Data Availability Coin Prices and Market Information

The market cap of Data Availability coins combined is $ 6.45B. This is a 9% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 10% of Data Availability coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 90% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Data Availability coins combined is $ 720.50M. The market cap of NEAR makes up 62.4% of the market cap of Data Availability coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 NEAR Protocol (NEAR) NEAR NEAR Protocol $ 3.42 7% 20% $4.03B $343.72M 1.18B NEAR
2 Celestia (TIA) TIA Celestia $ 3.28 2% 14% $1.67B $176.48M 515.50M TIA
3 Eigenlayer (EIGEN) EIGEN Eigenlayer $ 1.95 7% 19% $455.03M $185.68M 234.98M EIGEN
4 Avail (AVAIL) AVAIL Avail $0.09610 3% 9% $187.90M $3.58M 1.96B AVAIL
5 Syscoin (SYS) SYS Syscoin $0.06875 3% 21% $55.29M $4.68M 804.63M SYS
6 Covalent X Token (CXT) CXT Covalent X Token $0.06018 2% 19% $53.18M $3.15M 902.44M CXT
7 Synternet (SYNT) SYNT Synternet $0.02555 8% 23% $20.76M $3.56M 812.62M SYNT
8 Crust Network (CRU) CRU Crust Network $0.2478 7% 21% $6.48M $291.62K 26.25M CRU
9 KIRA Network (KEX) KEX KIRA Network $0.02186 0.06916% 16% $4.90M $25.79K 224.00M KEX
10 BVM (BVM) BVM BVM $0.1196 18.93% 33% $2.97M $101.06K 24.82M BVM