Artificial Intelligence (AI) Coins list by Market Cap and Volume

The market cap of Artificial Intelligence (AI) coins combined is $ 22.83B. This is a 5% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 16.8% of Artificial Intelligence (AI) coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 83.2% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Artificial Intelligence (AI) coins combined is $ 1.05B. The market cap of NEAR makes up 19.4% of the market cap of Artificial Intelligence (AI) coins.

Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 near-protocol-near NEAR NEAR Protocol $ 3.99 5% 5.72% $4.42B $169.19M 1.11B NEAR
2 internet-computer-icp ICP Internet Computer $ 8.20 4% 9.07% $3.86B $79.72M 470.39M ICP
3 artificial-superintelligence-alliance-fet FET Artificial Superintelligence Alliance $ 1.32 7% 19.25% $3.33B $251.33M 2.52B FET
4 bittensor-tao TAO Bittensor $ 296.75 9% 18.03% $2.19B $77.14M 7.38M TAO
5 render-render RENDER Render $ 4.89 6% 0.04730% $1.92B $215.51M 392.46M RENDER
6 the-graph-grt GRT The Graph $0.1412 5% 3.53% $1.35B $30.76M 9.55B GRT
7 akash-network-akt AKT Akash Network $ 2.42 3% 5.62% $597.69M $5.59M 247.44M AKT
8 aioz-network-aioz AIOZ AIOZ Network $0.3826 5% 2.19% $427.96M $1.09M 1.12B AIOZ
9 singularitynet-agix AGIX SingularityNET $0.5810 5% 21.49% $299.16M $744.08K 514.94M AGIX
10 golem-glm GLM Golem $0.2677 4% 1.15% $267.85M $8.03M 1.00B GLM
11 arkham-arkm ARKM Arkham $ 1.01 4% 2.24% $264.24M $34.88M 261.24M ARKM
12 origintrail-trac TRAC OriginTrail $0.5377 2% 7.29% $218.46M $947.94K 406.09M TRAC
13 qubic-qubic QUBIC Qubic $0.000001754 3% 16.30% $196.03M $936.57K 111.68T QUBIC
14 ocean-protocol-ocean OCEAN Ocean Protocol $0.5725 6% 20.13% $192.13M $772.82K 335.53M OCEAN
15 nosana-nos NOS Nosana $ 1.84 4% 6.48% $153.85M $651.29K 83.40M NOS
16 paal-ai-paal PAAL PAAL AI $0.1624 3% 8.89% $139.13M $1.88M 855.00M PAAL
17 zignaly-zig ZIG Zignaly $0.09748 5% 7.31% $138.25M $8.51M 1.42B ZIG
18 delysium-agi AGI Delysium $0.1172 5% 2.60% $129.18M $2.14M 1.10B AGI
19 basedai-basedai BASEDAI BasedAI $ 3.31 4% 7.70% $117.94M $1.54M 35.67M BASEDAI
20 0x0ai-ai-smart-contract-0x0 0X0 AI Smart Contract $0.1263 3% 18.50% $112.04M $165.71K 891.25M 0X0
21 iexec-rlc-rlc RLC iExec RLC $ 1.43 4% 1.87% $103.89M $4.06M 72.38M RLC
22 numeraire-nmr NMR Numeraire $ 13.67 7% 3.08% $100.26M $6.65M 7.33M NMR
23 marlin-pond POND Marlin $0.01231 4% 2.27% $99.58M $3.87M 8.09B POND
24 iq-iq IQ IQ $0.004731 1% 4.72% $89.46M $2.26M 18.91B IQ
25 oraichain-orai ORAI Oraichain $ 5.36 3% 3.47% $87.54M $1.22M 16.32M ORAI
26 solidus-ai-tech-aitech AITECH Solidus Ai Tech $0.08484 0.7912% 7.27% $85.05M $4.48M 1.00B AITECH
27 tokenfi-token TOKEN TokenFi $0.04813 7% 1% $78.83M $3.98M 1.64B TOKEN
28 phala-pha PHA PHALA $0.1036 5% 2% $77.82M $5.63M 750.22M PHA
29 rss3-rss3 RSS3 RSS3 $0.1113 5% 5.40% $75.18M $1.93M 674.92M RSS3
30 netmind-token-nmt NMT NetMind Token $ 1.87 4% 3.59% $74.07M $6.37M 39.65M NMT
31 chaingpt-cgpt CGPT ChainGPT $0.1207 5% 4.58% $67.57M $3.86M 559.29M CGPT
32 spectral-spec SPEC Spectral $ 5.32 5% 4% $64.06M $1.36M 12.05M SPEC
33 nodeai-gpu GPU NodeAI $0.6559 7% 7.46% $63.78M $960.28K 97.15M GPU
34 phoenix-phb PHB Phoenix $ 1.19 6% 6.21% $61.11M $7.06M 51.40M PHB
35 artificial-liquid-intelligence-ali ALI Artificial Liquid Intelligence $0.009598 1% 15.18% $59.33M $729.18K 6.18B ALI
36 limewire-lmwr LMWR LimeWire $0.2017 1.54% 4.75% $58.52M $3.99M 290.12M LMWR
37 cudos-cudos CUDOS Cudos $0.007757 4.74% 11% $56.84M $875.26K 7.32B CUDOS
38 forta-fort FORT Forta $0.1189 3% 1.26% $55.54M $363.23K 467.02M FORT
