World Liberty Financial Portfolio Tokens list by Market Cap and Volume

The market cap of World Liberty Financial Portfolio coins combined is $ 494.10B. This is a 0.6019% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 45.5% of World Liberty Financial Portfolio coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 54.5% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of World Liberty Financial Portfolio coins combined is $ 21.00B. The market cap of World Liberty Financial Portfolio makes up 48.5% of the market cap of World Liberty Financial Portfolio coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Ethereum (ETH) ETH Ethereum $ 1 986.08 0.08576% 2.63% $239.56B $6.04B 120.63M ETH
2 Tether (USDT) USDT Tether $0.9998 0.02135% 0.01655% $143.46B $10.28B 143.49B USDT
3 USDC (USDC) USDC USDC $0.9998 0.01302% 0.003813% $59.60B $2.13B 59.61B USDC
4 TRON (TRX) TRX TRON $0.2373 1.42% 7.15% $22.55B $458.34M 95.01B TRX
5 Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) WBTC Wrapped Bitcoin $ 83 963.65 0.2222% 0.1286% $10.82B $58.05M 128.92K WBTC
6 Chainlink (LINK) LINK Chainlink $ 14.30 1.25% 2.41% $9.13B $232.44M 638.10M LINK
7 Aave (AAVE) AAVE Aave $ 180.55 0.07811% 4.27% $2.72B $170.46M 15.09M AAVE
8 Ondo (ONDO) ONDO Ondo $0.8264 0.9405% 5% $2.62B $67.43M 3.16B ONDO
9 Ethena (ENA) ENA Ethena $0.3556 0.03012% 5% $1.88B $98.58M 5.29B ENA
10 Movement (MOVE) MOVE Movement $0.4319 0.9107% 7% $1.06B $39.35M 2.45B MOVE
11 Sei (SEI) SEI Sei $0.1936 0.9444% 5% $945.34M $45.19M 4.88B SEI