Synthetic Issuer Coin Prices and Market Information

The market cap of Synthetic Issuer coins combined is $ 1.47B. This is a 7.57% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 76.5% of Synthetic Issuer coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 23.5% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Synthetic Issuer coins combined is $ 176.66M. The market cap of SNX makes up 66.9% of the market cap of Synthetic Issuer coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Synthetix Network (SNX) SNX Synthetix Network $ 2.91 9.52% 2% $981.18M $110.69M 336.82M SNX
2 UMA (UMA) UMA UMA $ 3.58 12.83% 8% $297.51M $48.21M 83.22M UMA
3 STP (STPT) STPT STP $0.05245 10.29% 12% $101.82M $9.50M 1.94B STPT
4 Indigo Protocol (INDY) INDY Indigo Protocol $ 2.21 1% 24% $34.53M $264.93K 15.60M INDY
5 Cryptex Finance (CTX) CTX Cryptex Finance $ 3.15 7.08% 1% $21.86M $301.33K 6.93M CTX
6 Mettalex (MTLX) MTLX Mettalex $ 3.10 9.40% 10% $12.60M $20.52K 4.06M MTLX
7 Mirror Protocol (MIR) MIR Mirror Protocol $0.03315 3% 11% $5.18M $394.35K 156.06M MIR
8 Offshift (XFT) XFT Offshift $0.3114 12.53% 2.07% $3.13M $13.82K 10.07M XFT
9 Jarvis (JARVIS) JARVIS Jarvis $0.07300 6.25% 15.01% $3.06M $1.87K 42.00M JARVIS
10 Horizon Protocol (HZN) HZN Horizon Protocol $0.01562 3.43% 5% $3.02M $82.08K 193.55M HZN
11 Jarvis Reward (JRT) JRT Jarvis Reward $0.005235 6.23% 10.86% $2.07M $560.55 397.10M JRT
12 PERI Finance (PERI) PERI PERI Finance $0.09015 4.92% 17% $1.23M $2.96K 13.50M PERI
13 Dafi Protocol (DAFI) DAFI Dafi Protocol $0.0009200 5% 12.12% $520.21K $45.14K 565.33M DAFI
14 Poison Finance (POI$ON) POI$ON Poison Finance $0.02920 0.3678% 12% $153.25K $1.44K 5.16M POI$ON
15 Synthetify (SNY) SNY Synthetify $0.004603 1% 0.6059% $53.21K $140.09K 11.56M SNY
16 Oikos (OKS) OKS Oikos $0.0002010 0.02351% 4% $50.79K $2.08 252.57M OKS
17 Numa (NUMA) NUMA Numa $0.4197 3.43% 5% $0.00 $8.54K 0.00 NUMA