Proof of Work (PoW) Coins list by Market Cap and Volume

The market cap of Proof of Work (PoW) coins combined is $ 1.20T. This is a 2% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 22.9% of Proof of Work (PoW) coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 77.1% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Proof of Work (PoW) coins combined is $ 19.84B. The market cap of BTC makes up 96.4% of the market cap of Proof of Work (PoW) coins.

Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 bitcoin-btc BTC Bitcoin $ 58 668.99 2% 7.08% $1.16T $18.89B 19.75M BTC
2 dogecoin-doge DOGE Dogecoin $0.1024 3% 6.42% $14.94B $473.01M 145.97B DOGE
3 bitcoin-cash-bch BCH Bitcoin Cash $ 314.51 4% 2.58% $6.22B $198.45M 19.76M BCH
4 litecoin-ltc LTC Litecoin $ 63.05 4% 3.66% $4.73B $228.75M 74.98M LTC
5 kaspa-kas KAS Kaspa $0.1704 4% 12.73% $4.22B $74.39M 24.71B KAS
6 monero-xmr XMR Monero $ 170.76 0.5356% 0.6622% $3.15B $46.07M 18.45M XMR
7 ethereum-classic-etc ETC Ethereum Classic $ 17.76 4% 0.9810% $2.64B $89.96M 148.76M ETC
8 bitcoin-sv-bsv BSV Bitcoin SV $ 46.24 5% 3.89% $913.69M $11.05M 19.76M BSV
9 nervos-network-ckb CKB Nervos Network $0.01705 14.50% 110.60% $769.66M $664.47M 44.94B CKB
10 ecash-xec XEC eCash $0.00003064 3% 3% $606.99M $4.90M 19.76T XEC
11 conflux-cfx CFX Conflux $0.1345 4% 3.07% $596.16M $30.28M 4.43B CFX
12 zcash-zec ZEC Zcash $ 29.23 5% 5.15% $441.79M $53.41M 15.12M ZEC
13 bitcoin-gold-btg BTG Bitcoin Gold $ 21.80 3% 4.60% $381.72M $1.69M 17.51M BTG
14 beldex-bdx BDX Beldex $0.05380 0.6856% 0.06105% $359.05M $5.08M 6.68B BDX
15 dash-dash DASH Dash $ 23.48 4% 2% $280.73M $19.97M 11.95M DASH
16 siacoin-sc SC Siacoin $0.004185 2% 0.8822% $241.70M $1.46M 57.74B SC
17 ravencoin-rvn RVN Ravencoin $0.01648 5% 3% $235.45M $6.52M 14.28B RVN
18 flux-flux FLUX Flux $0.5774 7% 0.3549% $203.86M $12.40M 353.05M FLUX
19 qubic-qubic QUBIC Qubic $0.000001754 3% 16.30% $196.03M $936.57K 111.68T QUBIC
20 decred-dcr DCR Decred $ 11.75 4% 1.87% $191.86M $1.16M 16.32M DCR
21 ethereumpow-ethw ETHW EthereumPoW $ 1.74 5% 0.4060% $187.41M $3.30M 107.82M ETHW
22 mimblewimblecoin-mwc MWC MimbleWimbleCoin $ 17.07 5% 2.21% $187.18M $20.39K 10.96M MWC
23 kadena-kda KDA Kadena $0.5129 4% 1.16% $148.38M $5.64M 289.36M KDA
24 alephium-alph ALPH Alephium $ 1.69 5% 7.96% $147.18M $1.47M 87.14M ALPH
25 horizen-zen ZEN Horizen $ 7.82 3% 4% $120.76M $4.86M 15.44M ZEN
26 digibyte-dgb DGB DigiByte $0.006513 2% 3.00% $112.44M $2.88M 17.25B DGB
27 syscoin-sys SYS Syscoin $0.1067 6% 1.00% $84.41M $15.43M 787.44M SYS
28 zano-zano ZANO Zano $ 4.90 5% 9% $70.71M $595.41K 14.42M ZANO
29 verge-xvg XVG Verge $0.003674 5% 6.39% $60.72M $2.44M 16.52B XVG
30 ergo-erg ERG Ergo $0.7012 2% 0.6807% $54.32M $391.15K 77.46M ERG
31 pirate-chain-arrr ARRR Pirate Chain $0.1779 2.96% 8.44% $34.79M $109.12K 196.21M ARRR
32 komodo-kmd KMD Komodo $0.2339 7% 1% $32.84M $703.35K 140.43M KMD
33 dynex-dnx DNX Dynex $0.3218 3% 2.52% $30.68M $770.28K 95.39M DNX
34 groestlcoin-grs GRS Groestlcoin $0.2917 1% 4.87% $25.06M $417.67K 85.91M GRS
35 iron-fish-iron IRON Iron Fish $0.4963 6.79% 15.54% $23.09M $275.70K 46.50M IRON
36 radiant-rxd RXD Radiant $0.001615 2% 2.76% $18.75M $532.57K 11.62B RXD
37 diamond-dmd DMD Diamond $ 4.77 2% 1% $18.27M $30.31K 3.83M DMD
38 hathor-htr HTR Hathor $0.03691 8% 2% $16.80M $323.56K 457.21M HTR
39 dero-dero DERO Dero $ 1.27 5% 1.18% $16.07M $17.06K 12.68M DERO
