Table of Contents

    tzBTC (TZBTC) Price Prediction 2025–2030

    Explore tzBTC price predictions for 2025 and beyond. Learn about potential price movements based on AI-driven forecasts for 2026-2030

    Current and Predicted Price of tzBTC

    Explore the current price and AI-based predictions for tzBTC. Track key indicators like green days and 50-day SMA to understand market trends and make informed decisions.

    50-day SMA What is the 50-day SMA for tzBTC (TZBTC)?
    The 50-day SMA is the average closing price of TZBTC over the past 50 days, used to assess trends.
    200-day SMA What is the 200-day SMA for tzBTC (TZBTC)?
    The 200-day SMA is the average closing price of TZBTC over the past 200 days. It's a key indicator used to identify long-term price trends.
    Volatility What does the 30-day Volatility for tzBTC (TZBTC) mean?
    Volatility measures the price fluctuation of TZBTC over the last 30 days. Higher volatility indicates greater price swings and potentially higher risk.
    Down Days What are the Down Days in the last 30 days for tzBTC (TZBTC)?
    Down Days represent the number of days in the past 30 where the closing price of TZBTC was lower than its opening price, indicating negative price movement.
    Green Days What are Green Days for tzBTC (TZBTC)?
    Green Days are the days when TZBTC closed higher than it opened, indicating positive price movement.

    tzBTC (TZBTC) Daily Price Predictions: Today, Tomorrow, and 30-Day Forecast

    Get daily price predictions for tzBTC, including forecasts for today, tomorrow, this week, and the next 30 days. Stay ahead with the latest AI-driven insights.

    Date High Low End Potential ROI
    2025-01-25 106 442.68 104 313.82 104 313.82 -0.08
    2025-01-26 106 442.68 104 313.82 105 669.87 -0.08
    2025-01-26 106 442.68 104 313.82 105 669.87 -0.08
    2025-01-31 107 202.78 104 313.82 105 265.08 0.63

    tzBTC Daily Price Targets for the Next 30 Days

    Explore daily price targets for tzBTC over the next 30 days. Each prediction includes potential ROI, helping you plan your investments efficiently.

    Date Price Potential ROI
    2025-01-24 106 442.68 -0.08
    2025-01-25 104 313.82 -2.08
    2025-01-26 105 669.87 -0.81
    2025-01-27 106 937.50 0.38
    2025-01-28 107 202.78 0.63
    2025-01-29 105 058.72 -1.38
    2025-01-30 106 740.01 0.2
    2025-01-31 105 265.08 -1.19
    2025-02-01 107 027.06 0.47
    2025-02-02 106 673.78 0.14
    2025-02-03 106 266.01 -0.25
    2025-02-04 106 212.88 -0.3
    2025-02-05 106 340.16 -0.18
    2025-02-06 104 844.66 -1.58
    2025-02-07 104 792.23 -1.63
    2025-02-08 106 677.32 0.14
    2025-02-09 107 967.00 1.35
    2025-02-10 106 765.04 0.22
    2025-02-11 107 809.73 1.2
    2025-02-12 105 653.54 -0.82
    2025-02-13 107 387.40 0.81
    2025-02-14 108 985.05 2.31
    2025-02-15 107 366.07 0.79
    2025-02-16 106 338.62 -0.18
    2025-02-17 105 184.13 -1.26
    2025-02-18 106 684.33 0.15
    2025-02-19 107 292.83 0.72
    2025-02-20 107 239.18 0.67
    2025-02-21 107 603.48 1.01
    2025-02-22 106 022.77 -0.48
    2025-02-23 107 848.04 1.24

    tzBTC Price Forecast for 2026-2030

    Explore long-term price predictions for tzBTC through 2026-2030. Forecasts include minimum, average, and maximum prices for each year, along with potential ROI.

    Year Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    2025 206 678.33 76 056.65 126 488.06 94.01
    2026 255 512.53 111 423.01 197 445.97 139.85
    2027 113 101.14 33 360.50 55 912.05 6.17
    2028 91 333.71 33 360.50 48 477.95 -14.26
    2029 472 957.27 91 248.50 268 146.74 343.97
    2030 493 002.90 465 238.03 479 332.17 362.79

