Neon (NEON) Ecosystem Coins List by Market Cap

The market cap of Neon Ecosystem coins combined is $ 61.19B. This is a 0.02357% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 35.7% of Neon Ecosystem coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 64.3% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Neon Ecosystem coins combined is $ 2.30B. The market cap of USDC makes up 97.4% of the market cap of Neon Ecosystem coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 USDC (USDC) USDC USDC $0.9998 0.01302% 0.003813% $59.60B $2.13B 59.61B USDC
2 Bonk (BONK) BONK Bonk $0.00001230 1.89% 11.68% $952.57M $120.08M 77.42T BONK
3 Pyth Network (PYTH) PYTH Pyth Network $0.1601 6.82% 6.15% $582.06M $34.48M 3.62B PYTH
4 LeverFi (LEVER) LEVER LeverFi $0.001015 10.54% 5.36% $35.53M $20.45M 34.98B LEVER
5 Mango (MNGO) MNGO Mango $0.02241 1.98% 25.04% $25.05M $1.45K 1.12B MNGO
6 Curio Gas Token (CGT) CGT Curio Gas Token $0.003542 9% 18% $354.22K $3.60K 100.00M CGT
7 Liquid Staking Token (LST) LST Liquid Staking Token $ 180.27 0.03733% 5% $0.00 $49.07K 0.00 LST
8 Mora (MORA) MORA Mora $0.00002161 3.82% 36% $0.00 $647.14 0.00 MORA
9 NeonPass Bridged USDC (Neon) (USDC) USDC NeonPass Bridged USDC (Neon) $0.9812 3% 0.4768% $0.00 $1.85K 0.00 USDC
10 Neonpass Bridged USDT (Neon) (USDT) USDT Neonpass Bridged USDT (Neon) $0.9594 % 1% $0.00 $536.66 0.00 USDT
11 NeoPepe (NEOP) NEOP NeoPepe $0.00000005884 % 0% $0.00 $23.78 0.00 NEOP
12 Soletheon (SOLEN) SOLEN Soletheon $0.000003256 % 0% $0.00 $1.47 0.00 SOLEN
13 Wrapped Neon (WNEON) WNEON Wrapped Neon $0.1504 0.8797% 2.10% $0.00 $3.05K 0.00 WNEON
14 NeonPass Bridged SOL (Neon EVM) (SOL) SOL NeonPass Bridged SOL (Neon EVM) $ 128.72 0.1637% 5% $0.00 $579.53 0.00 SOL