Artificial Intelligence (AI) Coin Prices and Market Information

Name Price 24h % 7d % Market Cap Volume(24h) Circulating Supply Last 7 Days
501 Roseon (ROSX) ROSX Roseon $0.0006901 0.1340% 15% $61.87K $531.87 89.69M ROSX
502 AgenTensor (AGTS) AGTS AgenTensor $0.002811 0.6105% 26% $59.04K $44.55 21.00M AGTS
503 BASEY AI Agent (BASEY) BASEY BASEY AI Agent $0.00005896 0.2438% 12% $58.37K $2.74 989.96M BASEY
504 Citadel by Virtuals (CITDEL) CITDEL Citadel by Virtuals $0.00005836 8% 5% $58.33K $1.37K 1.00B CITDEL
505 SugarBlock (SUGARB) SUGARB SugarBlock $0.0003798 10.13% 2% $57.02K $190.75 153.40M SUGARB
506 ThreatSlayerAI by Virtuals (SLAYER) SLAYER ThreatSlayerAI by Virtuals $0.00005437 0.2748% 6% $54.24K $94.26 1.00B SLAYER
507 (FOREX) FOREX $0.0004725 6% 30% $53.88K $594.63 114.17M FOREX
508 Alchemist Accelerate (ALCH) ALCH Alchemist Accelerate $0.00004773 18% 12% $52.27K $589.40 1.10B ALCH
509 DÆTA (DAETA) DAETA DÆTA $0.0006887 5% 23% $47.47K $537.27 69.23M DAETA
510 Lola (LOLA) LOLA Lola $0.00004719 4% 2% $47.08K $345.95 1.00B LOLA
511 Mirada AI (MIRX) MIRX Mirada AI $0.0006611 16% 31% $46.17K $7.60K 69.83M MIRX
512 Breakout Bro by Virtuals (BOB) BOB Breakout Bro by Virtuals $0.00004188 1.92% 35% $42.27K $730.85 1.00B BOB
513 Social Lens Ai (LENS) LENS Social Lens Ai $0.0004147 % 14% $41.47K $43.98 100.00M LENS
514 Ongo (ONGO) ONGO Ongo $0.00004103 3% 15% $41.03K $7.78 999.95M ONGO
515 Corporate Audit AI (AUDIT) AUDIT Corporate Audit AI $0.00003948 1% 7% $39.33K $19.01 999.61M AUDIT
516 Agent Zeek by Virtuals (ZEEK) ZEEK Agent Zeek by Virtuals $0.00003805 4% 38% $38.41K $8.74 998.23M ZEEK
517 Filter AI [OLD] (FILTER) FILTER Filter AI [OLD] $0.0005358 % 89% $38.26K $267.05 71.41M FILTER
518 Omnis Genesis by Virtuals (OMNI) OMNI Omnis Genesis by Virtuals $0.00004433 2% 34% $37.12K $23.25 844.79M OMNI
519 NodelyAI ($NODE) $NODE NodelyAI $0.00004679 0.3851% 10% $36.11K $154.85 774.44M $NODE
520 STORAGENT (STORAGENT) STORAGENT STORAGENT $0.00003499 6.02% 29% $34.68K $146.12K 999.93M STORAGENT
521 A.I Agent kAia (KAIA) KAIA A.I Agent kAia $0.00003563 0.4080% 3% $34.52K $4.34 967.02M KAIA
522 DearBook.AI (DEARBOOK) DEARBOOK DearBook.AI $0.00003447 1% 3% $34.49K $3.46K 999.89M DEARBOOK
523 AgentVerse (AGV) AGV AgentVerse $0.00003389 % 23% $33.89K $8.40 1.00B AGV
524 Rosscoin (ROSSCOIN) ROSSCOIN Rosscoin $0.00003169 3% 8% $32.28K $207.72 999.75M ROSSCOIN
525 SPLASH AI (SPLASH) SPLASH SPLASH AI $0.00003159 0.9466% 22% $31.92K $100.36 1.00B SPLASH
526 Ali for fx protocol by Virtuals (FX) FX Ali for fx protocol by Virtuals $0.00003284 2% 19% $31.77K $41.62 969.44M FX
527 WAGMI (WAGMI) WAGMI WAGMI $0.00003003 1% 27% $30.03K $160.06 1.00B WAGMI
528 SuperFruits AI (SUPAI) SUPAI SuperFruits AI $0.00003030 2% 24% $30.01K $254.47 999.76M SUPAI
529 NeuroStack (VISION) VISION NeuroStack $0.00002827 0.8353% 18% $28.17K $20.93 1.00B VISION
530 Exodus AI (EXO) EXO Exodus AI $0.00002817 2% 11% $27.79K $34.83 989.72M EXO
