Fiat-backed Stablecoins List by Market Cap & Price

The market cap of Fiat-backed Stablecoin coins combined is $ 229.88B. This is a 0.007620% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 40.1% of Fiat-backed Stablecoin coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 59.9% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Fiat-backed Stablecoin coins combined is $ 16.87B. The market cap of USDT makes up 62.4% of the market cap of Fiat-backed Stablecoin coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Tether (USDT) USDT Tether $0.9998 0.02135% 0.01655% $143.46B $10.28B 143.49B USDT
2 USDC (USDC) USDC USDC $0.9998 0.01302% 0.003813% $59.60B $2.13B 59.61B USDC
3 USDS (USDS) USDS USDS $ 1.00 0.03846% 0.04347% $8.02B $9.56M 8.02B USDS
4 Ethena USDe (USDE) USDE Ethena USDe $0.9998 0.06117% 0.04397% $5.39B $41.99M 5.39B USDE
5 Dai (DAI) DAI Dai $0.9999 0.01435% 0.03840% $3.22B $133.50M 3.22B DAI
6 First Digital USD (FDUSD) FDUSD First Digital USD $0.9983 0.03329% 0.002399% $2.47B $2.01B 2.48B FDUSD
7 Usual USD (USD0) USD0 Usual USD $0.9978 0.007420% 0.01485% $948.28M $16.41M 950.34M USD0
8 PayPal USD (PYUSD) PYUSD PayPal USD $ 1.00 0.01447% 0.005996% $844.59M $17.51M 844.46M PYUSD
9 Stables Labs USDX (USDX) USDX Stables Labs USDX $ 1.00 0.1881% 0.03082% $625.98M $234.34K 625.67M USDX
10 TrueUSD (TUSD) TUSD TrueUSD $0.9991 0.02009% 0.009290% $495.11M $13.18M 495.52M TUSD
11 Bridged USDC (Polygon PoS Bridge) (USDC.E) USDC.E Bridged USDC (Polygon PoS Bridge) $ 1.00 0.05997% 0.02078% $447.36M $9.30M 447.37M USDC.E
12 USDB (USDB) USDB USDB $ 1.00 0.09363% 0.1145% $406.05M $1.34M 406.05M USDB
13 Ondo US Dollar Yield (USDY) USDY Ondo US Dollar Yield $ 1.09 0.4312% 0.5281% $384.56M $198.26K 353.97M USDY
14 Frax (FRAX) FRAX Frax $0.9992 0.03933% 0.09194% $348.44M $11.03M 348.70M FRAX
15 Binance-Peg BUSD (BUSD) BUSD Binance-Peg BUSD $ 1.01 0.2121% 0.4582% $323.82M $3.06M 323.48M BUSD
16 USDD (USDD) USDD USDD $ 1.00 0.002279% 0.03802% $250.67M $4.09M 250.52M USDD
17 Elixir deUSD (DEUSD) DEUSD Elixir deUSD $0.9994 0.04041% 0.03793% $237.82M $1.85M 237.95M DEUSD
18 GHO (GHO) GHO GHO $0.9995 0.006799% 0.05758% $212.56M $5.99M 212.66M GHO
19 Ripple USD (RLUSD) RLUSD Ripple USD $ 1.00 0.07728% 0.01057% $176.67M $8.37M 176.69M RLUSD
20 Global Dollar (USDG) USDG Global Dollar $0.9997 0.02412% 0.02730% $166.87M $58.36K 166.91M USDG
