Titan Hunters (TITA) Historical Price Information
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TITA Key Price Milestones:
- All-Time High (ATH): $0.5837 on 2021-11-25 (1206 days ago), down -99.70% since then.
- All-Time Low (ATL): $0.0005598 on 2024-02-09 (400 days ago), up 214.62% since then.
- Best Year: 2024, with a price increase of 231.99% from $0.001032 to $0.003428.
- Worst Year: 2022, with a price decrease of 98% from $0.1552 to $0.002171.
Average annual growth over 4 years: 65% per year.
Typically, Titan Hunters performs best in Q2 (average gain of 61.52%) and worst in Q1 (average gain of -34.18%).