Top Galaxy Digital Portfolio Coins List by Market Cap

The market cap of Galaxy Digital Portfolio coins combined is $ 449.30B. This is a 5.44% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 81.8% of Galaxy Digital Portfolio coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 18.2% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Galaxy Digital Portfolio coins combined is $ 29.12B. The market cap of ETH makes up 93.5% of the market cap of Galaxy Digital Portfolio coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Ethereum (ETH) ETH Ethereum $ 3 479.54 4.93% 6.55% $420.21B $27.89B 120.50M ETH
2 Avalanche (AVAX) AVAX Avalanche $ 41.55 3.22% 13.15% $17.10B $429.68M 411.43M AVAX
3 Monero (XMR) XMR Monero $ 231.97 3.71% 16.53% $4.27B $85.76M 18.45M XMR
4 Celestia (TIA) TIA Celestia $ 5.45 7.30% 11.82% $2.70B $183.37M 493.77M TIA
5 Polygon (MATIC) MATIC Polygon $0.5098 6.89% 10.92% $969.74M $13.37M 1.90B MATIC
6 Axelar (AXL) AXL Axelar $0.7378 12.00% 17.11% $665.19M $19.42M 899.06M AXL
7 Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) LUNC Terra Luna Classic $0.0001059 2.17% 1.84% $583.60M $32.48M 5.51T LUNC
8 1inch (1INCH) 1INCH 1inch $0.4007 4.30% 2.32% $561.65M $43.13M 1.40B 1INCH
9 Terra (LUNA) LUNA Terra $0.4428 5.57% 5.62% $304.76M $42.30M 687.66M LUNA
10 Usual (USUAL) USUAL Usual $0.5424 0.1475% 19% $283.85M $109.51M 522.40M USUAL
11 SKALE (SKL) SKL SKALE $0.05058 9.28% 14.29% $261.96M $38.32M 5.18B SKL
12 Mythos (MYTH) MYTH Mythos $0.2450 2% 2.25% $189.20M $2.35M 772.21M MYTH
13 Centrifuge (CFG) CFG Centrifuge $0.3372 9.98% 18.46% $172.70M $2.01M 512.16M CFG
14 IQ (IQ) IQ IQ $0.007996 0.6306% 14% $162.23M $11.56M 20.19B IQ
15 Spectral (SPEC) SPEC Spectral $ 8.95 13.81% 13.56% $126.62M $9.02M 14.10M SPEC
16 DODO (DODO) DODO DODO $0.1520 6.31% 7.06% $110.54M $12.72M 725.70M DODO
17 TerraClassicUSD (USTC) USTC TerraClassicUSD $0.01955 4.86% 3.51% $108.85M $8.35M 5.56B USTC
18 Hashflow (HFT) HFT Hashflow $0.2153 9.54% 12.91% $106.21M $10.58M 492.82M HFT
19 Gearbox (GEAR) GEAR Gearbox $0.007235 8% 16% $72.75M $2.73M 10.00B GEAR
20 Gods Unchained (GODS) GODS Gods Unchained $0.1922 4.36% 5.01% $66.01M $797.60K 342.92M GODS
21 Radworks (RAD) RAD Radworks $ 1.31 3.36% 6.32% $65.21M $15.78M 49.83M RAD
22 Gelato (GEL) GEL Gelato $0.1968 3.14% 3% $46.51M $292.30K 236.16M GEL
23 PSTAKE Finance (PSTAKE) PSTAKE pSTAKE Finance $0.04965 2.32% 4.38% $24.84M $1.20M 500.00M PSTAKE
24 Index Cooperative (INDEX) INDEX Index Cooperative $ 3.31 5.82% 8.57% $22.25M $197.98K 6.73M INDEX
25 Evmos (EVMOS) EVMOS Evmos $0.02095 13.47% 1.32% $10.74M $292.17K 512.69M EVMOS
26 VGX Token (VGX) VGX VGX Token $0.01088 2% 18% $9.94M $785.41K 913.99M VGX
27 PIP (PIP) PIP PIP $0.03212 12.21% 11.82% $8.76M $269.92K 272.47M PIP
28 Gari Network (GARI) GARI Gari Network $0.01339 2.34% 1% $8.50M $142.70K 635.34M GARI
29 PoolTogether (POOL) POOL PoolTogether $0.9531 0.04084% 0.1958% $6.64M $23.15K 6.97M POOL
30 Anchor Protocol (ANC) ANC Anchor Protocol $0.01105 0.8183% 10.37% $3.88M $58.04K 350.39M ANC
31 Paladin (PAL) PAL Paladin $0.1842 3.24% 6.24% $3.37M $15.66K 18.27M PAL
32 Opium (OPIUM) OPIUM Opium $0.05102 3% 11% $893.90K $18.14K 17.52M OPIUM
33 NuCypher (NU) NU NuCypher $0.1001 5.10% 0.6104% $0.00 $3.99K 0.00 NU