Liquid Staking Tokens Coins list by Market Cap and Volume

The market cap of Liquid Staking Tokens coins combined is $ 33.16B. This is a 0.7462% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 50% of Liquid Staking Tokens coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 50% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Liquid Staking Tokens coins combined is $ 131.52M. The market cap of STETH makes up 55.9% of the market cap of Liquid Staking Tokens coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Lido Staked Ether (STETH) STETH Lido Staked Ether $ 1 984.91 0.1042% 2.78% $18.54B $3.29M 9.34M STETH
2 Ethena Staked USDe (SUSDE) SUSDE Ethena Staked USDe $ 1.16 0.04853% 0.1561% $3.27B $4.23M 2.82B SUSDE
3 Kelp DAO Restaked ETH (RSETH) RSETH Kelp DAO Restaked ETH $ 2 062.63 0.01261% 2.58% $1.11B $1.25M 537.24K RSETH
4 Rocket Pool ETH (RETH) RETH Rocket Pool ETH $ 2 247.20 0.2759% 3.37% $981.27M $11.34M 436.78K RETH
5 Binance Staked SOL (BNSOL) BNSOL Binance Staked SOL $ 134.26 0.1425% 5% $969.43M $1.16M 7.22M BNSOL
6 Mantle Staked Ether (METH) METH Mantle Staked Ether $ 2 104.00 0.07917% 2.69% $781.02M $3.46M 371.26K METH
7 Marinade Staked SOL (MSOL) MSOL Marinade Staked SOL $ 164.56 0.1908% 5% $623.36M $7.56M 3.79M MSOL
8 Renzo Restaked ETH (EZETH) EZETH Renzo Restaked ETH $ 2 067.59 0.09081% 2.89% $610.93M $831.65K 295.55K EZETH
9 Jupiter Staked SOL (JUPSOL) JUPSOL Jupiter Staked SOL $ 140.97 0.01119% 5% $536.76M $5.49M 3.80M JUPSOL
10 Infrared Bera (IBERA) IBERA Infrared Bera $ 6.40 0.1155% 10.61% $437.79M $215.05K 68.39M IBERA
11 Super OETH (SUPEROETHB) SUPEROETHB Super OETH $ 1 984.94 0.1214% 2.67% $427.48M $298.63K 215.26K SUPEROETHB
12 StakeWise Staked ETH (OSETH) OSETH StakeWise Staked ETH $ 2 070.63 0.1456% 2.60% $380.39M $995.32K 183.72K OSETH
13 CgETH Hashkey Cloud (CGETH.HASHKEY) CGETH.HASHKEY cgETH Hashkey Cloud $ 2 022.14 0.7582% 2.13% $360.40M $5.31 178.23K CGETH.HASHKEY
14 Staked ETH (EETH) EETH Staked ETH $ 1 982.56 0.1169% 2.43% $357.30M $1.42K 180.19K EETH
15 Lorenzo stBTC (STBTC) STBTC Lorenzo stBTC $ 83 444.71 0.1318% 0.2984% $339.43M $14.05K 4.07K STBTC
16 Coinbase Wrapped Staked ETH (CBETH) CBETH Coinbase Wrapped Staked ETH $ 2 169.81 0.1430% 2.73% $291.12M $1.67M 134.25K CBETH
17 Stader ETHx (ETHX) ETHX Stader ETHx $ 2 096.77 0.4614% 2.73% $280.54M $211.82K 133.78K ETHX
18 Swell Ethereum (SWETH) SWETH Swell Ethereum $ 2 156.51 0.1216% 2.76% $261.63M $309.53K 121.32K SWETH
19 Frax Ether (FRXETH) FRXETH Frax Ether $ 1 982.28 0.4408% 2.63% $254.39M $1.73M 128.34K FRXETH
20 Liquid Staked ETH (LSETH) LSETH Liquid Staked ETH $ 2 131.83 0.4393% 2.78% $212.54M $18.66K 99.90K LSETH
