Wallets Coins list by Market Cap and Volume

The market cap of Wallets coins combined is $ 1.46B. This is a 4% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 16% of Wallets coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 84% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Wallets coins combined is $ 57.08M. The market cap of TWT makes up 26.8% of the market cap of Wallets coins.

Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 trust-wallet-twt TWT Trust Wallet $0.9342 1% 14.46% $389.51M $18.94M 416.65M TWT
2 safepal-sfp SFP SafePal $0.7534 5% 2% $367.73M $5.26M 487.50M SFP
3 safe-safe SAFE Safe $0.6742 6% 3% $321.88M $6.07M 476.28M SAFE
4 alephium-alph ALPH Alephium $ 1.69 5% 7.96% $147.18M $1.47M 87.14M ALPH
5 coin98-c98 C98 Coin98 $0.1147 6% 3.74% $95.04M $9.27M 828.19M C98
6 bitget-wallet-token-bwb BWB Bitget Wallet Token $0.3034 6% 2.38% $40.90M $5.09M 134.92M BWB
7 coinweb-cweb CWEB Coinweb $0.003329 0.8987% 3.81% $17.73M $110.80K 5.30B CWEB
8 ime-lab-lime LIME iMe Lab $0.03480 0.3504% 12.87% $15.08M $2.96M 432.77M LIME
9 thorwallet-dex-tgt TGT THORWallet DEX $0.02180 5% 12% $12.83M $63.65K 588.02M TGT
10 ambire-wallet-wallet WALLET Ambire Wallet $0.01613 1% 2.05% $10.00M $720.32K 620.19M WALLET
11 carbon-browser-csix CSIX Carbon Browser $0.01752 3% 1.87% $6.88M $4.20M 393.51M CSIX
12 xdefi-xdefi XDEFI XDEFI $0.05062 2% 5.74% $6.66M $317.45K 131.44M XDEFI
13 catecoin-cate CATE CateCoin $0.0000001883 0.3813% 14.79% $6.49M $368.31K 34.38T CATE
14 everest-id ID Everest $0.03850 1% 10% $4.47M $48.08K 116.70M ID
15 circuits-of-value-coval COVAL Circuits of Value $0.002186 4% 3.65% $3.90M $26.18K 1.78B COVAL
16 brillion-dua DUA Brillion $0.01214 3.60% 7% $2.47M $952.19 203.82M DUA
17 giddy-giddy GIDDY Giddy $0.001510 4% 0.4501% $1.51M $5.57K 1.00B GIDDY
18 alvey-chain-walv WALV Alvey Chain $0.01116 0.1173% 15.27% $1.30M $282.83K 116.77M WALV
19 aurox-urus URUS Aurox $ 2.37 3% 4% $1.16M $2.74K 487.16K URUS
20 oneart-1art 1ART OneArt $0.004542 0.4713% 9.34% $1.02M $6.87K 224.70M 1ART
21 blockwallet-blank BLANK BlockWallet $0.01443 1% 16.24% $599.78K $39.57K 41.57M BLANK
22 creso-cre CRE Creso $0.000004157 3% 9% $0.00 $39.32K 0.00 CRE
23 dexioprotocol-dexio DEXIO Dexioprotocol $0.002360 2% 25% $0.00 $1.91K 0.00 DEXIO
24 plc-ultima-plcu PLCU PLC Ultima $ 64.53 0.01519% 0.6599% $0.00 $87.52 0.00 PLCU
25 bracelet-brc BRC Bracelet $0 0% 0% $ $ BRC