531 Fusion AI (FUSION) FUSION Fusion AI $0.00002842 2% 13% $27.73K $92.22 975.57M FUSION
532 CloneX AI (CLX) CLX CloneX AI $0.0004449 5% 19% $27.65K $188.12 62.40M CLX
533 Launchbot (ROCKETAI) ROCKETAI launchbot $0.0000002761 2% 17% $27.62K $79.47 100.00B ROCKETAI
534 GENZAI by Virtuals (GENZAI) GENZAI GENZAI by Virtuals $0.00002836 6% 34% $25.40K $33.64 900.00M GENZAI
535 Arata AGI (ARATA) ARATA Arata AGI $0.003545 1% 24% $24.82K $6.01 7.00M ARATA
536 Quasar (QUASAR) QUASAR Quasar $0.00002486 2% 7% $24.74K $28.52 999.95M QUASAR
537 Ailive (AILIVE) AILIVE ailive $0.00002576 1% 15% $23.74K $18.12 924.87M AILIVE
538 Artificial Isle Clams (CLAMS) CLAMS Artificial Isle Clams $0.00002225 6% 19% $21.07K $527.84 950.01M CLAMS
539 VidifyAI (VIDAI) VIDAI VidifyAI $0.002092 % 0% $20.92K $575.63 10.00M VIDAI
540 Dolphin Agent (DOLA) DOLA Dolphin Agent $0.00002065 4% 18% $20.62K $29.87 1.00B DOLA
541 VirtuBeauty by Virtuals (VBEA) VBEA VirtuBeauty by Virtuals $0.00002184 4% 32% $20.48K $30.87 960.21M VBEA
542 DEXAI (DEXAI) DEXAI DEXAI $0.00001958 1% 35% $19.50K $21.12 999.63M DEXAI
543 ALINA AI (ALINAINTEL) ALINAINTEL ALINA AI $0.00001901 2% 27% $18.93K $68.23 999.84M ALINAINTEL
544 SUIDeFAI by SuiAI (SUID) SUID SUIDeFAI by SuiAI $0.00001883 2% 18% $18.62K $219.13 1.00B SUID
545 Yod Agent (YOD) YOD Yod Agent $0.00002159 1% 20% $18.60K $18.63 864.83M YOD
546 GIGABRAIN (GIGA🧠) GIGA🧠 GIGABRAIN $0.00003280 3% 13% $18.16K $15.70 555.77M GIGA🧠
547 Pulse3D (PULSE) PULSE Pulse3D $0.00001741 1.43% 21% $17.34K $122.56 1.00B PULSE
548 Mock Capital (MOCK) MOCK Mock Capital $0.01703 % 0% $17.03K $5.88 1.00M MOCK
549 Xetra AI (XETRA) XETRA Xetra AI $0.0001650 1% 21% $16.42K $16.14 100.00M XETRA
550 ZKGPT (ZKGPT) ZKGPT ZKGPT $0.00001602 % 16% $16.02K $20.18 1.00B ZKGPT
551 ZALPHA (ZALPHA) ZALPHA ZALPHA $0.00001587 7% 33% $15.69K $71.78 991.85M ZALPHA
552 Ai GCR ($AIGCR) $AIGCR Ai GCR $0.00001545 2% 10% $15.39K $26.42 999.58M $AIGCR
553 OmniTensor (OMNIT) OMNIT OmniTensor $0.00003781 2% 16% $15.03K $20.09 397.52M OMNIT
554 Origin3D (O3D) O3D Origin3D $0.00001444 % 15% $14.45K $190.65 1.00B O3D
555 TAOTools (TAOTOOLS) TAOTOOLS TAOTools $0.01416 0.3748% 12% $14.17K $55.96 1.00M TAOTOOLS
556 SōzōAI (SOAI) SOAI SōzōAI $0.00001496 2% 9% $14.14K $1.51 949.11M SOAI
557 Social Edge (SEDGE) SEDGE Social Edge $0.01359 1% 17% $13.59K $41.48 1.00M SEDGE
558 Origent Ai (ORI) ORI Origent Ai $0.0001346 % 10% $13.19K $10.61 98.00M ORI
559 Shr00m (SHR00M) SHR00M Shr00m $0.00001427 2% 31% $13.15K $1.40 926.02M SHR00M
560 Xerox Player Agent (XERAI) XERAI Xerox Player Agent $0.00001204 5% 31% $12.00K $9.65 999.71M XERAI
561 BoltAI (BOLTAI) BOLTAI BoltAI $0.00001146 2% 9% $11.42K $21.68 999.77M BOLTAI
562 Mozaic (MOZ) MOZ Mozaic $0.00007855 5% 46% $11.32K $23.43 144.09M MOZ
563 BreakBot (BREAK) BREAK BreakBot $0.00001153 % 22% $11.00K $1.10 953.61M BREAK
564 Ojamu (OJA) OJA Ojamu $0.0001370 % 86% $11.00K $903.80 80.21M OJA
