Top eGirl Capital Portfolio Coins List by Market Cap

The market cap of eGirl Capital Portfolio coins combined is $ 7.57B. This is a 0.9189% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 0% of eGirl Capital Portfolio coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 100% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of eGirl Capital Portfolio coins combined is $ 1.59B. The market cap of ARB makes up 27.4% of the market cap of eGirl Capital Portfolio coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 Arbitrum (ARB) ARB Arbitrum $0.4784 4% 20% $2.07B $512.25M 4.34B ARB
2 Celestia (TIA) TIA Celestia $ 3.28 2% 14% $1.67B $176.48M 515.50M TIA
3 Lido DAO (LDO) LDO Lido DAO $ 1.70 6% 4% $1.53B $397.25M 895.94M LDO
4 Blur (BLUR) BLUR Blur $0.1396 4% 19% $304.63M $72.86M 2.18B BLUR
5 Blast (BLAST) BLAST Blast $0.004145 5% 23% $103.13M $8.75M 25.13B BLAST
6 Gearbox (GEAR) GEAR Gearbox $0.004316 1% 25% $43.12M $1.67M 10.00B GEAR
7 Alchemix (ALCX) ALCX Alchemix $ 12.49 4% 15% $29.80M $7.53M 2.39M ALCX
8 Everclear (NEXT) NEXT Everclear $0.05127 1% 14% $5.48M $15.39K 106.84M NEXT
9 Unisocks (SOCKS) SOCKS Unisocks $ 12 939.61 4% 17% $3.87M $57.88 298.99 SOCKS