40 firo-firo FIRO Firo $ 1.11 3% 5.70% $15.64M $653.62K 14.13M FIRO
41 counterparty-xcp XCP Counterparty $ 5.75 10% 4% $14.91M $30.49 2.59M XCP
42 quantum-resistant-ledger-qrl QRL Quantum Resistant Ledger $0.1757 0.6376% 6.16% $13.78M $529.60K 78.36M QRL
43 nimiq-nim NIM Nimiq $0.001077 10% 5.33% $13.30M $137.02K 12.33B NIM
44 nexa-nexa NEXA Nexa $0.000002109 4% 6% $13.19M $211.52K 6.25T NEXA
45 bitcoin-diamond-bcd BCD Bitcoin Diamond $0.06477 3% 0.6559% $12.19M $2.06K 188.16M BCD
46 peercoin-ppc PPC Peercoin $0.3624 5% 1% $10.97M $29.94K 29.14M PPC
47 scprime-scp SCP ScPrime $0.1799 1% 34.49% $10.02M $6.10K 55.69M SCP
48 gleec-coin-gleec GLEEC Gleec Coin $0.05001 1% 3% $9.34M $424.94K 186.76M GLEEC
49 epic-cash-epic EPIC Epic Cash $0.4762 7% 37% $8.50M $1.04K 17.85M EPIC
50 matrix-ai-network-man MAN Matrix AI Network $0.01811 0.5197% 1% $8.15M $423.13K 450.14M MAN
51 goldcoin-glc GLC Goldcoin $0.006451 5.67% 16.84% $7.39M $57.64 1.15B GLC
52 handshake-hns HNS Handshake $0.01060 9% 5% $6.72M $31.24K 633.73M HNS
53 beam-beam BEAM BEAM $0.03183 0.3525% 4.58% $5.38M $91.24K 168.88M BEAM
54 blocx-blocx BLOCX BLOCX. $0.05984 0.5400% 5% $5.37M $178.98K 89.46M BLOCX
55 grin-grin GRIN Grin $0.02862 0.2577% 3.56% $5.10M $5.94K 178.32M GRIN
56 neoxa-neox NEOX Neoxa $0.0007572 7% 0.3540% $4.57M $60.80K 6.03B NEOX
57 vertcoin-vtc VTC Vertcoin $0.05490 3% 8% $3.86M $17.51K 70.27M VTC
58 bytecoin-bcn BCN Bytecoin $0.00001982 0.08544% 20.21% $3.65M $346.14 184.02B BCN
59 wownero-wow WOW Wownero $0.04048 4% 8% $3.51M $1.03K 86.70M WOW
60 electronic-gulden-efl EFL Electronic Gulden $0.1531 2% 2% $3.22M $192.84 21.00M EFL
61 litecoin-cash-lcc LCC Litecoin Cash $0.003508 3.00% 6.19% $2.82M $35.79 804.61M LCC
62 cypherium-cph CPH Cypherium $0.004901 7.95% 3.18% $2.65M $48.02K 540.68M CPH
63 safecoin-safe SAFE SafeCoin $0.05647 26% 12.72% $1.76M $10.37 31.21M SAFE
64 feathercoin-ftc FTC Feathercoin $0.005866 35% 54.30% $1.65M $7.32K 281.02M FTC
65 fedoracoin-tips TIPS Fedoracoin $0.000002417 3.74% 1% $1.47M $159.61 608.41B TIPS
66 gridcoin-grc GRC Gridcoin $0.002709 0.3360% 23% $1.24M $90.73 458.31M GRC
67 euno-euno EUNO EUNO $0.0001721 0% 233.55% $1.24M $481.70 7.18B EUNO
68 0xbitcoin-0xbtc 0XBTC 0xBitcoin $0.1120 7% 29.86% $1.21M $304.12 10.84M 0XBTC
69 solarcoin-slr SLR Solarcoin $0.01710 3% 0.3634% $1.12M $438.65 64.81M SLR
70 putincoin-put PUT PUTinCoin $0.0004974 6% 4% $1.09M $229.25 2.20B PUT
71 hnc-coin-hnc HNC HNC Coin $0.01243 5% 0.2216% $1.08M $91.75K 86.70M HNC
72 aion-aion AION Aion $0.001598 3.14% 6% $860.76K $131.37 538.46M AION
73 dingocoin-dingo DINGO Dingocoin $0.000007383 0.8238% 4% $794.43K $229.68K 107.59B DINGO
74 phoenixcoin-pxc PXC Phoenixcoin $0.008136 1% 5.83% $747.04K $21.71 91.45M PXC
75 veil-veil VEIL VEIL $0.004770 3.88% 18.53% $671.67K $376.91 140.79M VEIL
76 ycash-yec YEC Ycash $0.03993 2% 9% $618.82K $1.36K 15.49M YEC
77 omni-omni OMNI Omni $0.9977 0% 2% $616.77K $9.98 618.14K OMNI
78 bitcore-btx BTX BitCore $0.03120 1% 2% $613.35K $20.88 19.66M BTX
79 haven-xhv XHV Haven $0.007720 2% 22% $538.16K $17.70K 69.70M XHV
80 garlicoin-grlc GRLC Garlicoin $0.007732 19% 2.59% $530.17K $1.00 68.57M GRLC
81 dimecoin-dime DIME Dimecoin $0.0000008549 0.1564% 8.97% $494.02K $350.62 577.84B DIME
82 etho-protocol-etho ETHO Etho Protocol $0.006568 5% 29% $458.79K $77.94K 69.85M ETHO
83 infinitecoin-ifc IFC Infinitecoin $0.000003801 5.57% 17% $397.97K $156.94 104.74B IFC