LSDFi Coin Prices and Market Information

The market cap of LSDFi coins combined is $ 1.29B. This is a 4.12% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 63.2% of LSDFi coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 36.8% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of LSDFi coins combined is $ 166.81M. The market cap of PENDLE makes up 78.3% of the market cap of LSDFi coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Pendle (PENDLE) PENDLE Pendle $ 6.12 6.04% 2% $1.01B $160.06M 164.61M PENDLE
2 Origin Ether (OETH) OETH Origin Ether $ 3 795.67 3.32% 0.3298% $170.41M $32.14K 44.90K OETH
3 Dinero (DINERO) DINERO Dinero $0.09518 0.02576% 23.96% $59.29M $241.88K 622.98M DINERO
4 UTON (UTON) UTON uTON $ 6.34 9.32% 5% $19.13M $1.15K 3.02M UTON
5 Lybra (LBR) LBR Lybra $0.1310 22.85% 12% $9.28M $5.48M 70.69M LBR
6 Origin DeFi Governance (OGV) OGV Origin DeFi Governance $0.01271 6.53% 12% $5.22M $543.87 410.16M OGV
7 Redacted (BTRFLY) BTRFLY Redacted $ 184.06 9% 28.03% $5.01M $4.15K 27.22K BTRFLY
8 Prisma Governance Token (PRISMA) PRISMA Prisma Governance Token $0.06329 6.38% 7% $4.21M $449.55K 66.65M PRISMA
9 TENET (TENET) TENET TENET $0.006682 7.90% 18% $2.81M $441.67K 421.35M TENET
10 Loop ETH (LPETH) LPETH Loop ETH $ 3 378.55 0% 0% $1.64M $84.35 484.38 LPETH
11 Zaros (ZRS) ZRS Zaros $0.01099 0.7790% 0.6325% $1.09M $41.21K 99.47M ZRS
12 Sandclock (QUARTZ) QUARTZ Sandclock $0.1159 0% 4.71% $849.92K $117.77 7.33M QUARTZ
13 ENKI Protocol (ENKI) ENKI ENKI Protocol $ 4.26 5.96% 21% $638.72K $2.29K 150.00K ENKI
14 Raft (RAFT) RAFT Raft $0.0003803 4% 18% $439.80K $320.11 1.16B RAFT
15 LSDx Finance (LSD) LSD LSDx Finance $0.004019 0.2516% 9% $217.19K $777.36 54.03M LSD
16 UnshETHing_Token (USH) USH unshETHing_Token $0.001894 6.76% 14% $90.65K $39.64 47.88M USH
17 Liquid Staking Derivative (LSD) LSD Liquid Staking Derivative $0.02038 8.93% 7% $0.00 $73.43 0.00 LSD
18 Numa (NUMA) NUMA Numa $0.4197 3.43% 5% $0.00 $8.54K 0.00 NUMA
19 Agility (AGI) AGI Agility $0.002291 9.15% 1.52% $0.00 $89.37 0.00 AGI