21 Staked Frax Ether (SFRXETH) SFRXETH Staked Frax Ether $ 2 215.49 0.1059% 2.82% $189.21M $1.58M 85.40K SFRXETH
22 Bybit Staked SOL (BBSOL) BBSOL Bybit Staked SOL $ 137.49 0.1131% 5% $184.16M $1.03M 1.34M BBSOL
23 BENQI Liquid Staked AVAX (SAVAX) SAVAX BENQI Liquid Staked AVAX $ 23.14 0.3018% 0.5763% $181.02M $618.60K 7.82M SAVAX
24 Treehouse ETH (TETH) TETH Treehouse ETH $ 2 377.12 0.05487% 2.51% $166.62M $1.05M 70.10K TETH
25 Amnis Aptos (AMAPT) AMAPT Amnis Aptos $ 5.63 0.7805% 5.34% $142.04M $377.50K 25.20M AMAPT
26 Astherus Staked BNB (ASBNB) ASBNB Astherus Staked BNB $ 649.76 11.34% 18.85% $112.37M $2.61K 172.94K ASBNB
27 Drift Staked SOL (DSOL) DSOL Drift Staked SOL $ 141.55 0.2074% 5% $95.21M $165.82K 672.46K DSOL
28 Solayer Staked SOL (SSOL) SSOL Solayer Staked SOL $ 137.27 0.1203% 5% $88.72M $201.59K 645.81K SSOL
29 Origin Ether (OETH) OETH Origin Ether $ 1 992.56 0.4223% 2.85% $88.61M $151.16K 44.65K OETH
30 Staked FRAX (SFRAX) SFRAX Staked FRAX $ 1.12 0.04440% 0.7976% $65.51M $18.78K 58.50M SFRAX
31 TruFin Staked APT (TRUAPT) TRUAPT TruFin Staked APT $ 5.72 0.2493% 6.61% $56.79M $33.87 9.92M TRUAPT
32 Berachain Staked ETH (BERAETH) BERAETH Berachain Staked ETH $ 1 994.10 0.1506% 2.72% $45.73M $7.73K 22.94K BERAETH
33 Thala APT (THAPT) THAPT Thala APT $ 5.64 0.9922% 5.20% $39.90M $301.08K 7.08M THAPT
34 Sanctum Infinity (INF) INF Sanctum Infinity $ 167.27 0.03056% 5% $36.51M $2.29M 218.18K INF
35 Solv Protocol SolvBTC.CORE (SOLVBTC.CORE) SOLVBTC.CORE Solv Protocol SolvBTC.CORE $ 83 645.52 0.9154% 1% $35.56M $56.35K 425.11 SOLVBTC.CORE
36 TruFin Staked MATIC (TRUMATIC) TRUMATIC TruFin Staked MATIC $0.2264 1.14% 4% $34.62M $2.49K 152.92M TRUMATIC
37 Staked Level USD (SLVLUSD) SLVLUSD Staked Level USD $ 1.06 0.06474% 0.2542% $34.60M $3.63K 32.77M SLVLUSD
38 Lista DAO (LISTA) LISTA Lista DAO $0.1991 3.00% 13.43% $34.40M $9.21M 172.72M LISTA
39 Staked HYPE (STHYPE) STHYPE Staked HYPE $ 15.52 1% 9.38% $31.78M $3.62M 2.05M STHYPE
40 Bemo Staked TON (STTON) STTON bemo Staked TON $ 3.91 1.54% 3.21% $30.75M $6.05K 7.85M STTON
41 Shadow Liquid Staking Token (X33) X33 Shadow Liquid Staking Token $ 55.08 1% 21% $29.22M $659.30K 530.48K X33
42 Astherus Staked USDF (ASUSDF) ASUSDF Astherus Staked USDF $ 1.01 0.1851% 0.01601% $29.17M $15.35K 28.81M ASUSDF
43 Origin Sonic (OS) OS Origin Sonic $0.5033 1% 7% $28.24M $5.12M 56.12M OS
44 Infrared BGT (IBGT) IBGT Infrared BGT $ 7.85 2% 7.13% $26.49M $661.76K 3.37M IBGT
45 Stader MaticX (MATICX) MATICX Stader MaticX $0.2415 1.29% 3% $26.24M $3.68K 108.66M MATICX
46 Ankr Staked ETH (ANKRETH) ANKRETH Ankr Staked ETH $ 2 364.28 0.7625% 2.92% $25.39M $225.27K 10.76K ANKRETH
