Wrapped Ultimate Fighting Championship (Kayen) (WUFC) Price Analysis: Today's Key Trends
Wrapped Ultimate Fighting Championship (Kayen) (WUFC) price today is $ 0.5593 with a 24-hour trading volume of $ 1.79K, market cap of $ 47.14K and market dominance of 0.000001583%. The Wrapped Ultimate Fighting Championship (Kayen) (WUFC) price changed 2.28% in the last 24 hours. Wrapped Ultimate Fighting Championship (Kayen) (WUFC) price in US dollars is changed by % over the last 1 year. Over the past year, Wrapped Ultimate Fighting Championship (Kayen) (WUFC) has changed by 79.82% against Ethereum and 16% against Bitcoin. Wrapped Ultimate Fighting Championship (Kayen) (WUFC) total volume is now $ 1.79K, 0.00000006006% of the total cryptocurrency market volume in the last 24 hours.