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    UpDog (UPDOG) Price Prediction 2025–2030

    Uncover UpDog on BNB Smart Chain price predictions for 2025-2026-2030. Find out how UpDog could perform in the coming years.

    UpDog Price on BNB Smart Chain: Current and Future Forecasts

    Check the current price and future predictions for UpDog on BNB Smart Chain. Review green days and the 50-day SMA to get a clearer picture of its performance.

    50-day SMA What is the 50-day SMA for UpDog (UPDOG)?
    The 50-day SMA is the average closing price of UPDOG over the past 50 days, used to assess trends.
    200-day SMA What is the 200-day SMA for UpDog (UPDOG)?
    The 200-day SMA is the average closing price of UPDOG over the past 200 days. It's a key indicator used to identify long-term price trends.
    Volatility What does the 30-day Volatility for UpDog (UPDOG) mean?
    Volatility measures the price fluctuation of UPDOG over the last 30 days. Higher volatility indicates greater price swings and potentially higher risk.
    Down Days What are the Down Days in the last 30 days for UpDog (UPDOG)?
    Down Days represent the number of days in the past 30 where the closing price of UPDOG was lower than its opening price, indicating negative price movement.
    Green Days What are Green Days for UpDog (UPDOG)?
    Green Days are the days when UPDOG closed higher than it opened, indicating positive price movement.

    UpDog on BNB Smart Chain: Price Forecast for the Next 30 Days

    Explore short-term price predictions for UpDog on BNB Smart Chain. Get accurate forecasts for today, tomorrow, and the next 30 days to stay informed.

    Date High Low End Potential ROI
    2025-02-06 0.0000000003767 0.0000000003765 0.0000000003765 18.43
    2025-02-07 0.0000000003771 0.0000000003765 0.0000000003771 18.56
    2025-02-09 0.0000000003861 0.0000000003765 0.0000000003861 21.38
    2025-02-28 0.0000000003874 0.0000000003732 0.0000000003852 21.79

    UpDog on BNB Smart Chain: Daily Price Targets for the Next 30 Days

    Explore daily price targets for UpDog over the next 30 days. Each prediction includes potential ROI, helping you plan your investments efficiently.

    Date Price Potential ROI
    2025-02-05 0.0000000003767 18.43
    2025-02-06 0.0000000003765 18.36
    2025-02-07 0.0000000003771 18.56
    2025-02-08 0.0000000003846 20.93
    2025-02-09 0.0000000003861 21.38
    2025-02-10 0.0000000003845 20.9
    2025-02-11 0.0000000003768 18.48
    2025-02-12 0.0000000003735 17.42
    2025-02-13 0.0000000003809 19.76
    2025-02-14 0.0000000003832 20.47
    2025-02-15 0.0000000003784 18.96
    2025-02-16 0.0000000003732 17.33
    2025-02-17 0.0000000003806 19.68
    2025-02-18 0.0000000003801 19.5
    2025-02-19 0.0000000003763 18.3
    2025-02-20 0.0000000003838 20.66
    2025-02-21 0.0000000003806 19.66
    2025-02-22 0.0000000003849 21.01
    2025-02-23 0.0000000003874 21.79
    2025-02-24 0.0000000003839 20.69
    2025-02-25 0.0000000003786 19.03
    2025-02-26 0.0000000003825 20.24
    2025-02-27 0.0000000003850 21.04
    2025-02-28 0.0000000003852 21.12
    2025-03-01 0.0000000003827 20.31
    2025-03-02 0.0000000003856 21.24
    2025-03-03 0.0000000003867 21.58
    2025-03-04 0.0000000003823 20.19
    2025-03-05 0.0000000003867 21.59
    2025-03-06 0.0000000003790 19.16
    2025-03-07 0.0000000003866 21.54

    UpDog Price Forecast on BNB Smart Chain for 2026-2030

    Check long-term price predictions for UpDog on BNB Smart Chain for 2026-2030. Projections of minimum, average, and maximum prices, along with ROI, provide a comprehensive outlook.

    Year Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    2025 0.0000000007107 0.0000000002569 0.0000000004364 123.42
    2026 0.0000000009164 0.0000000004202 0.0000000007207 188.11
    2027 0.0000000004261 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001832 33.97
    2028 0.0000000003030 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001278 -4.73
    2029 0.000000001661 0.0000000003029 0.0000000009083 422.26
    2030 0.000000001745 0.000000001628 0.000000001691 448.75

    UpDog Price Forecast on BNB Smart Chain for 2025

    In 2025, UpDog on BNB Smart Chain is projected to trade between $0.0000000002569 and $0.0000000007107. The most promising month may be December, with a potential ROI of 123.42%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    February 0.0000000003732 0.0000000003874 0.0000000003808 21.79
    March 0.0000000003787 0.0000000003901 0.0000000003840 22.66
    April 0.0000000003650 0.0000000003854 0.0000000003747 21.16
    May 0.0000000003402 0.0000000003688 0.0000000003556 15.96
    June 0.0000000003089 0.0000000003441 0.0000000003269 8.19
    July 0.0000000002620 0.0000000003118 0.0000000002871 -1.98
    August 0.0000000002569 0.0000000004385 0.0000000003324 37.85
    September 0.0000000004472 0.0000000005275 0.0000000004899 65.83
    October 0.0000000005226 0.0000000005926 0.0000000005578 86.3
    November 0.0000000005825 0.0000000006536 0.0000000006221 105.49
    December 0.0000000006497 0.0000000007107 0.0000000006788 123.42

