Made in China Tokens list by Market Cap and Volume

The market cap of Made in China coins combined is $ 29.85B. This is a 1.39% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 53.3% of Made in China coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 46.7% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Made in China coins combined is $ 638.73M. The market cap of Made in China makes up 75.5% of the market cap of Made in China coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 TRON (TRX) TRX TRON $0.2373 1.42% 7.15% $22.55B $458.34M 95.01B TRX
2 OKB (OKB) OKB OKB $ 51.78 0.2559% 11.35% $3.11B $5.32M 60.00M OKB
3 VeChain (VET) VET VeChain $0.02524 0.09141% 0.4290% $2.17B $40.46M 85.99B VET
4 NEO (NEO) NEO NEO $ 8.12 0.07928% 0.5823% $572.26M $11.92M 70.53M NEO
5 Conflux (CFX) CFX Conflux $0.09087 4.45% 4.70% $456.44M $32.03M 5.02B CFX
6 Nervos Network (CKB) CKB Nervos Network $0.005421 7.43% 8.70% $250.87M $49.82M 46.17B CKB
7 Zilliqa (ZIL) ZIL Zilliqa $0.01246 0.2709% 0.7674% $245.64M $9.03M 19.68B ZIL
8 Qtum (QTUM) QTUM Qtum $ 2.15 0.5039% 2% $226.70M $15.11M 105.57M QTUM
9 Ontology (ONT) ONT Ontology $0.1526 1.55% 3.13% $139.49M $5.17M 913.70M ONT
10 Huobi (HT) HT Huobi $0.5063 0.4190% 4.26% $80.70M $3.32K 159.41M HT
11 Phoenix (PHB) PHB Phoenix $0.5982 2.23% 1.05% $30.75M $12.39M 51.40M PHB
12 Matrix AI Network (MAN) MAN Matrix AI Network $0.008765 3% 16% $4.02M $89.08K 458.71M MAN
13 Bytom (BTM) BTM Bytom $0.001767 3.58% 1.24% $3.18M $56.62K 1.80B BTM
14 ICPanda DAO (PANDA) PANDA ICPanda DAO $0.001823 12.45% 32.73% $1.49M $7.04K 814.82M PANDA
15 (COOL) COOL $0.0003791 7% 22% $379.10K $29.30K 999.94M COOL