565 Solace AI ($SLCE) $SLCE Solace AI $0.00001125 1% 9% $10.74K $22.34 957.41M $SLCE
566 Boofus by Virtuals (BOOF) BOOF Boofus by Virtuals $0.00001000 3% 30% $10.01K $24.12 1.00B BOOF
567 Sudo Labs (SUDO) SUDO Sudo Labs $0.009540 0.3778% 22% $9.54K $19.48 1.00M SUDO
568 ASCIA (ASCIA) ASCIA ASCIA $0.000009511 0.2355% 27% $9.51K $1.09 999.57M ASCIA
569 Inheritance Art (IAI) IAI inheritance Art $0.01113 % 0.1593% $8.40K $5.71 754.40K IAI
570 ETHforestAI (ETHFAI) ETHFAI ETHforestAI $0.0000003545 % 8% $8.00K $24.24 22.57B ETHFAI
571 INSORA AI ($INSORA) $INSORA INSORA AI $0.00007820 % 0% $7.82K $9.75 100.00M $INSORA
572 The New Genesis (GEN) GEN The New Genesis $0.000007839 0.3856% 12% $7.52K $1.83 959.82M GEN
573 DIGGER AI (DIGGAI) DIGGAI DIGGER AI $0.000007023 3% 11% $7.08K $1.57 999.70M DIGGAI
574 NoDev AI (NODEV) NODEV NoDev AI $0.000005695 % 17% $5.69K $2.61 998.42M NODEV
575 CREATX (CRX) CRX CREATX $0.000005245 % 18% $5.25K $52.24 1.00B CRX
576 EyeTech (EYE) EYE EyeTech $0.000003237 % 3% $3.24K $42.71 1.00B EYE
577 TaxSolutions AI (TSAI) TSAI TaxSolutions AI $0.000001846 1.75% 11% $1.85K $347.17 999.49M TSAI
578 Create AI (CREATE) CREATE Create AI $0.0001248 2% 26% $0.00 $21.38 0.00 CREATE
579 AI Waifu (WAI) WAI AI Waifu $0.08665 2% 22% $0.00 $808.31 0.00 WAI
580 Virtu Network (VIRTU) VIRTU Virtu Network $0.001524 1% 10% $0.00 $240.83 0.00 VIRTU
581 ReflectionAI (RECT) RECT ReflectionAI $0.5034 4% 21% $0.00 $1.09M 0.00 RECT
582 GPT Wars (GPTW) GPTW GPT Wars $0.0007203 1% 24% $0.00 $2.39K 0.00 GPTW
583 BoostAI (BOOST) BOOST BoostAI $0.0002306 % 0% $0.00 $12.08 0.00 BOOST
584 CryptoAI (CAI) CAI CryptoAI $0.0002655 % 22% $0.00 $2.66 0.00 CAI
585 Advantis X (ADVT) ADVT Advantis X $0.00000004838 % 25% $0.00 $7.29 0.00 ADVT
586 Codyfight (CTOK) CTOK Codyfight $0.0005991 12% 36% $0.00 $23.86K 0.00 CTOK
587 CodeXChain (CDX) CDX CodeXChain $0.0008866 2% 10% $0.00 $134.33K 0.00 CDX
588 Architex (ARCX) ARCX Architex $0.1575 2% 13% $0.00 $30.51K 0.00 ARCX
589 Wrapped AGC (WAGC) WAGC Wrapped AGC $0.03808 2.22% 26% $0.00 $10.69K 0.00 WAGC
590 Aventis Metaverse (AVTM) AVTM Aventis Metaverse $0.00005987 4% 22% $0.00 $55.57 0.00 AVTM
591 Balance AI (BAI) BAI Balance AI $0.3543 0.06568% 2% $0.00 $383.08 0.00 BAI
592 BlockGPT (BGPT) BGPT BlockGPT $0.00003071 % 12% $0.00 $4.78 0.00 BGPT
593 BonzAI DePIN (BONZAI) BONZAI BonzAI DePIN $0.02690 7% 12% $0.00 $18.66 0.00 BONZAI
594 Candle AI (CNDL) CNDL Candle AI $0.0002599 % 0% $0.00 $32.18 0.00 CNDL
595 Bubsy AI (BUBSY) BUBSY Bubsy AI $0.01293 2.74% 25% $0.00 $5.09K 0.00 BUBSY
596 Loomlay (LAY) LAY Loomlay $0.005964 4% 44% $0.00 $25.50K 0.00 LAY
597 IDRISS (IDRISS) IDRISS IDRISS $0.003445 3% 13% $0.00 $264.96 0.00 IDRISS
598 OpenLM RevShare Token (OLM) OLM OpenLM RevShare Token $0.0009669 9% 14% $0.00 $71.88K 0.00 OLM
599 PrivateAI (PGPT) PGPT PrivateAI $0.04104 4.71% 0.9973% $0.00 $177.40K 0.00 PGPT
600 Matrix One (MATRIX) MATRIX Matrix One $0.00003211 0.8181% 27% $0.00 $1.30K 0.00 MATRIX

