USD Stablecoins List by Market Cap & Price

The market cap of USD Stablecoin coins combined is $ 225.13B. This is a 0.06749% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 45.8% of USD Stablecoin coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 54.2% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of USD Stablecoin coins combined is $ 46.70B. The market cap of USDT makes up 63% of the market cap of USD Stablecoin coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Tether (USDT) USDT Tether $ 1.00 0.02647% 0.006250% $141.80B $34.60B 141.78B USDT
2 USDC (USDC) USDC USDC $0.9998 0.008049% 0.001122% $56.20B $8.32B 56.21B USDC
3 USDS (USDS) USDS USDS $0.9989 0.1062% 0.1283% $8.68B $17.19M 8.68B USDS
4 Ethena USDe (USDE) USDE Ethena USDe $ 1.00 0.05818% 0.09365% $6.05B $98.29M 6.05B USDE
5 Dai (DAI) DAI Dai $0.9995 0.03719% 0.05654% $3.51B $246.82M 3.51B DAI
6 First Digital USD (FDUSD) FDUSD First Digital USD $ 1.00 0.1341% 0.05554% $2.04B $6.24B 2.05B FDUSD
7 Usual USD (USD0) USD0 Usual USD $0.9975 0.003129% 0.03461% $1.11B $15.86M 1.11B USD0
8 PayPal USD (PYUSD) PYUSD PayPal USD $ 1.00 0.02990% 0.04067% $691.16M $54.90M 691.12M PYUSD
9 USDX (USDX) USDX USDX $0.9989 0.04499% 0.08930% $624.64M $104.13K 624.83M USDX
10 Frax (FRAX) FRAX Frax $0.9971 0.01512% 0.003276% $524.45M $9.20M 526.14M FRAX
11 TrueUSD (TUSD) TUSD TrueUSD $0.9980 0.1057% 0.04535% $494.55M $33.92M 495.52M TUSD
12 Bridged USDC (Polygon PoS Bridge) (USDC.E) USDC.E Bridged USDC (Polygon PoS Bridge) $0.9998 0.06823% 0.04029% $441.79M $32.76M 441.71M USDC.E
13 USDB (USDB) USDB USDB $0.9875 0.9570% 1% $401.19M $4.41M 406.05M USDB
14 Binance-Peg BUSD (BUSD) BUSD Binance-Peg BUSD $ 1.01 0.5495% 0.7936% $327.14M $11.27M 323.48M BUSD
15 Elixir deUSD (DEUSD) DEUSD Elixir deUSD $ 1.00 0.0006800% 0.1719% $272.29M $2.40M 272.27M DEUSD
16 GHO (GHO) GHO GHO $0.9999 0.09180% 0.1799% $202.53M $11.08M 202.63M GHO
17 USDD (USDD) USDD USDD $ 1.00 0.03223% 0.01365% $174.40M $5.87M 174.28M USDD
18 Global Dollar (USDG) USDG Global Dollar $0.9998 0.03221% 0.001150% $107.46M $24.80K 107.48M USDG
19 TerraClassicUSD (USTC) USTC TerraClassicUSD $0.01750 1% 4% $97.24M $9.62M 5.56B USTC
20 Pax Dollar (USDP) USDP Pax Dollar $ 1.00 0.07718% 0.02637% $80.27M $4.45M 80.25M USDP
21 USDX (USDX) USDX USDX $0.6831 0.5530% 4.53% $76.22M $142.90K 111.57M USDX
22 CrvUSD (CRVUSD) CRVUSD crvUSD $0.9998 0.02484% 0.2119% $72.49M $13.21M 72.50M CRVUSD
23 Staked FRAX (SFRAX) SFRAX Staked FRAX $ 1.10 0.4753% 0.8541% $72.08M $124.25 65.25M SFRAX
24 Lift Dollar (USDL) USDL Lift Dollar $ 1.00 0.1614% 0.01657% $68.82M $6.41M 68.74M USDL
25 BUSD (BUSD) BUSD BUSD $0.9989 0.4366% 0.1358% $60.34M $3.52K 60.49M BUSD
26 Liquity USD (LUSD) LUSD Liquity USD $0.9982 0.01319% 0.2717% $57.10M $1.19M 57.15M LUSD
27 Gemini Dollar (GUSD) GUSD Gemini Dollar $ 1.00 0.2073% 0.1414% $56.61M $1.46M 56.55M GUSD
28 DOLA (DOLA) DOLA DOLA $0.9948 0.05172% 0.008754% $56.56M $1.92M 56.86M DOLA
29 Magic Internet Money (Ethereum) (MIM) MIM Magic Internet Money (Ethereum) $0.9995 0.06253% 0.1857% $55.42M $298.62K 55.61M MIM
