Centralized Exchange (CEX) Token Coins list by Market Cap and Volume
The market cap of Centralized Exchange (CEX) Token coins combined is $ 124.69B. This is a 0.4828% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 50.8% of Centralized Exchange (CEX) Token coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 49.2% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Centralized Exchange (CEX) Token coins combined is $ 1.22B. The market cap of BNB makes up 74.2% of the market cap of Centralized Exchange (CEX) Token coins.
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Centralized cryptocurrency exchanges offer many tools for more efficient trading. Limit and stop orders, as well as margin and leverage trading are available on such platforms. Most assets are stored in cold wallets, which eliminates the possibility of theft since they are not connected to the internet. At the same time, only those assets stored in hot wallets are at risk. Hot wallets are designed to store funds needed to maintain the liquidity and assets of users. Therefore, it is not recommended to withdraw funds immediately after completing a transaction. By storing assets in personal wallets, the risk of theft is greatly reduced. In general, centralized exchanges are quite secure due to the multiple security protocols used. Centralized crypto exchanges, known as CEX, are online resources for trading cryptocurrencies. As the name suggests, these platforms have a centralized structure. The ranking by TokenAlphabet.com usually includes parameters such as name, trading volume in the last 24 hours, market share and number of available markets.
What is a centralized exchange (CEX)?
In the cryptocurrency industry, a CEX is an online platform that allows users with internet access to buy, sell and exchange cryptoassets. These exchanges are owned by private companies and are subject to the laws and regulations of the respective regions where they operate.
What is the difference between centralized and decentralized exchanges?
Centralized and decentralized platforms allow for cryptocurrency trading, but the way they work is different: CEX is managed by a single entity, while DEX does not require identity verification and uses smart contracts for transactions between users. DEX provides a greater level of control for traders, but is less user-friendly and has smaller trading volumes.
Principles of operation of centralized exchanges (CEX)
Centralized platforms use accounting systems to determine cryptocurrency prices, similar to traditional banks, where users typically fund their accounts and the exchange acts as a safe custodian of those funds.