39 octaspace-octa OCTA OctaSpace $ 1.51 12% 11.48% $50.33M $616.39K 33.41M OCTA
40 sleepless-ai-ai AI Sleepless AI $0.3719 5% 0.4394% $48.37M $18.34M 130.00M AI
41 humansai-heart HEART $0.008014 6% 9.29% $44.67M $118.06K 5.58B HEART
42 triaslab-trias TRIAS TriasLab $ 4.36 2% 0.4378% $43.47M $525.15K 10.00M TRIAS
43 autonolas-olas OLAS Autonolas $0.7995 3% 17.48% $36.67M $664.81K 45.87M OLAS
44 neuralai-neural NEURAL NEURALAI $ 3.28 14.66% 2.57% $32.86M $200.01K 10.00M NEURAL
45 palm-ai-palm PALM PaLM AI $0.4131 10% 6.34% $31.93M $185.84K 77.30M PALM
46 dynex-dnx DNX Dynex $0.3218 3% 2.52% $30.68M $770.28K 95.39M DNX
47 alephim-aleph ALEPH $0.1609 4% 19.29% $30.00M $96.28K 186.43M ALEPH
48 virtuals-protocol-virtual VIRTUAL Virtuals Protocol $0.02831 5% 1% $28.35M $848.86K 1.00B VIRTUAL
49 selfkey-key KEY SelfKey $0.004630 3% 1.11% $27.80M $2.45M 6.00B KEY
50 gameswift-gswift GSWIFT GameSwift $0.06977 4% 2% $27.00M $412.05K 386.96M GSWIFT
51 numbers-protocol-num NUM Numbers Protocol $0.03954 0.04825% 6.73% $26.87M $374.11K 676.47M NUM
52 vaiot-vai VAI Vaiot $0.07699 6% 1.24% $26.45M $496.37K 343.62M VAI
53 singularitydao-sdao SDAO SingularityDAO $0.2837 4% 4.36% $25.69M $714.74K 90.50M SDAO
54 cloreai-clore CLORE $0.05648 6% 19.94% $23.29M $2.79M 412.38M CLORE
55 agoras-currency-of-tau-agrs AGRS Agoras: Currency of Tau $ 1.10 1% 1.70% $19.78M $149.49K 18.00M AGRS
56 graphlinq-chain-glq GLQ GraphLinq Chain $0.05612 6% 27.10% $19.08M $256.81K 340.00M GLQ
57 oort-oort OORT OORT $0.08924 2% 5.20% $19.07M $473.48K 213.57M OORT
58 arc-arc ARC Arc $0.01886 1% 0.6528% $18.31M $58.49K 970.09M ARC
59 atlas-navi-navi NAVI Atlas Navi $0.1128 3% 4.20% $18.23M $40.02K 161.71M NAVI
60 commune-ai-comai COMAI Commune AI $0.1511 8% 7.04% $18.22M $33.50K 120.51M COMAI
61 cere-network-cere CERE Cere Network $0.002634 1% 1% $17.46M $301.25K 6.62B CERE
62 jackal-protocol-jkl JKL Jackal Protocol $0.1540 0.1578% 5.47% $17.20M $14.20K 111.62M JKL
63 gt-protocol-gtai GTAI GT-Protocol $0.4856 0.7614% 33.92% $16.72M $6.24M 34.43M GTAI
64 vectorspace-ai-vxv VXV Vectorspace AI $0.4286 2% 19.19% $16.28M $60.46K 37.97M VXV
65 zero1-labs-deai DEAI Zero1 Labs $0.1559 7% 5.30% $15.22M $1.29M 97.56M DEAI
66 ait-protocol-ait AIT AIT Protocol $0.06345 3% 12.26% $14.75M $1.23M 232.51M AIT
67 botto-botto BOTTO Botto $0.3143 4% 2.63% $13.52M $8.56K 43.07M BOTTO
68 tars-protocol-tai TAI TARS Protocol $0.1053 4% 5% $12.59M $2.41M 119.19M TAI
69 spectre-ai-spectre SPECTRE Spectre AI $ 1.23 13% 8.39% $12.26M $29.53K 9.95M SPECTRE
70 hypergpt-hgpt HGPT HyperGPT $0.01944 3% 2% $11.35M $1.84M 583.63M HGPT
71 dexcheck-ai-dck DCK DexCheck AI $0.02630 2.87% 4.34% $11.35M $2.36M 431.39M DCK
72 lumerin-lmr LMR Lumerin $0.01702 8% 1.25% $10.30M $30.11K 604.54M LMR
73 openfabric-ai-ofn OFN Openfabric AI $0.09502 5.31% 0.2919% $10.01M $162.13K 104.96M OFN
74 matrix-ai-network-man MAN Matrix AI Network $0.01811 0.5197% 1% $8.15M $423.13K 450.14M MAN
75 altered-state-machine-asto ASTO Altered State Machine $0.009967 0.2333% 4% $8.01M $3.02M 803.25M ASTO
76 enqai-enqai ENQAI enqAI $0.007813 8.72% 7% $7.73M $77.23K 989.50M ENQAI
77 ta-da-tada TADA Ta-da $0.03378 3% 6.00% $7.63M $107.25K 225.94M TADA
78 trvl-trvl TRVL TRVL $0.02209 3% 8.50% $7.14M $183.22K 323.15M TRVL
79 dojo-protocol-doai DOAI Dojo Protocol $0.01587 18% 54% $7.04M $7.88M 443.29M DOAI
80 carbon-browser-csix CSIX Carbon Browser $0.01752 3% 1.87% $6.88M $4.20M 393.51M CSIX
81 phantasma-soul SOUL Phantasma $0.05418 2.30% 1% $6.72M $756.60K 124.13M SOUL
82 deepbrain-chain-dbc DBC DeepBrain Chain $0.002004 1% 3% $6.45M $120.46K 3.20B DBC