30 F(x) Protocol fxUSD (FXUSD) FXUSD f(x) Protocol fxUSD $0.9988 0.04309% 0.2202% $41.14M $7.54M 41.20M FXUSD
31 Reservoir rUSD (RUSD) RUSD Reservoir rUSD $0.9995 0.06325% 0.1973% $38.89M $9.66K 38.90M RUSD
32 Web 3 Dollar (USD3) USD3 Web 3 Dollar $ 1.04 0.06807% 0.3713% $35.84M $30.76K 34.36M USD3
33 Celo Dollar (CUSD) CUSD Celo Dollar $0.9979 0.3592% 0.3801% $35.48M $6.38M 35.55M CUSD
34 SUSD (Optimism) (SUSD) SUSD sUSD (Optimism) $0.9747 0.3899% 0.2954% $29.54M $659.94K 30.32M SUSD
35 MAI (MIMATIC) MIMATIC MAI $0.9995 0.03617% 0.1577% $27.56M $7.33K 27.56M MIMATIC
36 Electronic USD (EUSD) EUSD Electronic USD $0.9982 0.02096% 0.2282% $25.65M $1.11M 25.71M EUSD
37 SUSD (SUSD) SUSD sUSD $0.9798 0.3705% 0.8716% $18.56M $458.72K 18.94M SUSD
38 ZUSD (ZUSD) ZUSD ZUSD $0.9964 % 0.2140% $18.44M $10.16 18.50M ZUSD
39 Orby Network USC Stablecoin (USC) USC Orby Network USC Stablecoin $ 1.01 0.7014% 0.6308% $18.39M $191.49K 18.33M USC
40 DForce USD (USX) USX dForce USD $0.9961 1.32% 0.5040% $15.66M $55.56K 15.72M USX
41 Alchemix USD (ALUSD) ALUSD Alchemix USD $0.9873 0.09625% 0.2140% $15.36M $170.51K 15.56M ALUSD
42 AUSD (AUSD) AUSD AUSD $0.9999 0.04037% 0.03131% $13.83M $5.01M 13.83M AUSD
43 Pinto (PINTO) PINTO Pinto $0.9517 0.6030% 2% $12.18M $384.25K 12.79M PINTO
44 YUSD Stablecoin (YUSD) YUSD YUSD Stablecoin $0.9905 0.02316% 0.06903% $11.76M $14.57 11.86M YUSD
45 FlexUSD (FLEXUSD) FLEXUSD flexUSD $0.06938 0.3030% 0.1699% $11.54M $1.88 166.35M FLEXUSD
46 (MONEY) MONEY $0.9966 0.1945% 0.01871% $10.60M $79.72K 10.63M MONEY
47 Origin Dollar (OUSD) OUSD Origin Dollar $0.9973 0.02893% 0.1733% $9.53M $52.25K 9.55M OUSD
48 Worldwide USD (WUSD) WUSD Worldwide USD $ 1.00 0.01064% 0.0002257% $9.35M $2.96M 9.35M WUSD
49 Bitcoin USD (BTCFi) (BTCUSD) BTCUSD Bitcoin USD (BTCFi) $ 1.02 4.74% 1.86% $8.69M $46.24K 8.51M BTCUSD
50 Move Dollar (MOD) MOD Move Dollar $ 1.00 0.1836% 0.03380% $7.86M $792.23K 7.86M MOD
51 StablR USD (USDR) USDR StablR USD $0.9990 0.2344% 0.002278% $7.59M $207.20K 7.60M USDR
52 Quantoz USDQ (USDQ) USDQ Quantoz USDQ $0.9996 0.1404% 0.1664% $7.00M $826.72K 7.00M USDQ
53 Staked Frax USD (SFRXUSD) SFRXUSD Staked Frax USD $ 1.11 0.1886% % $5.34M $26.93K 4.80M SFRXUSD
54 Hermetica USDh (USDH) USDH Hermetica USDh $ 1.00 0.4831% 0.03239% $4.84M $216.08 4.82M USDH
55 HUSD (HUSD) HUSD HUSD $0.02536 1% 5% $4.76M $2.35 187.82M HUSD
56 Fei USD (FEI) FEI Fei USD $0.9888 1% 1% $4.69M $6.92K 4.74M FEI
57 Vai (VAI) VAI Vai $ 1.00 0.1402% 0.2059% $4.56M $9.82K 4.56M VAI
58 High Yield USD (Base) (HYUSD) HYUSD High Yield USD (Base) $ 1.08 0.01318% 0.06472% $4.41M $185.42K 4.09M HYUSD
59 Djed (DJED) DJED Djed $ 1.00 0.5885% 0.9598% $4.03M $68.02K 4.02M DJED
60 MStable USD (MUSD) MUSD mStable USD $ 1.00 0.6854% 0.4002% $2.96M $67.16 2.96M MUSD
61 Meta USD (MUSD) MUSD Meta USD $0.9990 0.6893% 0.5696% $2.60M $447.83K 2.60M MUSD
62 Virtual USD (VUSD) VUSD Virtual USD $0.6554 % 0% $2.34M $1.31K 3.58M VUSD
63 DTRINITY USD (DUSD) DUSD dTRINITY USD $0.9927 0.01179% 0.5744% $1.59M $48.19K 1.60M DUSD
64 Gains Network USDC (Base) (GUSDC) GUSDC Gains Network USDC (Base) $ 1.02 % 0% $1.45M $4.00 2.54M GUSDC