    UpDog Price Forecast on BNB Smart Chain for 2026

    In 2026, UpDog on BNB Smart Chain is projected to trade between $0.0000000004202 and $0.0000000009164. The most promising month may be December, with a potential ROI of 188.11%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 0.0000000007048 0.0000000007590 0.0000000007317 138.62
    February 0.0000000007424 0.0000000007963 0.0000000007731 150.34
    March 0.0000000007891 0.0000000008343 0.0000000008134 162.28
    April 0.0000000008213 0.0000000008698 0.0000000008428 173.45
    May 0.0000000008477 0.0000000008898 0.0000000008667 179.72
    June 0.0000000008655 0.0000000009066 0.0000000008869 185.02
    July 0.0000000008873 0.0000000009148 0.0000000009009 187.6
    August 0.0000000006129 0.0000000009164 0.0000000007388 188.11
    September 0.0000000005645 0.0000000006177 0.0000000005951 94.19
    October 0.0000000005195 0.0000000005768 0.0000000005483 81.35
    November 0.0000000004776 0.0000000005325 0.0000000005026 67.41
    December 0.0000000004202 0.0000000004846 0.0000000004510 52.35

    UpDog Price Forecast on BNB Smart Chain for 2027

    In 2027, UpDog on BNB Smart Chain is projected to trade between $0.00000000007394 and $0.0000000004261. The most promising month may be December, with a potential ROI of 33.97%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 0.0000000003714 0.0000000004261 0.0000000003991 33.97
    February 0.0000000003224 0.0000000003774 0.0000000003499 18.67
    March 0.0000000002726 0.0000000003258 0.0000000002983 2.44
    April 0.0000000002252 0.0000000002741 0.0000000002475 -13.82
    May 0.0000000001736 0.0000000002212 0.0000000001978 -30.44
    June 0.0000000001301 0.0000000001741 0.0000000001518 -45.25
    July 0.00000000008842 0.0000000001281 0.0000000001090 -59.72
    August 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000008735 -65.13
    September 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009243 -65.13
    October 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009303 -65.13
    November 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009243 -65.13
    December 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009184 -65.13

    UpDog Price Forecast on BNB Smart Chain for 2028

    In 2028, UpDog on BNB Smart Chain is projected to trade between $0.00000000007394 and $0.0000000003030. The most promising month may be December, with a potential ROI of -4.73%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009197 -65.13
    February 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009293 -65.13
    March 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009197 -65.13
    April 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009243 -65.13
    May 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009210 -65.13
    June 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009243 -65.13
    July 0.00000000007394 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009223 -65.13
    August 0.00000000007561 0.0000000001109 0.00000000009188 -65.13
    September 0.0000000001062 0.0000000001490 0.0000000001272 -53.14
    October 0.0000000001506 0.0000000001973 0.0000000001721 -37.96
    November 0.0000000001985 0.0000000002467 0.0000000002222 -22.42
    December 0.0000000002487 0.0000000003030 0.0000000002730 -4.73

    UpDog Price Forecast on BNB Smart Chain for 2029

    In 2029, UpDog on BNB Smart Chain is projected to trade between $0.0000000003029 and $0.000000001661. The most promising month may be December, with a potential ROI of 422.26%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 0.0000000003029 0.0000000003547 0.0000000003270 11.51
    February 0.0000000003542 0.0000000004337 0.0000000003921 36.34
    March 0.0000000004351 0.0000000005289 0.0000000004797 66.28
    April 0.0000000005287 0.0000000006406 0.0000000005835 101.39
    May 0.0000000006403 0.0000000007534 0.0000000006951 136.87
    June 0.0000000007603 0.0000000008794 0.0000000008181 176.47
    July 0.0000000008704 0.000000001022 0.0000000009380 221.3
    August 0.0000000009937 0.000000001137 0.000000001069 257.47
    September 0.000000001121 0.000000001256 0.000000001195 294.87
    October 0.000000001250 0.000000001405 0.000000001328 341.83
    November 0.000000001382 0.000000001532 0.000000001457 381.78
    December 0.000000001494 0.000000001661 0.000000001579 422.26

    UpDog Price Forecast on BNB Smart Chain for 2030

    In 2030, UpDog on BNB Smart Chain is projected to trade between $0.000000001628 and $0.000000001745. The most promising month may be December, with a potential ROI of 448.75%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January 0.000000001628 0.000000001741 0.000000001688 447.36
    February 0.000000001742 0.000000001745 0.000000001744 448.75
    UpDog (UPDOG)
    0.6905% Last 24h
    UpDog (UPDOG)
    0.6905% Last 24h