ERC 404 Coin Prices and Market Information

The market cap of ERC 404 coins combined is $ 8.33M. This is a 0.5714% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 28.6% of ERC 404 coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 71.4% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of ERC 404 coins combined is $ 3.36M. The market cap of PANDORA makes up 75.4% of the market cap of ERC 404 coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Pandora (PANDORA) PANDORA Pandora $ 628.26 0.2433% 0.4927% $6.28M $3.28M 10.00K PANDORA
2 Pundi X PURSE (PURSE) PURSE Pundi X PURSE $0.00003580 2% 4% $983.21K $37.94K 27.46B PURSE
3 DeFrogs (DEFROGS) DEFROGS DeFrogs $ 49.48 2% 0.9498% $494.99K $1.09K 10.00K DEFROGS
4 MYSTCL (MYST) MYST MYSTCL $ 64.06 1.92% 16% $448.89K $671.09 7.00K MYST
5 Froggy Friends (TAD) TAD Froggy Friends $ 6.68 % 4.43% $66.80K $6.66 10.00K TAD
6 OnChain Pepe 404 (OCP404) OCP404 OnChain Pepe 404 $ 390.67 % 2.82% $34.38K $20.86 88.00 OCP404
7 PLUMPY DRAGONS (LOONG) LOONG PLUMPY DRAGONS $0.00002367 % 0% $21.02K $4.20K 888.00M LOONG
8 LONG (LONG) LONG LONG $ 41.74 % 0% $0.00 $9.55 0.00 LONG
9 Crystal (CRYSTAL) CRYSTAL Crystal $ 34.91 % 7.15% $0.00 $17.45 0.00 CRYSTAL
10 Dino Poker (RAWR) RAWR Dino Poker $ 3.10 % 3.33% $0.00 $81.55 0.00 RAWR
11 Memefi Toybox 404 (TOYBOX) TOYBOX Memefi Toybox 404 $ 7.52 0.02961% 2.83% $0.00 $7.52 0.00 TOYBOX
12 Nothing Token (THING) THING Nothing Token $0.0000002063 0.9984% 5.16% $0.00 $18.42 0.00 THING
13 Palette (PLT) PLT Palette $ 35.50 13.22% 14.44% $0.00 $36.64K 0.00 PLT
14 Pandora Finance (PNDR) PNDR Pandora Finance $0.003187 0.8627% 0.4286% $0.00 $3.31 0.00 PNDR