Canto (CANTO) Ecosystem Coins List by Market Cap

The market cap of Canto Ecosystem coins combined is $ 67.40B. This is a 0.05875% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 50% of Canto Ecosystem coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 50% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Canto Ecosystem coins combined is $ 2.41B. The market cap of USDC makes up 0% of the market cap of Canto Ecosystem coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 USDC (USDC) USDC USDC $0.9998 0.01302% 0.003813% $59.60B $2.13B 59.61B USDC
2 WETH (WETH) WETH WETH $ 1 986.25 0.04803% 2.55% $5.62B $137.88M 2.83M WETH
3 Cosmos Hub (ATOM) ATOM Cosmos Hub $ 4.86 5.19% 4.92% $2.15B $139.95M 441.55M ATOM
4 Fantom Bomb (BOMB) BOMB Fantom Bomb $0.02497 0.5154% 0.7360% $12.34M $3.51K 491.40M BOMB
5 Tarot (TAROT) TAROT Tarot $0.1051 0.2496% 4.00% $7.02M $5.14K 66.74M TAROT
6 CANTO (CANTO) CANTO CANTO $0.009964 1% 12% $6.06M $200.17K 608.47M CANTO
7 Synapse Bridged USDC (Canto) (USDC) USDC Synapse Bridged USDC (Canto) $ 1.00 0.01480% 0.05472% $5.09M $1.11K 5.09M USDC
8 Impermax (IBEX) IBEX Impermax $0.04745 0.1753% 0.07336% $3.43M $20.65 72.25M IBEX
9 Gravity Bridged WETH (Canto) (WETH) WETH Gravity Bridged WETH (Canto) $ 1 986.25 0.04637% 2.72% $613.34K $5.98K 308.86 WETH
10 OmniCat (OMNI) OMNI OmniCat $0.00001213 0.2226% 10% $507.66K $36.34K 41.73B OMNI
11 Cadence Protocol (CAD) CAD Cadence Protocol $0.003479 % 0% $109.15K $130.85 31.37M CAD
12 Velocimeter FLOW (FLOW) FLOW Velocimeter FLOW $0.00004720 1.68% 7% $12.82K $3.58 271.56M FLOW
13 Liquid Staked Canto (SCANTO) SCANTO Liquid Staked Canto $0.01096 0.2462% 11% $0.00 $1.41 0.00 SCANTO
14 Note (NOTE) NOTE Note $ 1.00 0.02591% 0.6336% $0.00 $22.34K 0.00 NOTE
15 (SINO) SINO $0.08173 % 0% $0.00 $628.39 0.00 SINO
16 Profit Pass (CPP) CPP Profit Pass $ 14.51 % 0% $0.00 $623.30 0.00 CPP
17 Canto Inu (CINU) CINU Canto Inu $0.00000000007804 % 3% $0.00 $94.24 0.00 CINU
18 CantOHM (COHM) COHM CantOHM $0.1559 % 0% $0.00 $1.25 0.00 COHM
19 Canto Crabs Chip (CRAB) CRAB Canto Crabs Chip $0.000000008539 % 0.07001% $0.00 $67.70 0.00 CRAB
20 Bridged USDT (USDT) USDT Bridged USDT $ 1.00 0.08289% 0.04304% $0.00 $3.94M 0.00 USDT
21 LeetSwap (Canto) (LEET) LEET LeetSwap (Canto) $ % % $ $ LEET
22 Fortunafi Tokenized Short-term U.S. Treasury Bills for Non US Residents (IFBILL) IFBILL Fortunafi Tokenized Short-term U.S. Treasury Bills for Non US Residents $ % % $ $ IFBILL