21 STASIS EURO (EURS) EURS STASIS EURO $ 1.09 1.44% 0.1770% $135.30M $31.40K 124.13M EURS
22 Anzen USDz (USDZ) USDZ Anzen USDz $0.9847 0.06894% 3.66% $127.33M $123.81K 129.22M USDZ
23 CrvUSD (CRVUSD) CRVUSD crvUSD $0.9997 0.007199% 0.01957% $106.17M $11.98M 106.19M CRVUSD
24 Frax USD (FRXUSD) FRXUSD Frax USD $0.9994 0.05251% 0.1624% $96.26M $3.35M 96.32M FRXUSD
25 Falcon USD (USDF) USDF Falcon USD $0.9999 0.03982% 0.02534% $82.07M $125.16K 82.08M USDF
26 Pax Dollar (USDP) USDP Pax Dollar $ 1.00 0.02295% 0.03264% $79.26M $3.19M 79.23M USDP
27 TerraClassicUSD (USTC) USTC TerraClassicUSD $0.01302 0.8020% 5% $72.34M $5.90M 5.55B USTC
28 USDX (USDX) USDX USDX $0.6437 0.02080% 6% $71.83M $9.25K 111.57M USDX
29 Staked FRAX (SFRAX) SFRAX Staked FRAX $ 1.12 0.04440% 0.7976% $65.51M $18.78K 58.50M SFRAX
30 DOLA (DOLA) DOLA DOLA $0.9973 0.005179% 0.01140% $61.60M $1.33M 61.77M DOLA
31 BUSD (BUSD) BUSD BUSD $0.9987 0.1828% 0.08220% $57.82M $876.40 57.89M BUSD
32 Magic Internet Money (Ethereum) (MIM) MIM Magic Internet Money (Ethereum) $0.9994 0.05510% 0.04774% $55.42M $68.45K 55.61M MIM
33 Lift Dollar (USDL) USDL Lift Dollar $ 1.00 0.03477% 0.07965% $52.87M $1.21K 52.84M USDL
34 Gemini Dollar (GUSD) GUSD Gemini Dollar $ 1.00 0.04846% 0.07556% $52.38M $438.93K 52.34M GUSD
35 Liquity USD (LUSD) LUSD Liquity USD $ 1.00 0.1401% 0.08136% $48.48M $471.33K 48.40M LUSD
36 Mountain Protocol USD (USDM) USDM Mountain Protocol USD $0.9995 0.04707% 0.006679% $48.00M $234.90K 48.00M USDM
37 EUR CoinVertible (EURCV) EURCV EUR CoinVertible $ 1.09 0.0009700% 0.06316% $45.12M $271.94 41.48M EURCV
38 Reservoir rUSD (RUSD) RUSD Reservoir rUSD $0.9998 0.01344% 0.03141% $38.89M $30.28K 38.90M RUSD
39 Celo Dollar (CUSD) CUSD Celo Dollar $0.9989 0.1410% 0.2881% $35.57M $2.21M 35.55M CUSD
40 Web 3 Dollar (USD3) USD3 Web 3 Dollar $ 1.04 % 0.09885% $35.50M $6.36K 34.01M USD3
41 SUSD (SUSD) SUSD sUSD $0.9826 0.1521% 1% $28.82M $989.10K 29.33M SUSD
42 Euro Tether (EURT) EURT Euro Tether $ 1.12 3.37% 3.84% $28.41M $772.77K 25.48M EURT
43 MAI (MIMATIC) MIMATIC MAI $0.9998 0.05172% 0.03168% $27.56M $2.01K 27.56M MIMATIC
44 Electronic USD (EUSD) EUSD Electronic USD $0.9991 0.1287% 0.04993% $24.35M $1.02M 24.37M EUSD
45 XSGD (XSGD) XSGD XSGD $0.7470 0.4639% 0.5186% $23.61M $12.29M 31.60M XSGD
46 SUSD (Optimism) (SUSD) SUSD sUSD (Optimism) $0.9831 0.02676% 0.3901% $23.49M $119.68K 23.89M SUSD
47 ZUSD (ZUSD) ZUSD ZUSD $0.9982 0.2123% 0.1326% $18.47M $164.90 18.50M ZUSD