    tzBTC Price Forecast for 2025

    In 2025, tzBTC is expected to trade between {$%price_min_year%} and $206 678.33. The most profitable month could be December, with prices potentially increasing by 94.01%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 104 313.82 107 202.78 105 953.81 0.63
    February 104 792.23 108 985.05 106 755.48 2.31
    March 104 775.43 108 814.23 106 875.65 2.15
    April 102 050.81 106 815.31 104 442.44 0.27
    May 94 100.68 102 657.85 98 821.76 -3.63
    June 85 340.36 95 082.38 90 070.51 -10.75
    July 76 056.65 93 502.11 82 378.60 -12.23
    August 95 372.16 135 990.88 120 614.52 27.66
    September 133 880.39 154 551.31 144 722.40 45.08
    October 153 145.53 173 511.79 164 117.91 62.88
    November 171 701.95 191 134.63 180 912.65 79.42
    December 186 733.39 206 678.33 195 504.23 94.01

    tzBTC Price Forecast for 2026

    In 2026, tzBTC is expected to trade between {$%price_min_year%} and $255 512.53. The most profitable month could be December, with prices potentially increasing by 139.85%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 200 009.72 213 899.01 209 354.18 100.79
    February 212 751.29 228 750.84 221 133.44 114.73
    March 222 953.23 238 852.34 230 035.21 124.21
    April 231 292.74 244 869.27 237 632.84 129.86
    May 238 090.62 249 631.99 244 091.43 134.33
    June 243 719.53 254 693.34 249 616.44 139.08
    July 205 626.13 255 512.53 243 821.51 139.85
    August 164 630.74 201 513.61 174 723.31 89.16
    September 153 137.50 168 071.17 160 411.68 57.77
    October 139 608.36 156 415.90 147 323.56 46.83
    November 127 127.70 140 331.02 133 962.35 31.73
    December 111 423.01 128 458.55 119 274.74 20.59

    tzBTC Price Forecast for 2027

    In 2027, tzBTC is expected to trade between {$%price_min_year%} and $113 101.14. The most profitable month could be December, with prices potentially increasing by 6.17%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 96 829.93 113 101.14 105 079.21 6.17
    February 83 546.10 97 919.84 90 614.99 -8.08
    March 70 402.36 83 529.69 76 705.24 -21.59
    April 56 037.59 69 393.07 62 599.83 -34.86
    May 42 012.85 55 491.53 49 194.61 -47.91
    June 33 360.50 44 480.67 38 276.61 -58.25
    July 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 850.09 -53.03
    August 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 909.88 -53.03
    September 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 700.62 -53.03
    October 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 969.66 -53.03
    November 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 700.62 -53.03
    December 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 431.59 -53.03

    tzBTC Price Forecast for 2028

    In 2028, tzBTC is expected to trade between {$%price_min_year%} and $91 333.71. The most profitable month could be December, with prices potentially increasing by -14.26%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 491.37 -53.03
    February 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 924.31 -53.03
    March 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 491.37 -53.03
    April 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 700.62 -53.03
    May 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 551.16 -53.03
    June 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 700.62 -53.03
    July 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 610.95 -53.03
    August 33 360.50 50 040.75 41 670.73 -53.03
    September 37 715.78 50 040.75 42 833.36 -53.03
    October 47 447.96 60 768.30 54 372.90 -42.96
    November 60 674.63 75 496.95 68 213.78 -29.13
    December 75 489.12 91 333.71 82 768.74 -14.26

    tzBTC Price Forecast for 2029

    In 2029, tzBTC is expected to trade between {$%price_min_year%} and $472 957.27. The most profitable month could be December, with prices potentially increasing by 343.97%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 91 248.50 107 774.88 98 990.95 1.17
    February 108 421.91 133 493.02 121 098.91 25.31
    March 133 726.75 163 260.30 147 212.88 53.25
    April 162 393.77 191 942.34 176 698.01 80.18
    May 193 248.23 224 825.90 209 064.86 111.05
    June 227 438.48 259 834.06 242 979.80 143.91
    July 257 799.35 296 537.20 278 097.56 178.36
    August 293 830.31 336 120.67 316 250.58 215.52
    September 335 328.49 373 179.12 352 676.60 250.31
    October 365 828.08 412 870.61 387 316.38 287.57
    November 400 011.79 439 070.35 422 527.29 312.16
    December 437 090.33 472 957.27 454 561.65 343.97

    tzBTC Price Forecast for 2030

    In 2030, tzBTC is expected to trade between {$%price_min_year%} and $493 002.90. The most profitable month could be December, with prices potentially increasing by 362.79%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 465 238.03 493 002.90 479 332.17 362.79
    $106 528.96
    0% Last 24h
    $106 528.96
    0% Last 24h