Protocol Coin Prices and Market Information

The market cap of Protocol coins combined is $ 19.91B. This is a 4% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 81% of Protocol coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 19% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Protocol coins combined is $ 1.99B. The market cap of HBAR makes up 71.6% of the market cap of Protocol coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Hedera (HBAR) HBAR Hedera $0.3725 5% 32.71% $14.26B $1.45B 38.28B HBAR
2 Quant (QNT) QNT Quant $ 121.35 0.8030% 16.67% $1.77B $44.47M 14.54M QNT
3 MultiversX (EGLD) EGLD MultiversX $ 37.69 2.86% 13.11% $1.05B $42.20M 27.83M EGLD
4 Gnosis (GNO) GNO Gnosis $ 254.21 2.84% 2.31% $658.77M $8.75M 2.59M GNO
5 0x Protocol (ZRX) ZRX 0x Protocol $0.5489 6.58% 5.48% $466.01M $80.13M 848.40M ZRX
6 Harmony (ONE) ONE Harmony $0.02882 10.76% 19.50% $355.30M $28.98M 12.31B ONE
7 Kadena (KDA) KDA Kadena $ 1.08 19.42% 29.83% $328.19M $48.97M 302.27M KDA
8 WAX (WAXP) WAXP WAX $0.04703 3.14% 2% $165.69M $12.97M 3.50B WAXP
9 Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) OCEAN Ocean Protocol $0.6143 6.10% 4.37% $131.70M $991.74K 214.30M OCEAN
10 MVL (MVL) MVL MVL $0.004874 1.13% 1% $126.90M $5.15M 26.00B MVL
11 Arcblock (ABT) ABT Arcblock $ 1.26 4.13% 2% $123.89M $1.34M 98.58M ABT
12 RSK Infrastructure Framework (RIF) RIF RSK Infrastructure Framework $0.1041 5.13% 5.99% $104.46M $3.74M 1.00B RIF
13 Keep Network (KEEP) KEEP Keep Network $0.1429 4.85% 7.93% $78.58M $34.20K 549.72M KEEP
14 Metadium (META) META Metadium $0.03609 1.13% 5% $61.49M $3.58M 1.70B META
15 MAP Protocol (MAPO) MAPO MAP Protocol $0.009495 5.47% 3.79% $51.96M $2.04M 5.47B MAPO
16 Wanchain (WAN) WAN Wanchain $0.2275 5.35% 8.86% $45.14M $1.12M 198.41M WAN
17 HOPR (HOPR) HOPR HOPR $0.08633 5.24% 0.4168% $39.79M $288.58K 460.55M HOPR
18 Shardus (ULT) ULT Shardus $0.08626 4.70% 6.95% $37.99M $4.99K 439.56M ULT
19 FIO Protocol (FIO) FIO FIO Protocol $0.03981 4.68% 8.89% $31.99M $7.72M 801.88M FIO
20 Newton Project (NEW) NEW Newton Project $0.0005489 5% 35.87% $23.10M $1.10M 42.23B NEW
21 Handshake (HNS) HNS Handshake $0.01298 7.18% 14.43% $8.40M $35.07K 647.12M HNS
22 Validity (VAL) VAL Validity $ 1.03 0.06802% 16.16% $5.40M $1.13M 5.27M VAL
23 Augur (REP) REP Augur $0.6526 11.93% 5.03% $5.25M $39.44K 8.04M REP
24 SERO (SERO) SERO SERO $0.009372 5.88% 2% $4.01M $130.05K 428.53M SERO
25 GET Protocol (GET) GET GET Protocol $0.6988 7.86% 10.24% $3.65M $450.24 5.22M GET
26 Cardstack (CARD) CARD Cardstack $0.0009069 4.47% 8% $2.72M $38.95K 3.00B CARD
27 DSLA Protocol (DSLA) DSLA DSLA Protocol $0.0002703 1.33% 14.63% $1.50M $104.96K 5.57B DSLA
28 OneLedger (OLT) OLT OneLedger $0.001059 0.5842% 2% $459.41K $160.91K 434.60M OLT
29 FOAM (FOAM) FOAM FOAM $0.001281 17.31% 34.58% $455.33K $1.77K 355.36M FOAM
30 Idena (IDNA) IDNA Idena $0.004217 8% 11% $313.82K $13.14K 74.41M IDNA
31 Drep (DREP) DREP Drep $0.003993 2.08% 2.02% $229.24K $1.04K 57.41M DREP
32 Decentr (DEC) DEC Decentr $0.001617 8% 12% $175.99K $2.62K 108.77M DEC
33 NFT Protocol (NFT) NFT NFT Protocol $0.004478 30% 40% $169.83K $2.29K 37.82M NFT
34 Blocknet (BLOCK) BLOCK Blocknet $0.01027 0.6699% 38.87% $116.74K $0.56 11.37M BLOCK
35 DOS Network (DOS) DOS DOS Network $0.0004941 0% 4% $65.25K $3.58 132.04M DOS
36 Remme (REM) REM Remme $0.00006460 11.39% 17.45% $60.99K $260.34 944.12M REM
37 Dev Protocol (DEV) DEV Dev Protocol $0.0008211 0% 0% $2.07K $0.00 2.52M DEV
38 Wrapped One (WONE) WONE Wrapped One $0.02821 8.43% 14.73% $0.00 $20.76K 0.00 WONE
39 NuCypher (NU) NU NuCypher $0.1001 5.10% 0.6104% $0.00 $3.99K 0.00 NU
40 Tachyon Protocol (IPX) IPX Tachyon Protocol $0.00004594 0.1240% 32.88% $0.00 $0.05 0.00 IPX
41 BitTorrent [OLD] (BTTOLD) BTTOLD BitTorrent [OLD] $0.000001139 0.9036% 0.4995% $0.00 $303.58 0.00 BTTOLD
42 Auditchain (AUDT) AUDT Auditchain $0.04978 16.60% 0.6520% $0.00 $11.01K 0.00 AUDT