Tokens list by Market Cap and Volume

The market cap of Outlier Ventures Portfolio coins combined is $ 24.78B. This is a 4.62% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 80% of Outlier Ventures Portfolio coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 20% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Outlier Ventures Portfolio coins combined is $ 2.41B. The market cap of Outlier Ventures Portfolio makes up 57.5% of the market cap of Outlier Ventures Portfolio coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Hedera (HBAR) HBAR Hedera $0.3725 5% 32.71% $14.26B $1.45B 38.28B HBAR
2 Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (FET) FET Artificial Superintelligence Alliance $ 1.42 5.93% 6.53% $3.71B $268.21M 2.60B FET
3 Cosmos Hub (ATOM) ATOM Cosmos Hub $ 7.15 6.81% 7.60% $3.09B $226.20M 432.15M ATOM
4 IOTA (IOTA) IOTA IOTA $0.3943 3% 21.49% $1.42B $129.73M 3.59B IOTA
5 Celo (CELO) CELO Celo $0.6882 5.59% 5.81% $386.45M $44.39M 559.55M CELO
6 Moca Network (MOCA) MOCA Moca Network $0.2236 4.07% 2% $360.87M $50.32M 1.63B MOCA
7 Biconomy (BICO) BICO Biconomy $0.3126 7.27% 11.68% $288.83M $16.18M 921.68M BICO
8 Xai (XAI) XAI Xai $0.2353 9.50% 9.17% $173.77M $88.88M 738.32M XAI
9 Lisk (LSK) LSK Lisk $ 1.03 2.52% 7% $171.10M $38.91M 166.14M LSK
10 Orbs (ORBS) ORBS Orbs $0.03076 2.87% 2% $139.64M $5.00M 4.53B ORBS
11 Secret (SCRT) SCRT Secret $0.4666 6.14% 4.66% $139.47M $6.29M 298.73M SCRT
12 Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) OCEAN Ocean Protocol $0.6143 6.10% 4.37% $131.70M $991.74K 214.30M OCEAN
13 RSK Infrastructure Framework (RIF) RIF RSK Infrastructure Framework $0.1041 5.13% 5.99% $104.46M $3.74M 1.00B RIF
14 DIA (DIA) DIA DIA $0.7360 4.12% 9.01% $88.27M $12.08M 119.68M DIA
15 Cudos (CUDOS) CUDOS Cudos $0.01028 7.30% 6.79% $75.90M $4.46K 7.38B CUDOS
16 AUKI (AUKI) AUKI AUKI $0.04887 23.78% 20.67% $63.68M $511.40K 1.30B AUKI
17 The Root Network (ROOT) ROOT The Root Network $0.02766 2.15% 9.64% $40.01M $2.68M 1.45B ROOT
18 Boson Protocol (BOSON) BOSON Boson Protocol $0.2584 2% 6.88% $35.81M $1.33M 138.57M BOSON
19 Swash (SWASH) SWASH Swash $0.005441 0.8502% 2% $5.42M $148.74K 995.58M SWASH
20 Interlock (ILOCK) ILOCK Interlock $0.01223 2% 0.8791% $2.90M $38.52K 236.66M ILOCK