47 Wrapped gBera (WGBERA) WGBERA Wrapped gBera $ 6.55 2.03% 3.33% $23.68M $108.44K 3.60M WGBERA
48 TruFin Staked NEAR (TRUNEAR) TRUNEAR TruFin Staked NEAR $ 2.87 0.3274% 4.36% $21.61M $1.37K 7.54M TRUNEAR
49 Laine Staked SOL (LAINESOL) LAINESOL Laine Staked SOL $ 162.30 % 1% $21.16M $2.47 130.36K LAINESOL
50 Stride Staked Atom (STATOM) STATOM Stride Staked Atom $ 7.46 6.22% 5.03% $19.43M $541.20K 2.61M STATOM
51 Spring Staked SUI (SSUI) SSUI Spring Staked SUI $ 2.28 0.5386% 4% $18.90M $13.67K 8.30M SSUI
52 Wrapped Origin Sonic (WOS) WOS Wrapped Origin Sonic $0.5114 1% 8% $16.79M $193.72K 32.83M WOS
53 Lido Staked SOL (STSOL) STSOL Lido Staked SOL $ 156.21 0.007839% 5% $16.58M $34.94K 106.16K STSOL
54 Staked Frax USD (SFRXUSD) SFRXUSD Staked Frax USD $ 1.12 0.07900% 0.2204% $13.76M $87.05K 12.27M SFRXUSD
55 GoGoPool ggAVAX (GGAVAX) GGAVAX GoGoPool ggAVAX $ 21.46 0.03450% 1.06% $13.25M $811.53K 617.36K GGAVAX
56 Cronos zkEVM CRO (ZKCRO) ZKCRO Cronos zkEVM CRO $0.08329 1.99% 4% $12.95M $6.73K 155.50M ZKCRO
57 Amnis Staked Aptos Coin (STAPT) STAPT Amnis Staked Aptos Coin $ 6.35 0.6040% 5.87% $12.81M $342.71K 2.02M STAPT
58 Sceptre Staked FLR (SFLR) SFLR Sceptre Staked FLR $0.01918 0.8794% 6% $12.50M $88.00K 650.24M SFLR
59 Manta mETH (METH) METH Manta mETH $ 2 015.85 0.4944% 2.96% $12.04M $30.69 5.97K METH
60 Stronghold Staked SOL (STRONGSOL) STRONGSOL Stronghold Staked SOL $ 140.42 0.05539% 5% $11.32M $7.04K 80.57K STRONGSOL
61 SETH2 (SETH2) SETH2 sETH2 $ 1 973.82 0.2088% 0.1456% $11.20M $212.45 5.69K SETH2
62 Increment Staked FLOW (STFLOW) STFLOW Increment Staked FLOW $0.5129 0.6434% 0.3288% $5.91M $640.37K 11.51M STFLOW
63 Stride Staked Osmo (STOSMO) STOSMO Stride Staked Osmo $0.4001 3.88% 2% $5.53M $24.79K 13.82M STOSMO
64 SolanaHub staked SOL (HUBSOL) HUBSOL SolanaHub staked SOL $ 140.24 % 5% $5.23M $304.84 37.14K HUBSOL
65 Stride Staked TIA (STTIA) STTIA Stride Staked TIA $ 3.61 1.48% 7% $4.50M $3.64K 1.25M STTIA
66 Astherus Staked CAKE (ASCAKE) ASCAKE Astherus Staked CAKE $ 2.68 2% 40.78% $4.48M $6.91K 1.67M ASCAKE
67 Edgevana Staked SOL (EDGESOL) EDGESOL Edgevana Staked SOL $ 153.24 0.7114% 0.6542% $3.74M $2.80K 19.68K EDGESOL
68 Flare Staked Ether (FLRETH) FLRETH Flare Staked Ether $ 1 985.74 1% 1.60% $2.86M $46.43K 1.44K FLRETH
69 Beets Staked Sonic (STS) STS Beets Staked Sonic $0.5140 0.6781% 7% $1.84M $534.54K 3.58M STS
70 Tortuga Staked Aptos (TAPT) TAPT Tortuga Staked Aptos $ 6.60 0.4310% 5.37% $1.73M $419.94 261.51K TAPT
71 Synatra Staked USDC (YUSD) YUSD Synatra Staked USDC $ 1.32 0.02117% 0.5649% $1.67M $107.59 1.27M YUSD
72 Veno ETH (VETH) VETH Veno ETH $ 1 987.83 0.2075% 2.75% $1.55M $66.67K 780.12 VETH
73 Voucher BNC (VBNC) VBNC Voucher BNC $0.1866 0.9848% 1.68% $1.32M $1.62K 7.10M VBNC
