Zilliqa (ZIL) Ecosystem Coins List by Market Cap

The market cap of Zilliqa Ecosystem coins combined is $ 626.70M. This is a 8.49% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 61.1% of Zilliqa Ecosystem coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 38.9% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Zilliqa Ecosystem coins combined is $ 112.92M. The market cap of ZIL makes up 0% of the market cap of Zilliqa Ecosystem coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Zilliqa (ZIL) ZIL Zilliqa $0.02810 8.63% 16% $541.43M $73.75M 19.27B ZIL
2 XSGD (XSGD) XSGD XSGD $0.7455 0.03833% 0.1578% $39.96M $35.73M 53.62M XSGD
3 XCAD Network (XCAD) XCAD XCAD Network $0.4949 24.88% 0.04782% $28.37M $3.23M 57.31M XCAD
4 Governance ZIL (GZIL) GZIL governance ZIL $ 9.04 33.63% 23.95% $5.06M $22.32K 559.97K GZIL
5 Carbon Protocol (SWTH) SWTH Carbon Protocol $0.002245 0.1069% 7% $3.86M $67.52K 1.72B SWTH
6 LunarCrush (LUNR) LUNR LunarCrush $0.02038 30.86% 0.05325% $3.06M $196.89 150.00M LUNR
7 Web3war (FPS) FPS web3war $0.07122 9.23% 7% $2.10M $69.10K 29.59M FPS
8 Bolt (BOLT) BOLT Bolt $0.001237 15% 39% $1.24M $3.23K 999.00M BOLT
9 Kalijo (SEED) SEED Kalijo $0.3318 3.11% 35% $613.41K $37.07 1.85M SEED
10 ZilSwap (ZWAP) ZWAP ZilSwap $0.5743 8.58% 24% $497.82K $88.72 866.95K ZWAP
11 ZilPepe (ZILPEPE) ZILPEPE ZilPepe $0.0000000008707 3.46% 10.65% $366.03K $356.53 420.69T ZILPEPE
12 XIDR (XIDR) XIDR XIDR $0.00006278 0.3157% 0.4388% $132.71K $44.79K 2.11B XIDR
13 Blox SDK (BLOX) BLOX Blox SDK $0.001620 0% 0% $6.48K $0.18 4.00M BLOX
14 The Winners Circle (HRSE) HRSE The Winners Circle $0.01005 12% 32% $0.00 $16.49K 0.00 HRSE
15 PackagePortal (PORT) PORT PackagePortal $0.02267 0% 19% $0.00 $5.12 0.00 PORT
16 DMZ (DMZ) DMZ DMZ $0.001321 0% 0% $0.00 $0.12 0.00 DMZ
17 Carbon Labs (CARB) CARB Carbon Labs $0.0007555 0% 0% $0.00 $5.72 0.00 CARB
18 ZilPay Wallet (ZLP) ZLP ZilPay Wallet $0.09807 9.82% 20% $0.00 $39.16 0.00 ZLP