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    Unagii Wrapped Bitcoin UWBTC Price Prediction 2025, 2026-2030

    50-day SMA What is the 50-day SMA for Unagii Wrapped Bitcoin (UWBTC)?
    The 50-day SMA is the average closing price of UWBTC over the past 50 days, used to assess trends.
    200-day SMA What is the 200-day SMA for Unagii Wrapped Bitcoin (UWBTC)?
    The 200-day SMA is the average closing price of UWBTC over the past 200 days. It's a key indicator used to identify long-term price trends.
    Volatility What does the 30-day Volatility for Unagii Wrapped Bitcoin (UWBTC) mean?
    Volatility measures the price fluctuation of UWBTC over the last 30 days. Higher volatility indicates greater price swings and potentially higher risk.
    Down Days What are the Down Days in the last 30 days for Unagii Wrapped Bitcoin (UWBTC)?
    Down Days represent the number of days in the past 30 where the closing price of UWBTC was lower than its opening price, indicating negative price movement.
    Green Days What are Green Days for Unagii Wrapped Bitcoin (UWBTC)?
    Green Days are the days when UWBTC closed higher than it opened, indicating positive price movement.
    Date High Low End Potential ROI
    2025-02-06 105 849.78 103 810.41 103 810.41 7.71
    2025-02-07 105 886.62 103 810.41 105 886.62 7.75
    2025-02-09 106 136.00 103 810.41 106 136.00 8.01
    2025-02-28 109 167.21 103 810.41 109 167.21 11.09
    Date Price Potential ROI
    2025-02-05 105 849.78 7.71
    2025-02-06 103 810.41 5.64
    2025-02-07 105 886.62 7.75
    2025-02-08 104 054.90 5.89
    2025-02-09 106 136.00 8.01
    2025-02-10 105 419.27 7.28
    2025-02-11 104 735.04 6.58
    2025-02-12 103 814.23 5.64
    2025-02-13 105 890.51 7.76
    2025-02-14 104 212.42 6.05
    2025-02-15 104 974.22 6.82
    2025-02-16 107 073.70 8.96
    2025-02-17 107 524.55 9.42
    2025-02-18 107 578.31 9.47
    2025-02-19 105 440.57 7.3
    2025-02-20 107 549.38 9.44
    2025-02-21 108 654.87 10.57
    2025-02-22 107 676.00 9.57
    2025-02-23 108 718.84 10.63
    2025-02-24 107 512.98 9.41
    2025-02-25 108 044.91 9.95
    2025-02-26 108 394.76 10.3
    2025-02-27 108 174.01 10.08
    2025-02-28 109 167.21 11.09
    2025-03-01 106 983.87 8.87
    2025-03-02 106 843.25 8.73
    2025-03-03 107 801.81 9.7
    2025-03-04 109 735.56 11.67
    2025-03-05 109 916.86 11.85
    2025-03-06 107 718.53 9.62
    2025-03-07 107 951.07 9.85
    Year Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    2025 198 154.42 96 423.27 128 431.61 101.65
    2026 253 623.58 117 709.55 198 965.78 158.09
    2027 117 849.06 31 241.53 56 979.81 19.93
    2028 83 827.60 31 241.53 44 508.71 -14.7
    2029 457 689.03 83 028.18 251 167.40 365.75
    2030 488 384.80 448 373.62 468 052.34 396.99
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    February 103 810.41 109 167.21 106 512.23 11.09
    March 106 843.25 111 851.52 109 434.81 13.82
    April 109 373.22 113 407.95 111 299.83 15.41
    May 109 095.84 113 176.25 110 758.53 15.17
    June 104 868.81 109 722.99 107 208.77 11.66
    July 97 980.19 106 349.27 101 844.02 8.22
    August 96 423.27 125 886.83 112 242.72 28.11
    September 125 309.56 145 690.88 135 159.37 48.26
    October 144 385.74 163 554.80 153 813.85 66.44
    November 161 775.21 182 994.49 171 679.86 86.22
    December 179 438.33 198 154.42 188 219.04 101.65
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 194 191.33 211 820.99 202 483.15 115.55
    February 207 286.68 221 522.82 214 009.65 125.43
    March 217 984.08 231 321.08 223 398.62 135.4
    April 228 409.14 239 629.88 233 692.11 143.85
    May 234 917.25 245 368.30 239 516.62 149.69
    June 238 934.98 250 606.77 245 963.13 155.02
    July 243 512.78 252 663.06 248 119.89 157.12
    August 169 033.62 253 623.58 201 363.23 158.09
    September 157 328.89 172 169.88 164 535.79 75.2
    October 143 735.44 158 539.01 151 677.67 61.33
    November 130 890.52 145 692.44 138 710.73 48.26
    December 117 709.55 132 283.99 125 156.58 34.61
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 102 861.55 117 849.06 110 239.62 19.93
    February 89 587.41 102 642.78 96 649.50 4.45
    March 75 093.60 89 839.38 82 727.40 -8.58
    April 61 556.78 74 725.81 68 387.72 -23.96
    May 47 846.60 62 510.36 54 845.18 -36.39
    June 36 308.70 47 800.43 41 697.79 -51.36
    July 31 241.53 46 862.29 36 704.25 -52.31
    August 31 241.53 46 862.29 39 303.86 -52.31
    September 31 241.53 46 862.29 39 051.91 -52.31
    October 31 241.53 46 862.29 38 799.96 -52.31
    November 31 241.53 46 862.29 39 051.91 -52.31
    December 31 241.53 46 862.29 38 855.95 -52.31
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 31 241.53 46 862.29 38 911.94 -52.31
    February 31 241.53 46 862.29 39 201.53 -52.31
    March 31 241.53 46 862.29 38 911.94 -52.31
    April 31 241.53 46 862.29 39 051.91 -52.31
    May 31 241.53 46 862.29 38 967.93 -52.31
    June 31 241.53 46 862.29 39 051.91 -52.31
    July 31 241.53 46 862.29 39 023.92 -52.31
    August 31 241.53 46 862.29 39 079.90 -52.31
    September 31 547.51 46 862.29 37 157.84 -52.31
    October 41 562.46 54 231.73 47 676.85 -44.81
    November 53 727.31 68 299.52 61 185.80 -30.5
    December 68 746.55 83 827.60 75 489.41 -14.7
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 83 028.18 99 324.07 90 938.06 1.07
    February 97 898.12 121 303.74 108 235.96 23.44
    March 120 177.77 147 941.09 132 801.40 50.55
    April 145 208.98 177 318.20 162 091.61 80.44
    May 174 065.88 208 808.75 192 100.01 112.49
    June 209 513.66 241 775.40 225 096.43 146.04
    July 242 244.75 279 724.54 259 192.46 184.65
    August 273 992.98 313 899.32 295 917.79 219.43
    September 310 417.61 352 530.15 330 505.75 258.74
    October 347 809.46 388 858.95 366 671.03 295.71
    November 381 459.96 421 821.00 402 901.02 329.25
    December 418 668.38 457 689.03 437 464.72 365.75
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 448 373.62 487 306.82 466 911.89 395.89
    February 483 073.80 488 384.80 485 729.30 396.99
    Unagii Wrapped Bitcoin (UWBTC)
    Unagii Wrapped Bitcoin
    $98 268.42
    2% Last 24h
    Unagii Wrapped Bitcoin (UWBTC)
    Unagii Wrapped Bitcoin
    $98 268.42
    2% Last 24h