65 Sperax USD (USDS) USDS Sperax USD $ 1.00 0.3269% 0.07752% $1.14M $807.46K 1.14M USDS
66 Klaytn Dai (KDAI) KDAI Klaytn Dai $0.1027 2.75% 2.27% $1.10M $20.89 10.69M KDAI
67 Chain-key USDT (CKUSDT) CKUSDT Chain-key USDT $ 1.01 0.8677% 0.3448% $874.70K $5.10K 868.55K CKUSDT
68 Prisma mkUSD (MKUSD) MKUSD Prisma mkUSD $0.9959 0.5693% 0.6582% $555.98K $34.80K 558.50K MKUSD
69 Zasset zUSD (ZUSD) ZUSD Zasset zUSD $0.7662 2% 8% $361.97K $54.69 473.33K ZUSD
70 BOB (BOB) BOB BOB $0.9996 0.009790% 0.03201% $341.47K $2.03K 341.60K BOB
71 Opus CASH (CASH) CASH Opus CASH $0.9962 0.1610% 0.3109% $319.38K $12.80K 320.43K CASH
72 KNOX Dollar (KNOX) KNOX KNOX Dollar $ 1.04 % 0.04001% $248.85K $2.00K 238.46K KNOX
73 Verified USD (USDV) USDV Verified USD $0.3143 212.36% 36% $190.35K $192.28 605.57K USDV
74 Sumer.Money suUSD (SUUSD) SUUSD Sumer.Money suUSD $0.9792 1% 0.01657% $157.65K $2.43K 160.99K SUUSD
75 Autonomous Secure Dollar (USSD) USSD Autonomous Secure Dollar $0.9982 0.1501% 0.1015% $121.85K $74.23 122.07K USSD
76 TOR (TOR) TOR TOR $0.006652 57% 4.64% $113.73K $14.96 17.07M TOR
77 USD (DUSD) DUSD USD $0.9964 0.3652% 0.6257% $111.00K $907.35 111.39K DUSD
78 USD3 (USD3) USD3 USD3 $ 1.00 0.1462% 0.1107% $100.11K $646.73K 100.00K USD3
79 Coin98 Dollar (CUSD) CUSD Coin98 Dollar $ 1.15 1.04% 1.67% $52.48K $88.58 45.52K CUSD
80 USC (USC) USC USC $ 1.00 1% 0.2219% $36.44K $21.74 36.39K USC
81 Dackie USD (DCKUSD) DCKUSD Dackie USD $0.9928 % 0% $15.69K $374.01 11.86K DCKUSD
82 Vesta Stable (VST) VST Vesta Stable $0.9995 0.02614% 0.3115% $1.12K $7.49K 1.12K VST
83 Wrapped USDR (WUSDR) WUSDR Wrapped USDR $0.2926 0.04061% 9% $0.00 $1.90 0.00 WUSDR
84 Vyvo US Dollar (USDV) USDV Vyvo US Dollar $0.9972 0.06464% 0.01576% $0.00 $6.98 0.00 USDV
85 Wrapped USTC (USTC) USTC Wrapped USTC $0.01746 1% 5% $0.00 $15.61K 0.00 USTC
86 XDAI (XDAI) XDAI XDAI $0.9938 0.2049% 0.8461% $0.00 $45.88K 0.00 XDAI
87 Kolibri USD (KUSD) KUSD Kolibri USD $0.9162 0.3630% 0.2623% $0.00 $8.20 0.00 KUSD
88 Ambit USD (AUSD) AUSD Ambit USD $ 1.04 0.3680% 0.5278% $0.00 $51.14 0.00 AUSD
89 USDtez (USDTZ) USDTZ USDtez $0.8530 103.32% 2.66% $0.00 $4.48 0.00 USDTZ
90 Balancer Stable USD (STABAL3) STABAL3 Balancer Stable USD $ 1.02 0.06496% 0.3412% $0.00 $2.38K 0.00 STABAL3
91 Bean (BEAN) BEAN Bean $0.3408 0.1321% 2.40% $0.00 $1.12K 0.00 BEAN
92 ULTRA (ULTRA) ULTRA ULTRA $ 1.01 % 0% $0.00 $99.83 0.00 ULTRA
93 Token Teknoloji A.Ş. USD (USDOT) USDOT Token Teknoloji A.Ş. USD $0.9977 0.4054% 0.2035% $0.00 $4.33K 0.00 USDOT
94 USD+ (Base) (USD+) USD+ USD+ (Base) $ 1.00 0.1117% 0.06413% $0.00 $5.90M 0.00 USD+
95 F(x) rUSD (RUSD) RUSD f(x) rUSD $0.9994 0.08136% 0.3217% $0.00 $3.67K 0.00 RUSD
96 LP-sCurve (SCURVE) SCURVE LP-sCurve $ 1.07 0.0006999% 0.002597% $0.00 $0.00 0.00 SCURVE
97 Iron (IRON) IRON Iron $0.0001408 % 0.5537% $0.00 $10.71 0.00 IRON
98 XDollar Stablecoin (XUSD) XUSD xDollar Stablecoin $ 1.05 0.2447% 0.2868% $0.00 $1.11 0.00 XUSD
99 Zunami USD (ZUNUSD) ZUNUSD Zunami USD $0.9069 3% 0.6018% $0.00 $6.12K 0.00 ZUNUSD
100 ZAI Stablecoin (ZAI) ZAI ZAI Stablecoin $ 1.00 1% 0.006491% $0.00 $315.86 0.00 ZAI

