Top Index Coop DeFi (DPI) Crypto Index Tokens List

The market cap of Index Coop Defi Index coins combined is $ 15.40B. This is a 0.06371% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 80% of Index Coop Defi Index coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 20% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Index Coop Defi Index coins combined is $ 493.46M. The market cap of WETH makes up 36.5% of the market cap of Index Coop Defi Index coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 WETH (WETH) WETH WETH $ 1 986.25 0.04803% 2.55% $5.62B $137.88M 2.83M WETH
2 Uniswap (UNI) UNI Uniswap $ 6.75 1% 7.97% $4.05B $86.33M 600.48M UNI
3 Aave (AAVE) AAVE Aave $ 180.55 0.07811% 4.27% $2.72B $170.46M 15.09M AAVE
4 Maker (MKR) MKR Maker $ 1 237.63 0.2730% 0.9639% $1.05B $41.15M 847.70K MKR
5 Lido DAO (LDO) LDO Lido DAO $ 1.02 1.03% 6.70% $917.07M $51.27M 897.88M LDO
6 Compound (COMP) COMP Compound $ 42.95 2.61% 1.43% $384.45M $26.86M 8.94M COMP
7 Synthetix Network (SNX) SNX Synthetix Network $0.8602 1.28% 1.14% $291.59M $18.85M 339.47M SNX
8 (YFI) YFI $ 5 179.51 0.3867% 0.8739% $174.85M $19.51M 33.75K YFI
9 Rocket Pool (RPL) RPL Rocket Pool $ 5.15 1.35% 2% $109.40M $10.70M 21.23M RPL
10 Balancer (BAL) BAL Balancer $ 1.47 0.1647% 1.08% $91.81M $7.39M 62.58M BAL