48 F(x) Protocol fxUSD (FXUSD) FXUSD f(x) Protocol fxUSD $0.9995 0.03846% 0.07713% $18.40M $1.73M 18.41M FXUSD
49 Rupiah Token (IDRT) IDRT Rupiah Token $0.00006065 0.1002% 1% $17.66M $1.92K 291.13B IDRT
50 Alchemix USD (ALUSD) ALUSD Alchemix USD $0.9864 0.2418% 0.1747% $15.51M $31.31K 15.72M ALUSD
51 DForce USD (USX) USX dForce USD $0.9993 0.02349% 0.07720% $15.44M $46.20K 15.45M USX
52 Orby Network USC Stablecoin (USC) USC Orby Network USC Stablecoin $ 1.01 0.08207% 0.7389% $15.12M $55.19K 14.99M USC
53 Staked Frax USD (SFRXUSD) SFRXUSD Staked Frax USD $ 1.12 0.07900% 0.2204% $13.76M $87.05K 12.27M SFRXUSD
54 AUSD (AUSD) AUSD AUSD $0.9990 0.05056% 0.08125% $13.32M $2.50M 13.34M AUSD
55 YUSD Stablecoin (YUSD) YUSD YUSD Stablecoin $0.9921 0.008210% 0.008728% $11.77M $6.16 11.86M YUSD
56 FlexUSD (FLEXUSD) FLEXUSD flexUSD $0.07029 % 2% $11.69M $2.50 166.35M FLEXUSD
57 (MONEY) MONEY $0.9954 0.09188% 0.009425% $10.27M $36.91K 10.32M MONEY
58 GYEN (GYEN) GYEN GYEN $0.006663 1.46% 4.62% $10.00M $1.52K 1.50B GYEN
59 BiLira (TRYB) TRYB BiLira $0.02558 50.14% 3% $9.61M $26.45 375.47M TRYB
60 Bitcoin USD (BTCFi) (BTCUSD) BTCUSD Bitcoin USD (BTCFi) $ 1.00 0.3472% 1.21% $8.52M $23.92K 8.51M BTCUSD
61 Pinto (PINTO) PINTO Pinto $0.7575 0.7035% 15% $8.43M $211.55K 11.13M PINTO
62 Origin Dollar (OUSD) OUSD Origin Dollar $0.9960 0.06510% 0.08636% $7.51M $38.34K 7.54M OUSD
63 Quantoz USDQ (USDQ) USDQ Quantoz USDQ $0.9994 0.04852% 0.009732% $7.18M $113.96K 7.18M USDQ
64 StablR USD (USDR) USDR StablR USD $0.9986 0.2389% 0.1508% $6.34M $32.09K 6.35M USDR
65 Worldwide USD (WUSD) WUSD Worldwide USD $0.9998 0.01244% 0.01496% $6.30M $807.44K 6.30M WUSD
66 HUSD (HUSD) HUSD HUSD $0.02579 % 3.46% $4.85M $1.17 187.82M HUSD
67 Vai (VAI) VAI Vai $0.9972 0.1558% 0.1716% $4.55M $1.76K 4.56M VAI
68 Move Dollar (MOD) MOD Move Dollar $0.9968 0.03352% 0.1384% $4.34M $412.59K 4.35M MOD
69 High Yield USD (Base) (HYUSD) HYUSD High Yield USD (Base) $ 1.08 0.1353% 0.2846% $4.10M $62.86K 3.79M HYUSD
70 Djed (DJED) DJED Djed $0.9966 0.2386% 0.8918% $4.02M $48.36K 4.02M DJED
71 VNX EURO (VEUR) VEUR VNX EURO $ 1.08 0.1798% 0.2868% $3.62M $81.10K 3.34M VEUR
72 Glo Dollar (USDGLO) USDGLO Glo Dollar $ 1.00 0.1096% 0.1500% $3.33M $5.50K 3.33M USDGLO
73 Fei USD (FEI) FEI Fei USD $ 1.00 0.01603% 0.09109% $3.20M $355.78 3.20M FEI
74 MStable USD (MUSD) MUSD mStable USD $ 1.00 0.1217% 0.1746% $2.88M $14.59K 2.88M MUSD