The most popular USD STABLECOINS ranked by market cap

The USD STABLECOINS market has become a cornerstone of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, offering stability in a highly volatile market. These digital assets, often pegged to the US dollar, have gained prominence due to their role in facilitating payment solutions, exchanges, and decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. Ranked by market cap, the leading USD STABLECOIN tokens include USDT (Tether), USDC (USD Coin), and BUSD (Binance USD), each known for their performance and liquidity on global exchanges.

Tether (USDT), the pioneer, holds the largest market cap due to its early launch date and widespread adoption for crypto prices today live. USD Coin (USDC), issued by Circle, is praised for its transparency, audited reserves, and compliance with regulatory standards. Binance USD (BUSD) stands out for its seamless integration with the Binance platform and its consistent today price aligned with $1.

Users often seek how to buy it on popular platforms or how to cash out to fiat currencies. The meaning of USD STABLECOINS is rooted in their utility as a bridge between fiat and cryptocurrency, ensuring ease of transfer and hedging against volatility. With their historical high adoption rates and minimal historical low price deviations, they are a preferred choice for traders and institutions. Additionally, features like wallet compatibility, free transfer options, and a transparent website amplify their appeal in the current crypto prices live landscape.

What defines a USD STABLECOIN token?

A USD STABLECOIN token is a digital asset designed to maintain a stable value, typically pegged to the US dollar, making it a cornerstone in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Its definition lies in its role as a bridge between volatile crypto markets and fiat currencies, ensuring consistent performance in terms of today price and utility across platforms.

Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, a USD STABLECOIN crypto does not rely on mining for issuance. Instead, it is often backed by reserves of fiat currency or equivalent assets, ensuring it holds a steady value. Prominent examples include Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), and Binance USD (BUSD), each with distinct launch dates and operational mechanisms.

For users, the meaning of these tokens extends to their usability. They simplify payment transactions, enable access to DeFi platforms, and provide liquidity for trading. Knowing how to earn or how to cash out is crucial for maximizing their utility, often supported by secure wallet options and transparent websites.

