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    Aave v3 WBTC AWBTC Price Prediction 2025, 2026-2030

    50-day SMA What is the 50-day SMA for Aave v3 WBTC (AWBTC)?
    The 50-day SMA is the average closing price of AWBTC over the past 50 days, used to assess trends.
    200-day SMA What is the 200-day SMA for Aave v3 WBTC (AWBTC)?
    The 200-day SMA is the average closing price of AWBTC over the past 200 days. It's a key indicator used to identify long-term price trends.
    Volatility What does the 30-day Volatility for Aave v3 WBTC (AWBTC) mean?
    Volatility measures the price fluctuation of AWBTC over the last 30 days. Higher volatility indicates greater price swings and potentially higher risk.
    Down Days What are the Down Days in the last 30 days for Aave v3 WBTC (AWBTC)?
    Down Days represent the number of days in the past 30 where the closing price of AWBTC was lower than its opening price, indicating negative price movement.
    Green Days What are Green Days for Aave v3 WBTC (AWBTC)?
    Green Days are the days when AWBTC closed higher than it opened, indicating positive price movement.
    Date High Low End Potential ROI
    2025-02-08 106 522.77 104 434.09 106 522.77 10.02
    2025-02-09 106 522.77 104 434.09 105 050.20 10.02
    2025-02-09 106 522.77 104 434.09 105 050.20 10.02
    2025-02-28 110 244.41 104 434.09 109 764.28 13.86
    Date Price Potential ROI
    2025-02-07 104 434.09 7.86
    2025-02-08 106 522.77 10.02
    2025-02-09 105 050.20 8.49
    2025-02-10 107 151.20 10.66
    2025-02-11 105 008.18 8.45
    2025-02-12 107 108.34 10.62
    2025-02-13 104 966.18 8.41
    2025-02-14 105 490.27 8.95
    2025-02-15 105 843.07 9.31
    2025-02-16 107 959.94 11.5
    2025-02-17 108 982.11 12.56
    2025-02-18 106 802.47 10.3
    2025-02-19 105 362.26 8.82
    2025-02-20 107 469.51 10.99
    2025-02-21 107 343.77 10.86
    2025-02-22 106 723.46 10.22
    2025-02-23 108 857.93 12.43
    2025-02-24 110 244.41 13.86
    2025-02-25 108 878.46 12.45
    2025-02-26 106 825.52 10.33
    2025-02-27 108 962.03 12.54
    2025-02-28 109 764.28 13.36
    2025-03-01 107 569.00 11.1
    2025-03-02 109 720.38 13.32
    2025-03-03 108 351.72 11.9
    2025-03-04 108 562.48 12.12
    2025-03-05 107 223.07 10.74
    2025-03-06 107 530.96 11.06
    2025-03-07 109 681.58 13.28
    2025-03-08 107 577.42 11.11
    2025-03-09 107 491.77 11.02
    Year Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    2025 196 638.19 95 639.76 128 958.45 103.09
    2026 256 332.51 119 536.01 200 676.52 164.74
    2027 119 358.87 16 999.11 49 330.54 23.27
    2028 83 852.99 16 999.11 32 831.26 -13.4
    2029 454 221.42 83 679.43 253 267.91 369.12
    2030 492 448.33 455 090.53 472 718.21 408.6
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    February 104 434.09 110 244.41 107 079.57 13.86
    March 107 223.07 113 303.77 109 663.63 17.02
    April 109 832.67 113 829.69 111 863.81 17.56
    May 107 027.34 112 373.59 110 197.58 16.06
    June 102 525.17 110 368.05 106 898.58 13.99
    July 96 854.17 105 894.48 100 954.14 9.37
    August 95 639.76 127 099.16 112 814.04 31.27
    September 125 315.50 145 933.47 135 611.02 50.72
    October 146 348.32 167 084.85 155 290.92 72.56
    November 164 757.03 181 823.09 172 998.58 87.79
    December 180 552.73 196 638.19 189 191.29 103.09
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 195 597.92 213 505.96 203 269.12 120.51
    February 207 459.79 223 854.01 215 313.40 131.19
    March 217 305.91 233 510.05 225 386.69 141.17
    April 229 251.85 242 613.92 236 314.66 150.57
    May 236 384.81 246 949.56 241 125.17 155.05
    June 241 144.13 251 916.11 245 947.65 160.18
    July 246 821.10 255 826.56 250 970.26 164.22
    August 168 771.50 256 332.51 206 382.46 164.74
    September 160 139.00 172 203.51 165 509.64 77.85
    October 146 276.39 159 442.82 153 122.31 64.67
    November 131 100.99 148 122.84 139 410.50 52.98
    December 119 536.01 133 723.01 126 282.07 38.11
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 103 587.87 119 358.87 111 403.75 23.27
    February 91 023.53 104 849.83 97 369.51 8.29
    March 76 315.56 91 581.16 83 541.52 -5.42
    April 63 358.91 76 788.68 69 189.36 -20.69
    May 48 939.28 63 014.72 55 361.78 -34.92
    June 36 539.06 48 427.36 42 275.82 -49.98
    July 24 460.52 35 808.28 30 254.62 -63.02
    August 16 999.11 24 631.11 20 824.80 -74.56
    September 16 999.11 25 498.67 21 248.89 -73.67
    October 16 999.11 25 498.67 21 385.98 -73.67
    November 16 999.11 25 498.67 21 248.89 -73.67
    December 16 999.11 25 498.67 21 111.80 -73.67
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 16 999.11 25 498.67 21 142.27 -73.67
    February 16 999.11 25 498.67 21 362.87 -73.67
    March 16 999.11 25 498.67 21 142.27 -73.67
    April 16 999.11 25 498.67 21 248.89 -73.67
    May 16 999.11 25 498.67 21 172.73 -73.67
    June 16 999.11 25 498.67 21 248.89 -73.67
    July 16 999.11 25 498.67 21 135.12 -73.67
    August 18 657.25 29 513.28 23 783.55 -69.52
    September 29 322.17 40 975.07 35 400.03 -57.68
    October 41 794.57 54 269.74 47 941.81 -43.95
    November 55 355.13 68 730.65 61 622.76 -29.02
    December 69 353.23 83 852.99 76 298.42 -13.4
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 83 679.43 98 491.46 91 216.31 1.72
    February 97 539.90 120 240.83 108 683.24 24.18
    March 122 586.79 148 926.88 134 173.87 53.81
    April 146 560.02 178 699.73 162 837.01 84.56
    May 179 205.74 214 117.43 194 805.27 121.14
    June 208 977.33 244 104.15 227 111.47 152.11
    July 240 795.16 281 668.44 261 627.35 190.9
    August 275 708.04 319 643.64 298 938.80 230.13
    September 313 903.71 355 282.71 334 685.01 266.93
    October 351 297.61 390 822.74 371 707.42 303.64
    November 382 853.08 425 067.04 404 783.79 339.01
    December 417 060.47 454 221.42 438 406.34 369.12
    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 455 090.53 492 448.33 471 978.44 408.6
    February 482 599.36 485 770.15 484 184.75 401.7
    Aave v3 WBTC (AWBTC)
    Aave v3 WBTC
    $96 824.93
    0.03681% Last 24h
    Aave v3 WBTC (AWBTC)
    Aave v3 WBTC
    $96 824.93
    0.03681% Last 24h