Hyperliquid Ecosystem Coins List by Market Cap

The market cap of Hyperliquid Ecosystem coins combined is $ 277.64M. This is a 13.91% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 85.7% of Hyperliquid Ecosystem coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 14.3% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Hyperliquid Ecosystem coins combined is $ 23.38M. The market cap of PURR makes up 0% of the market cap of Hyperliquid Ecosystem coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Purr (PURR) PURR Purr $0.2231 6.55% 13% $133.81M $15.15M 598.04M PURR
2 Hypurr Fun (HFUN) HFUN Hypurr Fun $ 62.84 13.62% 58.36% $62.70M $2.33M 997.20K HFUN
3 PiP (PIP) PIP PiP $ 43.34 36.47% 0% $34.03M $3.41M 786.09K PIP
4 Catbal ($CATBAL) $CATBAL Catbal $ 17.42 8.80% 27% $17.44M $386.52K 999.31K $CATBAL
5 Jeff (JEFF) JEFF Jeff $ 15.57 28.26% 50% $15.54M $855.16K 998.40K JEFF
6 YEETI 液体 (YEETI) YEETI YEETI 液体 $0.01075 14.63% 465.77% $10.75M $868.72K 1.00B YEETI
7 POINTS (POINTS) POINTS POINTS $0.01902 21.23% 59% $1.90M $146.33K 99.74M POINTS
8 FRUDO (FRUDO) FRUDO FRUDO $0.9965 30.50% 270.14% $754.05K $20.63K 756.98K FRUDO
9 CZ on Hyperliquid (CZ) CZ CZ on Hyperliquid $0.1625 1% 8% $720.61K $72.70K 4.43M CZ
10 GMEOW (Hyperliquid) (GMEOW) GMEOW GMEOW (Hyperliquid) $0.0006083 32.15% 9.41% $0.00 $17.83K 0.00 GMEOW
11 HyperFUN (FUN) FUN HyperFUN $0.04207 23% 99.30% $0.00 $108.39 0.00 FUN
12 Hyperpill (PILL) PILL Hyperpill $0.003267 2.53% 30.73% $0.00 $15.62K 0.00 PILL
13 Panda (PANDA) PANDA Panda $0.01193 20.11% 10.63% $0.00 $93.22K 0.00 PANDA
14 Vegas (VEGAS) VEGAS Vegas $0.1120 14.94% 42% $0.00 $13.69K 0.00 VEGAS