Business Platform Coin Prices and Market Information

The market cap of Business Platform coins combined is $ 7.48B. This is a 1% change compared to 24 hours ago. Compared to 24 hours ago, 50% of Business Platform coins now have a higher price (gainers) and 50% have a lower price (losers). The 24 hour trading volume of Business Platform coins combined is $ 376.27M. The market cap of VET makes up 54.3% of the market cap of Business Platform coins.

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Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
1 VeChain (VET) VET VeChain $0.05001 0.9873% 10.66% $4.06B $69.14M 80.99B VET
2 DeXe (DEXE) DEXE DeXe $ 16.89 2% 31.56% $965.48M $9.30M 57.10M DEXE
3 Golem (GLM) GLM Golem $0.4151 2.95% 15.12% $415.25M $50.15M 1.00B GLM
4 IoTeX (IOTX) IOTX IoTeX $0.04177 0.06612% 10.58% $395.27M $13.65M 9.44B IOTX
5 Origin Token (OGN) OGN Origin Token $0.1247 1% 1% $86.99M $7.87M 696.31M OGN
6 Enzyme (MLN) MLN Enzyme $ 20.52 0.2061% 0.5366% $55.49M $2.12M 2.70M MLN
7 Carry (CRE) CRE Carry $0.004171 9.83% 10% $41.72M $1.05K 10.00B CRE
8 District0x (DNT) DNT district0x $0.05108 0.1723% 8.97% $38.22M $795.46K 751.22M DNT
9 Aventus (AVT) AVT Aventus $ 2.55 1.10% 4.66% $23.87M $108.96K 9.38M AVT
10 Arianee (ARIA20) ARIA20 Arianee $0.1243 2% 4.23% $13.36M $75.26 107.37M ARIA20
11 Lumerin (LMR) LMR Lumerin $0.01309 10.40% 5.19% $8.29M $77.51K 632.54M LMR
12 SIX Network (SIX) SIX SIX Network $0.02876 0.3038% 5.67% $7.88M $546.52K 273.78M SIX
13 Everest (ID) ID Everest $0.03436 12% 13% $4.01M $41.90K 116.70M ID
14 GoChain (GO) GO GoChain $0.002916 0.4255% 4.13% $3.75M $4.93K 1.29B GO
15 Oxen (OXEN) OXEN Oxen $0.05134 1% 23% $3.61M $6.02K 70.40M OXEN
16 Morpheus Infrastructure Node (MIND) MIND Morpheus Infrastructure Node $0.002197 15.60% 24.74% $3.19M $225.70K 1.48B MIND
17 ADAMANT Messenger (ADM) ADM ADAMANT Messenger $0.02570 0.6035% 8.15% $2.90M $668.37K 113.11M ADM
18 Kaon (AKRO) AKRO Kaon $0.0005796 16.52% 55% $2.79M $5.92M 4.68B AKRO
19 Vexanium (VEX) VEX Vexanium $0.002202 7% 4.09% $2.20M $6.72K 1.00B VEX
20 Treecle (TRCL) TRCL Treecle $0.002037 8.07% 15% $2.03M $2.59K 996.55M TRCL
21 Abyss (ABYSS) ABYSS Abyss $0.008067 17.10% 24.89% $1.82M $46.24K 229.05M ABYSS
22 Pillar (PLR) PLR Pillar $0.004845 4% 3.64% $1.26M $438.31 259.35M PLR
23 ApM Coin (APM) APM apM Coin $0.003299 2% 2.89% $1.19M $415.28K 361.88M APM
24 UCX (UCX) UCX UCX $0.01641 0.1591% 2.98% $734.71K $66.29K 44.67M UCX
25 Ethereans (OS) OS Ethereans $0.5179 7.20% 2.55% $443.08K $1.80K 856.01K OS
26 Nucleus Vision (NCASH) NCASH Nucleus Vision $0.0001165 0.008460% 0.4410% $338.29K $91.45 2.90B NCASH
27 Ternio (TERN) TERN Ternio $0.0004630 49% 24% $200.43K $556.91 432.89M TERN
28 Monetha (MTH) MTH Monetha $0.0004699 0.02023% 32% $163.32K $9.16K 347.54M MTH
29 CoinFi (COFI) COFI CoinFi $0.0006543 2% 3.89% $145.28K $18.54 222.01M COFI
30 Blockzero Labs (XIO) XIO Blockzero Labs $0.002570 0% 6.89% $96.13K $23.55 37.39M XIO
31 PhoenixDAO (PHNX) PHNX PhoenixDAO $0.0006465 4% 38% $33.60K $82.58 51.90M PHNX
32 Share (SHR) SHR Share $0.004107 8.23% 7.96% $0.00 $153.36K 0.00 SHR
33 AmonD (AMON) AMON AmonD $0.0005110 15% 31% $0.00 $370.46 0.00 AMON
34 Typerium (TYPE) TYPE Typerium $0.00001399 0.02101% 0.08053% $0.00 $4.24 0.00 TYPE
35 Virtue Poker Points (VPP) VPP Virtue Poker Points $0.007401 3% 7.48% $0.00 $13.78K 0.00 VPP
36 Thorecoin (THR) THR Thorecoin $ 118.65 0% 1% $0.00 $18.43K 0.00 THR
37 GlitzKoin (GTN) GTN GlitzKoin $0.01679 1% 30.85% $0.00 $0.02 0.00 GTN
38 Bitball Treasure (BTRS) BTRS Bitball Treasure $0.02787 19.08% 55.22% $0.00 $18.09 0.00 BTRS
39 BitCanna (BCNA) BCNA BitCanna $0.002446 0.9259% 5.07% $0.00 $511.84 0.00 BCNA
40 Modex (MODEX) MODEX Modex $0.03352 1% 3.06% $0.00 $26.87 0.00 MODEX
41 Blocery (BLY) BLY Blocery $0.004806 0.9051% 3.58% $0.00 $127.72K 0.00 BLY
42 IOWN (IOWN) IOWN iOWN $0.0001638 0% 0% $0.00 $0.90 0.00 IOWN