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    Racket ($RKT) Price Prediction 2025–2030

    Discover Racket ($RKT) price forecasts for 2025. Get insights into long-term predictions up to 2026-2030

    Racket Price Today and Future Forecasts

    Discover the current and predicted price of Racket ($RKT). Analyze important metrics such as green days and 50-day SMA to assess market sentiment.

    50-day SMA What is the 50-day SMA for Racket ($RKT)?
    The 50-day SMA is the average closing price of $RKT over the past 50 days, used to assess trends.
    $ 0
    200-day SMA What is the 200-day SMA for Racket ($RKT)?
    The 200-day SMA is the average closing price of $RKT over the past 200 days. It's a key indicator used to identify long-term price trends.
    $ 0
    Volatility What does the 30-day Volatility for Racket ($RKT) mean?
    Volatility measures the price fluctuation of $RKT over the last 30 days. Higher volatility indicates greater price swings and potentially higher risk.
    Down Days What are the Down Days in the last 30 days for Racket ($RKT)?
    Down Days represent the number of days in the past 30 where the closing price of $RKT was lower than its opening price, indicating negative price movement.
    Green Days What are Green Days for Racket ($RKT)?
    Green Days are the days when $RKT closed higher than it opened, indicating positive price movement.

    Racket ($RKT) Price Prediction for Today, Tomorrow, This Week, and Next 30 Days

    Discover short-term price predictions for Racket ($RKT). Check forecasted prices for today, tomorrow, and the next 30 days to guide your trading strategy.

    Date High Low End Potential ROI
    2025-02-28 $ 0.0001448 $ 0.0001437 $ 0.0001437 512.99 %
    2025-03-01 $ 0.0001463 $ 0.0001437 $ 0.0001463 519.39 %
    2025-03-02 $ 0.0001465 $ 0.0001437 $ 0.0001465 520.27 %
    2025-02-28 $ 0.0001448 $ 0.0001437 $ 0.0001437 512.99 %

    Racket Price Targets: Day-by-Day for the Next 30 Days

    Discover short-term price targets for Racket ($RKT), with predictions for each day in the next 30 days. Potential ROI is provided for every target.

    Date Price Potential ROI
    2025-02-27 $ 0.0001448 512.99 %
    2025-02-28 $ 0.0001437 508.6 %
    2025-03-01 $ 0.0001463 519.39 %
    2025-03-02 $ 0.0001465 520.27 %
    2025-03-03 $ 0.0001436 507.86 %
    2025-03-04 $ 0.0001464 520.02 %
    2025-03-05 $ 0.0001447 512.73 %
    2025-03-06 $ 0.0001426 503.67 %
    2025-03-07 $ 0.0001422 502.06 %
    2025-03-08 $ 0.0001435 507.73 %
    2025-03-09 $ 0.0001422 502.06 %
    2025-03-10 $ 0.0001436 507.89 %
    2025-03-11 $ 0.0001413 498.46 %
    2025-03-12 $ 0.0001411 497.28 %
    2025-03-13 $ 0.0001397 491.46 %
    2025-03-14 $ 0.0001402 493.7 %
    2025-03-15 $ 0.0001395 490.69 %
    2025-03-16 $ 0.0001399 492.28 %
    2025-03-17 $ 0.0001385 486.29 %
    2025-03-18 $ 0.0001383 485.39 %
    2025-03-19 $ 0.0001372 480.94 %
    2025-03-20 $ 0.0001385 486.61 %
    2025-03-21 $ 0.0001394 490.41 %
    2025-03-22 $ 0.0001422 502.22 %
    2025-03-23 $ 0.0001451 514.26 %
    2025-03-24 $ 0.0001480 526.54 %
    2025-03-25 $ 0.0001509 539.08 %
    2025-03-26 $ 0.0001540 551.86 %
    2025-03-27 $ 0.0001570 564.89 %
    2025-03-28 $ 0.0001602 578.19 %
    2025-03-29 $ 0.0001634 591.76 %

    Racket Price Prediction for 2026-2030

    Discover long-term price forecasts for Racket ($RKT) for 2026-2030. Future prices and potential ROI are estimated year-by-year to help guide your investment strategy.