AI & Big Data Tokens FAQ

Some of the best AI-related tokens for investment cover the following:

  • Render (RNDR). It is a distributed GPU network built on Ethereum, essential for VFX rendering, animation, and motion graphics. Render trades at $7.76, with a market cap of $3 billion.
  • Near Protocol (NEAR). NEAR is one of the best AI coins on Coinbase. This protocol functions like cloud services such as Amazon Web Services, meaning different apps can be built on top. However, NEAR is maintained by a distributed network of computers. It now has a $5.24 trading volume and a cap of $5.7 billion.
  • The Internet Computer (ICP). This protocol empowers us to use AI crypto coins for limitless smart contracts to host data, computing, and content on-chain. ICP is currently trading at $8.97 with a market cap of $4.1 billion.

AI coin is a special type of cryptocurrency that harnesses artificial intelligence to enhance scalability, user experiences, and security across blockchain networks. Artificial Intelligence coins crypto markets offer us today support for AI-driven projects like market predictions, decentralized marketplaces and portfolio management.

They also provide governance rights, enabling transactions within their ecosystems. Artificial Intelligence can be utilized to detect fraud, spot investment opportunities, and analyze market trends. The best AI crypto coins serve numerous other functions as well and offer good potential for fruitful investment.

The crypto market welcomes new tokens on a daily basis. But not all of them have the potential to become good investments. That's where the need arises to find the leading AI coins on Binance and other major exchanges with good terms. Let's have a quick peek at the two top tokens:

  • Bittensor. It fosters collaboration among machine learning models, earning TAO tokens based on the valuable data they contribute. As of now, Bittensor is among the top new AI coins 2024 and is trading at $290 with a market cap of $2.0 billion.
  • The Graph. It is among the decentralized protocols built on blockchain technology. The native token of The Graph network is GRT, an ERC-20 crypto token used for resource allocation within the network. Currently, GRT is among the top AI coins on Coinbase with a total market capitalization of $2.0 billion.

If you are looking for a simple guide to buying your desired tokens, here is one for you:

  1. Pick an Exchange. Choose a safe and renowned exchange and create an account. You can consider such options as Coinbase and Binance.
  2. Pick Tokens. Check the top list of AI coins on Binance or any other exchange, make a comparison, and select tokens you're interested in, like Injective, Graph, etc.
  3. Deposit Funds. Top up your balance through a bank transfer or credit/debit card.
  4. Make Your Purchase. Now, specify the amount you want to buy, transfer money and complete the transaction.

Also, for extra safety, consider transferring your Artificial Intelligence coins to a private wallet and turn on the two-factor authentication (2FA).

The platform offers a solution for creating a decentralized machine-learning network where internet-connected devices can improve their operations. It is among the top AI coins in this field, and it came to the scene back in 2017, raising $6 million in under 11 seconds during its Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

Developers holding FET gain access to machine learning tools and utilities by using FET. The current price of (FET) is $1.66 USD, with a 24-hour trading volume of $2.27 million USD. Now, FET has a circulating supply of 2.52 billion coins and a maximum supply of 2.63 billion FET, getting leading spots on the top list of AI crypto coins.