75 CNH Tether (CNHT) CNHT CNH Tether $0.1379 % 0% $2.83M $45.79 20.50M CNHT
76 Meta USD (MUSD) MUSD Meta USD $0.9990 0.1185% 0.04787% $2.76M $64.99K 2.76M MUSD
77 DTRINITY USD (DUSD) DUSD dTRINITY USD $ 1.00 0.1328% 0.6581% $1.60M $67.97K 1.60M DUSD
78 Gains Network USDC (Base) (GUSDC) GUSDC Gains Network USDC (Base) $ 1.02 % 0% $1.45M $4.00 1.78M GUSDC
79 Convertible JPY Token (CJPY) CJPY Convertible JPY Token $0.005731 0.08121% 0.3946% $1.22M $1.75K 212.62M CJPY
80 Sperax USD (USDS) USDS Sperax USD $0.9991 0.4381% 0.04111% $1.14M $42.35K 1.14M USDS
81 Klaytn Dai (KDAI) KDAI Klaytn Dai $0.08825 0.02980% 1.30% $923.87K $5.80 10.47M KDAI
82 Chain-key USDT (CKUSDT) CKUSDT Chain-key USDT $0.9950 0.2509% 0.8033% $866.23K $3.25K 868.55K CKUSDT
83 EUROe Stablecoin (EUROE) EUROE EUROe Stablecoin $ 1.09 0.0005699% 3.02% $666.68K $5.32K 612.25K EUROE
84 Prisma mkUSD (MKUSD) MKUSD Prisma mkUSD $ 1.00 0.1676% 0.06340% $506.48K $31.42K 504.84K MKUSD
85 KRWO (KRWO) KRWO KRWO $0.0006750 0.2833% 0.6565% $494.94K $100.52K 732.72M KRWO
86 BOB (BOB) BOB BOB $ 1.00 0.03538% 0.2051% $341.91K $326.47 341.60K BOB
87 Verified USD (USDV) USDV Verified USD $0.5238 13.88% 34% $317.13K $15.19 605.57K USDV
88 Opus CASH (CASH) CASH Opus CASH $0.9910 0.2251% 0.4516% $313.88K $4.26K 316.73K CASH
89 TOR (TOR) TOR TOR $0.01812 0.3112% 33.53% $309.36K $150.18 17.07M TOR
90 Zasset zUSD (ZUSD) ZUSD Zasset zUSD $0.6149 0.5012% 10% $291.07K $64.12 473.33K ZUSD
91 KNOX Dollar (KNOX) KNOX KNOX Dollar $ 1.05 0.08953% 0.06726% $277.09K $12.03K 264.91K KNOX
92 Novatti Australian Digital Dollar (AUDD) AUDD Novatti Australian Digital Dollar $0.6289 0.2460% 0.1184% $142.94K $113.12 227.27K AUDD
93 Sumer.Money suUSD (SUUSD) SUUSD Sumer.Money suUSD $0.9819 1% 0.03262% $138.36K $235.67 140.90K SUUSD
94 XIDR (XIDR) XIDR XIDR $0.00005908 % 0.5912% $124.89K $1.38 2.11B XIDR
95 Autonomous Secure Dollar (USSD) USSD Autonomous Secure Dollar $0.9949 0.2353% 0.2466% $121.48K $331.08 122.07K USSD
96 USD (DUSD) DUSD USD $0.9997 % 0.02189% $107.50K $7.56 107.53K DUSD
97 USD3 (USD3) USD3 USD3 $ 1.00 0.08687% 0.1188% $100.09K $548.65K 100.00K USD3
98 Coin98 Dollar (CUSD) CUSD Coin98 Dollar $0.8142 0% 0% $37.06K $62.55 45.52K CUSD
99 USC (USC) USC USC $ 1.01 % 1.84% $23.12K $21.37 22.95K USC
100 Vesta Stable (VST) VST Vesta Stable $0.9988 0.01811% 0.01919% $1.12K $2.80 1.12K VST

