KIWI Token Price
The price of KIWI is
calculated in real-time by aggregating data from multiple exchanges using a global
volume-weighted average, reflecting the most accurate market value. $ 0.00001404
The ATH is the highest price
KIWI has reached since its launch, indicating its peak
market value. $ 0.0004162
Circ. Supply
Circulating Supply is the total number of
KIWI tokens currently available and trading in the market.
Market Cap
Market Cap = Current Price × Circulating Supply
It represents the total market value of all circulating
KIWI tokens, similar to a stock’s market capitalization.
$ 0
ATH Date
The ATH Date is the specific day when
KIWI achieved its highest market price. 2024-04-12 00:00:00
Total Supply
Total Supply is the total amount of
KIWI tokens that exist, including both circulating and
non-circulating tokens. 9 997 565 962.44
24H Volume
24H Volume shows the total trading volume of
KIWI across all tracked platforms in the last 24 hours.
$ 20.40
The ATL is the lowest price
KIWI has ever reached, showing its minimum market value.
$ 0.00000578
Max Supply
Max Supply is the maximum number of
KIWI tokens that will ever exist, as defined by its
protocol. 10 000 000 000.00
KIWI runs on the
KIWI Token blockchain, indicating its underlying technology.
KIWI Token
ATL Date
The ATL Date marks when KIWI
recorded its lowest market price. 2024-09-16 00:00:00
Release Date
The Release Date is when
KIWI was officially introduced to the public market.
KIWI Token Price
The price of KIWI is
calculated in real-time by aggregating data from multiple exchanges using a global
volume-weighted average, reflecting the most accurate market value. $ 0.00001404
Market Cap
Market Cap = Current Price × Circulating Supply
It represents the total market value of all circulating
KIWI tokens, similar to a stock’s market capitalization.
$ 0
24H Volume
24H Volume shows the total trading volume of
KIWI across all tracked platforms in the last 24 hours.
$ 20.40
KIWI runs on the
KIWI Token blockchain, indicating its underlying technology.
KIWI Token
Release Date
The Release Date is when
KIWI was officially introduced to the public market.
The ATH is the highest price
KIWI has reached since its launch, indicating its peak
market value. $ 0.0004162
ATH Date
The ATH Date is the specific day when
KIWI achieved its highest market price. 2024-04-12 00:00:00
The ATL is the lowest price
KIWI has ever reached, showing its minimum market value.
$ 0.00000578
ATL Date
The ATL Date marks when KIWI
recorded its lowest market price. 2024-09-16 00:00:00
Circ. Supply
Circulating Supply is the total number of
KIWI tokens currently available and trading in the market.
Total Supply
Total Supply is the total amount of
KIWI tokens that exist, including both circulating and
non-circulating tokens. 9 997 565 962.44
Max Supply
Max Supply is the maximum number of
KIWI tokens that will ever exist, as defined by its
protocol. 10 000 000 000.00
KIWI Token (KIWI) price today is $ 0.00001404 with a 24-hour trading volume of $ 20.40, market cap of $ 0.00 and market dominance of 0%. The KIWI Token (KIWI) price changed 0% in the last 24 hours. KIWI Token (KIWI) price in US dollars is changed by % over the last 1 year. Over the past year, KIWI Token (KIWI) has changed by 69% against Ethereum and 85% against Bitcoin. KIWI Token (KIWI) total volume is now $ 20.40, 0.0000000006570% of the total cryptocurrency market volume in the last 24 hours.
KIWI Token (KIWI) price in US dollars is up 4.40% over the
last 1
year. Over the past year, KIWI Token (KIWI) has declined by
against Ethereum and -18.11% against Bitcoin.