48 xdai-xdai XDAI XDAI $ 1.00 0.3588% 0.2068% $0.00 $60.60K 0.00 XDAI
49 nahmii-nii NII Nahmii $0.0001543 13% 1.12% $0.00 $935.43 0.00 NII
50 zircuit-zrc ZRC Zircuit $0 0% 0% $ $ ZRC