The popularity of USD STABLECOIN tokens stems from their ability to offer predictability in live crypto prices, standing as a reliable asset during market fluctuations. Their role in news today and evolving regulatory landscapes further highlights their significance in modern financial systems.

The reasons why USD STABLECOINS have become so popular

USD STABLECOINS have surged in popularity due to their ability to combine the stability of fiat currencies with the advantages of cryptocurrency. These digital assets are pegged to the US dollar, ensuring a consistent today price that shields users from market volatility. The meaning of USD STABLECOINS lies in their role as a secure medium for transactions, investments, and trading.

Key reasons for their rise include:

  • Stability. Fixed maximum price aligned with $1, making them ideal for hedging.
  • Accessibility. Easy to buy and store in secure wallet options.
  • Utility. Widely accepted for payment and as collateral in DeFi platforms.
  • Transparency. Backed by reserves and governed by clear frameworks visible on their website.

With a growing market cap and regular updates in news today, USD STABLECOINS provide a reliable alternative for those avoiding the risks of traditional crypto. Their seamless performance and non-reliance on mining make them a vital tool for both novice and seasoned users.

The main benefits of USD STABLECOINS explained

The USD STABLECOIN market cap has grown significantly, underscoring their essential role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. These tokens, pegged to the US dollar, offer a stable value while bridging the gap between volatile digital assets and fiat currencies. Their widespread use across exchanges and live crypto prices platforms makes them indispensable for traders and investors.

Key benefits include:

  • Liquidity. High market cap ensures availability on major exchanges.
  • Versatility. Useful for payment, savings, and as collateral in DeFi.

Understanding how does it work reveals their simple yet effective mechanism, which ensures minimal historical high or historical low price fluctuations. With transparency highlighted on their website, USD STABLECOINS remain a trusted choice for secure and efficient digital transactions.

Exploring the potential risks of USD STABLECOINS

The USD STABLECOIN price, while designed to maintain stability, is not immune to potential risks. These tokens, pegged to the US dollar, face challenges that could affect their value and performance in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. A primary concern is the transparency of reserves; doubts about whether these digital assets are fully backed can undermine trust and reliability.

Regulatory uncertainty also looms large, with news today frequently spotlighting legal and compliance challenges. Changes in legislation or enforcement could disrupt operations, impacting their market cap and current crypto prices live. Additionally, liquidity risks arise during periods of high demand or market stress, where access to tokens may be limited despite their broad availability on exchanges.

Another factor is the reliance on centralized entities or smart contracts, which can introduce systemic vulnerabilities. Understanding how does it work, along with safe practices like secure wallet usage, is crucial for users navigating these risks. While USD STABLECOINS aim for a consistent today price, awareness of these challenges is vital for informed participation.

Leading cryptocurrencies that integrate USD STABLECOINS

USD STABLECOINS have become integral to leading cryptocurrency platforms, enhancing liquidity and stability in volatile markets. Blockchain ecosystems like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana prominently integrate these tokens for diverse applications. Their use in crypto currency prices live tracking and DeFi protocols demonstrates their performance and utility in modern finance.

These platforms enable users to leverage how to earn strategies, make payment transfers, and maintain predictable value. With a focus on seamless integration, secure wallet options, and low fiyat volatility, USD STABLECOINS are essential for maintaining stable live crypto prices. Their widespread adoption underscores their role in advancing global financial systems.


USD STABLECOIN tokens were created by financial institutions or organizations specializing in blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, with the goal of providing a stable payment mechanism tied to fiat currencies like the US dollar. Specific issuers may vary (e.g., Tether, Circle).

USD STABLECOINS are pegged to the value of the US dollar, aiming for price stability, unlike most cryptocurrencies that are volatile. Their value is backed by reserves like cash or equivalents, making them suitable for payments, trading, and as a store of value.

Each USD STABLECOIN is typically backed by $1 in reserves, which may include cash, treasuries, or other liquid assets, depending on the issuer. Reserves are often subject to audits to ensure transparency.

The number of USD STABLECOINS in circulation changes daily, influenced by demand and redemption. As of today, you can check live crypto prices or visit the official websites of issuers for accurate numbers.

USD STABLECOINS are considered low-risk compared to volatile cryptocurrencies due to their pegged value. However, risks like regulation, reserve management, and platform reliability exist. Research their performance and market cap before investing.

USD STABLECOIN tokens can be bought on major cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken. They are also available through wallet apps or peer-to-peer platforms.