The leading FIAT-BACKED STABLECOIN sector ranked by market cap

The FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS sector has emerged as a cornerstone of the cryptocurrency market, maintaining stability through reserves of traditional currencies like the US dollar. Ranked by market cap, leaders such as Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), and Binance USD (BUSD) dominate the space. These tokens provide a consistent crypto prices today live experience, essential for trading and DeFi applications.

Their appeal lies in offering predictable value and facilitating seamless transfers on crypto currency prices live platforms. With transparency and liquidity at their core, FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS continue to shape the future of digital finance.

What are FIAT-BACKED STABLECOIN tokens and how do they work?

FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS tokens are digital assets tied to traditional fiat currencies, such as the US dollar, to maintain a stable value. Their definition lies in their ability to reduce volatility, a common feature of cryptocurrencies. These tokens are backed by reserves held in fiat, ensuring their peg remains consistent even during market fluctuations.

They work by allowing users to transact seamlessly on exchanges and track crypto prices live without exposure to erratic price changes. With predictable fiyat and often free or low transaction fees, FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS tokens are essential for trading, payments, and DeFi applications.

What drives the widespread popularity of FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS?

The widespread popularity of the FIAT-BACKED STABLECOIN token stems from its ability to offer stability in the volatile world of cryptocurrency. These tokens are pegged to traditional fiat currencies, maintaining their value with minimal deviation from their $1 benchmark. Unlike other digital assets, they rarely experience historical high or historical low fluctuations, making them a reliable choice for traders and investors alike.

Their appeal is further driven by their integration across major platforms and exchanges, enabling seamless transfers and payments. By providing a stable anchor within a dynamic market, the FIAT-BACKED STABLECOIN token has become essential for trading, hedging risks, and engaging in decentralized finance (DeFi).

Why choose FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS - key benefits explained

The growing FIAT-BACKED STABLECOIN market cap reflects their critical role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. These digital assets, tied to fiat currencies like the US dollar, offer a stable value in a market known for volatility. The appeal lies in their simplicity, transparency, and ability to act as a bridge between traditional and digital finance. Understanding how does it work reveals that these tokens are backed by reserves of fiat currency or equivalent assets, ensuring their stability even during market fluctuations.

Reasons for their widespread popularity include:

  • Maintains predictable live crypto prices for trading and investments.
  • Easy how to buy it on major exchanges, with various use cases.
  • High market cap ensures availability and reliability for users.
  • Supports payments, savings, and participation in DeFi.

Users can also explore how to earn by leveraging these tokens in decentralized finance platforms or discover how to cash out easily to fiat currencies. Since their launch date, FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS have provided stability and usability, making them indispensable in both crypto and traditional markets.

Understanding the drawbacks of using FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS

The FIAT-BACKED STABLECOIN crypto has gained widespread use for its stability, but it is not without drawbacks. While these tokens maintain a stable maximum price by being pegged to fiat currencies, their dependence on centralized entities and reserves raises concerns about transparency and trust. Questions about reserve audits and regulatory compliance, often highlighted in news today, can impact their reliability and broader adoption.

One key issue is their centralized nature, which contrasts with the decentralized ethos of cryptocurrency. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, these tokens do not rely on mining, making them susceptible to oversight and control by issuing organizations. Furthermore, large market cap doesn’t always guarantee liquidity in moments of high demand or financial stress, which can hinder accessibility and usability.

Another challenge lies in their limited earning potential. While useful for payment and stability, they lack the growth opportunities inherent in more volatile assets. Understanding the meaning and risks of FIAT-BACKED STABLECOIN crypto is vital for users seeking balanced and secure financial strategies.

Top cryptocurrency platforms supporting FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS

Top cryptocurrency platforms supporting FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS play a vital role in ensuring accessibility and usability of these tokens. These platforms integrate stablecoins like USDT, USDC, and BUSD, offering seamless transactions, trading, and liquidity across global markets. Their widespread adoption underscores their performance as reliable tools for bridging volatile digital assets and stable fiat currencies.

Platforms such as Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken stand for reliability and ease of use. Binance provides deep liquidity and low fees, making it a popular choice to buy and trade stablecoins. Coinbase ensures a user-friendly interface with secure wallet options, ideal for beginners. Kraken emphasizes transparency and advanced trading features, appealing to seasoned investors seeking stablecoin solutions.

With predictable today price and consistent value, these stablecoins are featured prominently on the website of leading exchanges, ensuring accessibility for global users. The integration of FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS on these platforms reflects their indispensable role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


FIAT-BACKED STABLECOIN tokens were founded by blockchain-focused organizations or financial entities aiming to merge the stability of fiat currencies with the benefits of cryptocurrency technology.

FIAT-BACKED STABLECOIN price maintain a 1:1 peg with fiat currencies, offering price stability, ease of transactions, and real-time crypto prices live without the volatility of other cryptocurrencies.

FIAT-BACKED STABLECOINS are supported by full reserves equivalent to their total supply, held in fiat currencies, bank deposits, or liquid assets as per issuer policies.

The circulating supply fluctuates and can be verified via crypto market calculators or live data from crypto exchanges and the issuers' official websites.

Investors should evaluate risks like reserve transparency, regulatory changes, and reliance on the issuer's ability to maintain full fiat reserves.

The development was initiated by fintech innovators and blockchain developers to address volatility in the cryptocurrency space while ensuring stability for payments and investments.