    Year Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    2025 $ 0.0003692 $ 0.0001372 $ 0.0002721 1462.92 %
    2026 $ 0.0003876 $ 0.00008224 $ 0.0002270 1540.65 %
    2027 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00007461 281.25 %
    2028 $ 0.0002945 $ 0.00006005 $ 0.0001257 1146.88 %
    2029 $ 0.0007502 $ 0.0002944 $ 0.0005198 3075.41 %

    Racket Price Prediction for 2025

    For 2025, Racket ($RKT) is forecasted to range between $0.0001372 and $0.0003692. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 1462.92%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    February $ 0.0001437 $ 0.0001448 $ 0.0001443 512.99 %
    March $ 0.0001372 $ 0.0001700 $ 0.0001462 619.7 %
    April $ 0.0001734 $ 0.0002032 $ 0.0001889 760.06 %
    May $ 0.0002030 $ 0.0002352 $ 0.0002190 895.52 %
    June $ 0.0002305 $ 0.0002641 $ 0.0002477 1017.97 %
    July $ 0.0002580 $ 0.0002877 $ 0.0002735 1117.81 %
    August $ 0.0002871 $ 0.0003088 $ 0.0002959 1207.33 %
    September $ 0.0003046 $ 0.0003247 $ 0.0003167 1274.7 %
    October $ 0.0003220 $ 0.0003463 $ 0.0003336 1365.75 %
    November $ 0.0003368 $ 0.0003593 $ 0.0003480 1420.95 %
    December $ 0.0003503 $ 0.0003692 $ 0.0003604 1462.92 %

    Racket Price Prediction for 2026

    For 2026, Racket ($RKT) is forecasted to range between $0.00008224 and $0.0003876. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 1540.65%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January $ 0.0003629 $ 0.0003766 $ 0.0003696 1494.21 %
    February $ 0.0003698 $ 0.0003838 $ 0.0003757 1524.85 %
    March $ 0.0003167 $ 0.0003876 $ 0.0003697 1540.65 %
    April $ 0.0002480 $ 0.0003103 $ 0.0002661 1213.72 %
    May $ 0.0002341 $ 0.0002521 $ 0.0002424 967.3 %
    June $ 0.0002132 $ 0.0002360 $ 0.0002226 899.01 %
    July $ 0.0001915 $ 0.0002150 $ 0.0002025 810.03 %
    August $ 0.0001686 $ 0.0001920 $ 0.0001807 713.03 %
    September $ 0.0001485 $ 0.0001707 $ 0.0001587 622.88 %
    October $ 0.0001277 $ 0.0001480 $ 0.0001371 526.43 %
    November $ 0.0001050 $ 0.0001255 $ 0.0001147 431.23 %
    December $ 0.00008224 $ 0.0001049 $ 0.00009388 344.39 %

    Racket Price Prediction for 2027

    For 2027, Racket ($RKT) is forecasted to range between $0.00006005 and $0.00009007. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 281.25%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January $ 0.00006334 $ 0.00008297 $ 0.00007317 251.19 %
    February $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007126 281.25 %
    March $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007479 281.25 %
    April $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007506 281.25 %
    May $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007490 281.25 %
    June $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007506 281.25 %
    July $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007501 281.25 %
    August $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007511 281.25 %
    September $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007506 281.25 %
    October $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007522 281.25 %
    November $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007506 281.25 %
    December $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007533 281.25 %

    Racket Price Prediction for 2028

    For 2028, Racket ($RKT) is forecasted to range between $0.00006005 and $0.0002945. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 1146.88%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007544 281.25 %
    February $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007466 281.25 %
    March $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007544 281.25 %
    April $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00007506 281.25 %
    May $ 0.00006005 $ 0.00009007 $ 0.00006942 281.25 %
    June $ 0.00007183 $ 0.00009200 $ 0.00008171 289.4 %
    July $ 0.00009334 $ 0.0001137 $ 0.0001028 381.59 %
    August $ 0.0001132 $ 0.0001380 $ 0.0001253 484.39 %
    September $ 0.0001364 $ 0.0001650 $ 0.0001489 598.66 %
    October $ 0.0001614 $ 0.0002030 $ 0.0001833 759.35 %
    November $ 0.0002036 $ 0.0002453 $ 0.0002241 938.29 %
    December $ 0.0002458 $ 0.0002945 $ 0.0002697 1146.88 %

    Racket Price Prediction for 2029

    For 2029, Racket ($RKT) is forecasted to range between $0.0002944 and $0.0007502. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 3075.41%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January $ 0.0002944 $ 0.0003453 $ 0.0003195 1361.67 %
    February $ 0.0003460 $ 0.0003962 $ 0.0003693 1576.93 %
    March $ 0.0003943 $ 0.0004524 $ 0.0004210 1814.95 %
    April $ 0.0004463 $ 0.0005082 $ 0.0004733 2051.18 %
    May $ 0.0005027 $ 0.0005564 $ 0.0005304 2255.33 %
    June $ 0.0005531 $ 0.0006084 $ 0.0005830 2475.11 %
    July $ 0.0006062 $ 0.0006639 $ 0.0006376 2710.2 %
    August $ 0.0006630 $ 0.0007121 $ 0.0006851 2914.06 %
    September $ 0.0007014 $ 0.0007502 $ 0.0007236 3075.41 %
    Disclaimer: This is not investment advice The content presented is for informational purposes only. Nothing on this site - information, materials, services or other content - constitutes encouragement, recommendation, endorsement or financial or investment advice. You should always seek independent professional advice, including legal, financial or tax advice, before making any investment decisions.
    Racket ($RKT)
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