Metaverse Coin Prices and Market Information
The market cap of Metaverse coins combined is $ 7.15B. This is a 4% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 26.1% of Metaverse coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 73.9% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Metaverse coins combined is $ 851.30M. The market cap of RENDER makes up 30.7% of the market cap of Metaverse coins.
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The Metaverse Top 10 in terms of market capitalization and volume are ICP, STX, RENDER, FLOKI, THETA, AXS, EGLD, SAND, MANA, APE by
What is the metaverse?
Metaverse is a 3D digital universe where all individuals can create their own prototype avatar (digital twin), allowing everyone to participate in a virtual ecosystem/platform called a metaverse.
What does the metaverse have to do with crypto and blockchain?
The Metaverse provides a highly immersive experience through crypto trading, NFTs, shopping, and virtual estate transactions. Blockchain technology records information in a way that allows for easy system manipulation or cheating, making it a highly secure technique.
Are metaverse tokens a good investment?
Metaverse coins may present risk factors, including inherent risks associated with investing in them. The market is characterized by speculative activity, and prices can fluctuate widely. Investors should make sure to diversify their investment portfolio, invest only in the things you can manage to get out of control, and stay on top of the latest developments and trends in the metaverse industry.