Tokens list by Market Cap and Volume

The market cap of Name Service coins combined is $ 1.64B. This is a 11.45% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 85.7% of Name Service coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 14.3% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Name Service coins combined is $ 751.92M. The market cap of Name Service makes up 80% of the market cap of Name Service coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Ethereum Name Service (ENS) ENS Ethereum Name Service $ 39.49 15.42% 4% $1.31B $657.95M 33.17M ENS
2 Solana Name Service (FIDA) FIDA Solana Name Service $0.3382 14.27% 5% $325.80M $112.97M 964.41M FIDA
3 Handshake (HNS) HNS Handshake $0.02203 8% 4.14% $14.15M $291.19K 642.62M HNS
4 Sonic Name Service (SNS) SNS Sonic Name Service $0.03922 6.77% 9% $2.09M $143.04K 53.29M SNS
5 Shibarium Name Service (SNS) SNS Shibarium Name Service $0.0000003176 2.51% 1% $0.00 $77.00 0.00 SNS
6 Token Name Service (TKN) TKN Token Name Service $0.03161 10.26% 5.17% $0.00 $43.72K 0.00 TKN
7 Apollo Name Service (ANS) ANS Apollo Name Service $0.1314 7.32% 5% $0.00 $307.77K 0.00 ANS