74 Deq Staked AVAIL (STAVAIL) STAVAIL Deq Staked AVAIL $0.04283 1% 13% $1.32M $511.98 30.79M STAVAIL
75 Stride Staked DYDX (STDYDX) STDYDX Stride Staked DYDX $0.7449 2.52% 6.16% $1.22M $1.02K 1.64M STDYDX
76 Step Staked SOL (STEPSOL) STEPSOL Step Staked SOL $ 211.42 0.3271% 0.3285% $1.15M $301.69K 5.44K STEPSOL
77 Neuron ICP (NICP) NICP neuron ICP $ 5.88 2.02% 0.01827% $1.05M $4.98K 178.93K NICP
78 RETH2 (RETH2) RETH2 rETH2 $ 1 951.10 % 1.34% $1.05M $31.59 537.86 RETH2
79 Wrapped stASTR (WSTASTR) WSTASTR Wrapped stASTR $0.03291 1% 2.30% $978.79K $47.04K 29.74M WSTASTR
80 Bridge Oracle (BRG) BRG Bridge Oracle $0.00009352 2% 3.97% $748.23K $33.13K 8.00B BRG
81 ZKsync Staked ETH (ZKETH) ZKETH ZKsync Staked ETH $ 1 996.31 0.2241% 2.80% $615.00K $42.86K 308.27 ZKETH
82 Quicksilver (QCK) QCK Quicksilver $0.003803 1.18% 22% $519.09K $44.30 136.30M QCK
83 Lara (LARA) LARA Lara $0.001962 8.12% 20% $417.20K $2.83K 212.55M LARA
84 Restaked BTC.b (RBTC.B) RBTC.B Restaked BTC.b $ 85 372.90 % 3% $329.07K $247.59 3.85 RBTC.B
85 Ditto Staked Aptos (STAPT) STAPT Ditto Staked Aptos $ 6.23 0.9528% 5.32% $307.21K $1.89K 49.28K STAPT
86 Stride Staked Juno (STJUNO) STJUNO Stride Staked Juno $0.1672 3.63% 12% $294.99K $0.02 1.76M STJUNO
87 Stride Staked Injective (STINJ) STINJ Stride Staked Injective $ 13.72 1.84% 3% $275.34K $74.50K 20.07K STINJ
88 Liquid BGT (LBGT) LBGT Liquid BGT $ 7.43 2% % $240.40K $18.57K 32.36K LBGT
89 Flux (FLUX) FLUX Flux $0.00000001307 98% 78.32% $204.00K $2.63K 15.59T FLUX
90 Kryptonite Staked SEI (STSEI) STSEI Kryptonite Staked SEI $0.2091 14% 3% $83.89K $1.27K 401.63K STSEI
91 Stride Staked Stars (STSTARS) STSTARS Stride Staked Stars $0.004542 3.71% 4.31% $83.14K $63.91 18.30M STSTARS
92 Accumulated Finance Staked MANTA (STMANTA) STMANTA Accumulated Finance Staked MANTA $0.3483 34.70% 32.67% $0.00 $247.50 0.00 STMANTA
93 Accumulated Finance Staked ZETA (STZETA) STZETA Accumulated Finance Staked ZETA $0.3713 60.03% 73.59% $0.00 $412.49 0.00 STZETA
94 Kroma Staked ETH (SPETH) SPETH Kroma Staked ETH $ 2 099.05 2.52% 7.73% $0.00 $2.18 0.00 SPETH
95 Harbor (HBR) HBR Harbor $0.0004569 % 0% $0.00 $699.16 0.00 HBR
96 Hinkal Staked ETH (HETH) HETH Hinkal Staked ETH $ 1 989.86 0.6116% 2.40% $0.00 $19.86 0.00 HETH
97 Latch Staked ETH (ATETH) ATETH Latch Staked ETH $ 2 011.59 0.1438% 3.01% $0.00 $12.53K 0.00 ATETH
98 Ankr Staked FLOW (ANKRFLOW) ANKRFLOW Ankr Staked FLOW $0.4306 0.2091% 3.63% $0.00 $23.25K 0.00 ANKRFLOW
99 Ethena Staked ENA (SENA) SENA Ethena Staked ENA $0.3571 0.2679% 6% $0.00 $405.75K 0.00 SENA
100 Staked Thala APT (STHAPT) STHAPT Staked Thala APT $ 6.44 0.9172% 5.51% $0.00 $131.21 0.00 STHAPT

