Rollux Ecosystem Coins List by Market Cap

The market cap of Rollux Ecosystem coins combined is $ 41.16B. This is a 0.4506% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 57.1% of Rollux Ecosystem coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 42.9% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Rollux Ecosystem coins combined is $ 3.93B. The market cap of SYS makes up 0.1% of the market cap of Rollux Ecosystem coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Syscoin (SYS) SYS Syscoin $0.04870 1.09% 2% $39.21M $1.29M 804.61M SYS
2 Bridged USDC (USDC) USDC Bridged USDC $0.9999 0.06347% 0.02687% $0.00 $4.10M 0.00 USDC
3 Bridged USDT (USDT) USDT Bridged USDT $ 1.00 0.08289% 0.04304% $0.00 $3.94M 0.00 USDT
4 Luxy (LUXY) LUXY Luxy $0.001071 % 0.005496% $0.00 $48.08 0.00 LUXY
5 Pegasys (Rollux) (PSYS) PSYS Pegasys (Rollux) $0.001264 1.66% 4.84% $0.00 $169.29 0.00 PSYS
6 SuperDapp (SUPR) SUPR SuperDapp $0.003529 0.9885% 31% $0.00 $94.25K 0.00 SUPR
7 Wrapped Syscoin (WSYS) WSYS Wrapped Syscoin $0.05474 2.17% 6.70% $0.00 $150.63 0.00 WSYS