Explore the top LIQUID STAKING TOKENS ranked by market cap

The rise of LIQUID STAKING TOKENS has redefined the landscape of cryptocurrency staking. These tokens combine the benefits of staking rewards with liquidity, enabling investors to maintain asset mobility while earning consistent returns. By examining the liquid staking tokens market cap, one can see their growing significance, with assets such as Lido DAO (LDO) and Rocket Pool (RPL) consistently leading the sector.

The market cap of LIQUID STAKING TOKENS highlights their increasing adoption, offering insights into their performance and utility. Live crypto prices and current crypto prices live data provide investors with real-time information to track their growth in the market.

The emergence of LIQUID STAKING TOKENS has introduced a revolutionary approach to cryptocurrency staking, combining liquidity with staking rewards. These tokens offer investors the opportunity to maximize returns while retaining the flexibility to use their assets. Unlike traditional staking, where assets are locked for extended periods, liquid staking allows holders to maintain access to their funds for trading or other purposes. This is made possible through tokenized representations of staked assets, which can be monitored using tools like calculators to estimate potential rewards and growth. Detailed definitions and information on their mechanics can often be found on official websites.

What are LIQUID STAKING TOKENS and how do they work in cryptocurrency?

LIQUID STAKING TOKENS represent a unique solution within the staking ecosystem. Unlike traditional staking, where assets are locked, liquid staking allows users to stake their cryptocurrencies while receiving a tokenized representation of the staked asset. This enables users to participate in other activities like trading, lending, or providing liquidity.

Understanding how does it work is essential. When staking assets such as Ethereum or Solana, users receive LIQUID STAKING TOKENS crypto, which serve as a proof of their stake. These tokens can be used across various exchanges or retained for value accrual. Their flexibility makes them a favored choice among cryptocurrency enthusiasts seeking both passive income and asset utility.

Why are LIQUID STAKING TOKENS becoming a popular choice among investors?

The growing popularity of LIQUID STAKING TOKENS stems from their ability to combine staking rewards with liquidity. They eliminate the trade-off between earning yields and maintaining access to assets, offering unparalleled flexibility.

The performance of these tokens often aligns with the underlying blockchain’s success. As highlighted in news today, their innovative design allows investors to diversify opportunities while optimizing returns. Tracking crypto currency prices live and crypto prices today live ensures investors stay informed about their value.

Investors value LIQUID STAKING TOKENS for their transparency and efficiency. Platforms providing real-time data on today price, maximum price, and fiyat help users make informed decisions. Their appeal is further enhanced by the absence of traditional mining requirements, making them a more accessible and free way to earn rewards. Additionally, their integration with wallet services ensures seamless storage and management, while clear guides on how to cash out offer straightforward exits for users. Whether used for trading, payment, or long-term investment, liquid staking tokens represent an essential innovation in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape.

The key advantages of using LIQUID STAKING TOKENS for staking rewards

Calculators provided by staking platforms allow users to predict earnings, helping them estimate how to earn optimal rewards.

  1. Unrestricted Liquidity. Users can trade or use LIQUID STAKING TOKENS while still earning staking rewards.
  2. Diverse Use Cases. These tokens can be integrated into DeFi protocols, enhancing their utility.
  3. Maximized Rewards. Investors gain from both staking yields and potential price appreciation.
  4. Ease of Use. Platforms offering these tokens simplify staking, making them easy to buy and manage.

These tools also clarify how to buy it on supported platforms and exchanges.

Potential risks and downsides of investing in LIQUID STAKING TOKENS

Despite their advantages, LIQUID STAKING TOKENS come with inherent risks:

  • Market Volatility. Their LIQUID STAKING TOKENS price is subject to fluctuations based on market trends and crypto currency prices live.
  • Smart Contract Vulnerabilities. As they rely heavily on smart contracts, any flaws could lead to financial losses.
  • Regulatory Uncertainty. Increased scrutiny of staking and DeFi might impact their meaning and availability.
  • Security Concerns. Risks of hacking or rug pulls remain, requiring thorough research before investment.

Investors must weigh these risks against their potential rewards, using resources like websites to gather detailed information.

Top blockchain networks supporting LIQUID STAKING TOKENS

Blockchain networks such as Ethereum, Solana, and Polkadot provide robust infrastructure for LIQUID STAKING TOKENS. These platforms host leading tokens like Lido DAO and Rocket Pool, enabling users to stake securely and earn rewards. Tracking their historical high and historical low prices helps investors understand market trends and potential entry points.

With their launch date marked as pivotal milestones, these tokens have revolutionized staking by introducing liquidity to a previously rigid process. Their success continues to shape the evolution of staking mechanisms.


The founders of it are primarily blockchain innovators aiming to enhance staking accessibility. They introduced solutions to improve liquidity and make staking more user-friendly.

It stand out by offering liquidity alongside staking rewards, unlike traditional staking, which locks assets for extended periods. Their utility extends across DeFi applications, making them versatile and valuable.

Their value is tied to the staked assets they represent, ensuring a 1:1 backing ratio. This reserve mechanism provides stability and trust in their ecosystem.

The circulation of LIQUID STAKING TOKENS crypto varies across platforms. Platforms offering current crypto prices live and circulation data provide transparency, helping investors assess their availability.

Security depends on the underlying smart contracts and blockchain network. Conducting research on websites and audits ensures safer investments.

The first LIQUID STAKING TOKENS was launched to address the inefficiencies of traditional staking. It aimed to provide flexibility, liquidity, and enhanced earning opportunities for crypto investors.