Ojamu (OJA) Price Prediction 2025–2030

Discover Ojamu (OJA) price forecasts for 2025. Get insights into long-term predictions up to 2026-2030

Ojamu Price Today and Future Forecasts

Discover the current and predicted price of Ojamu (OJA). Analyze important metrics such as green days and 50-day SMA to assess market sentiment.

50-day SMA What is the 50-day SMA for Ojamu (OJA)?
The 50-day SMA is the average closing price of OJA over the past 50 days, used to assess trends.
$ 0
200-day SMA What is the 200-day SMA for Ojamu (OJA)?
The 200-day SMA is the average closing price of OJA over the past 200 days. It's a key indicator used to identify long-term price trends.
$ 0
Volatility What does the 30-day Volatility for Ojamu (OJA) mean?
Volatility measures the price fluctuation of OJA over the last 30 days. Higher volatility indicates greater price swings and potentially higher risk.
Down Days What are the Down Days in the last 30 days for Ojamu (OJA)?
Down Days represent the number of days in the past 30 where the closing price of OJA was lower than its opening price, indicating negative price movement.
Green Days What are Green Days for Ojamu (OJA)?
Green Days are the days when OJA closed higher than it opened, indicating positive price movement.

Ojamu (OJA) Price Prediction for Today, Tomorrow, This Week, and Next 30 Days

Discover short-term price predictions for Ojamu (OJA). Check forecasted prices for today, tomorrow, and the next 30 days to guide your trading strategy.

Date High Low End Potential ROI
2025-03-28 $ 0.001042 $ 0.001021 $ 0.001042 660.21 %
2025-03-29 $ 0.001042 $ 0.001021 $ 0.001040 660.21 %
2025-03-30 $ 0.001051 $ 0.001021 $ 0.001051 666.93 %
2025-03-31 $ 0.001051 $ 0.001021 $ 0.001030 666.93 %

Ojamu Price Targets: Day-by-Day for the Next 30 Days

Discover short-term price targets for Ojamu (OJA), with predictions for each day in the next 30 days. Potential ROI is provided for every target.

Date Price Potential ROI
2025-03-27 $ 0.001021 645.3 %
2025-03-28 $ 0.001042 660.21 %
2025-03-29 $ 0.001040 658.87 %
2025-03-30 $ 0.001051 666.93 %
2025-03-31 $ 0.001030 651.59 %
2025-04-01 $ 0.001046 663.11 %
2025-04-02 $ 0.001062 674.81 %
2025-04-03 $ 0.001061 674.42 %
2025-04-04 $ 0.001040 658.93 %
2025-04-05 $ 0.001031 652.08 %
2025-04-06 $ 0.001051 667.12 %
2025-04-07 $ 0.001050 666.52 %
2025-04-08 $ 0.001061 674.5 %
2025-04-09 $ 0.001061 673.96 %
2025-04-10 $ 0.001039 658.48 %
2025-04-11 $ 0.001035 655.2 %
2025-04-12 $ 0.001056 670.31 %
2025-04-13 $ 0.001045 662.91 %
2025-04-14 $ 0.001066 678.16 %
2025-04-15 $ 0.001054 669.38 %
2025-04-16 $ 0.001061 674.17 %
2025-04-17 $ 0.001072 682.14 %
2025-04-18 $ 0.001067 678.56 %
2025-04-19 $ 0.001057 671.65 %
2025-04-20 $ 0.001047 664.1 %
2025-04-21 $ 0.001048 664.91 %
2025-04-22 $ 0.001063 675.72 %
2025-04-23 $ 0.001042 660.2 %
2025-04-24 $ 0.001044 661.77 %
2025-04-25 $ 0.001040 659.03 %
2025-04-26 $ 0.001052 667.45 %

Ojamu Price Prediction for 2026-2030

Discover long-term price forecasts for Ojamu (OJA) for 2026-2030. Future prices and potential ROI are estimated year-by-year to help guide your investment strategy.

Year Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
2025 $ 0.001749 $ 0.0008691 $ 0.001165 1175.84 %
2026 $ 0.002489 $ 0.001298 $ 0.002000 1715.98 %
2027 $ 0.001324 $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0006025 866.01 %
2028 $ 0.0006368 $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003247 364.54 %
2029 $ 0.004028 $ 0.0006340 $ 0.002105 2838.22 %
2030 $ 0.004776 $ 0.003991 $ 0.004394 3384.26 %

Ojamu Price Prediction for 2025

For 2025, Ojamu (OJA) is forecasted to range between $0.0008691 and $0.001749. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 1175.84%.

Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
March $ 0.001021 $ 0.001051 $ 0.001037 666.93 %
April $ 0.001031 $ 0.001075 $ 0.001054 684.56 %
May $ 0.001041 $ 0.001079 $ 0.001060 687.5 %
June $ 0.001013 $ 0.001076 $ 0.001043 685.39 %
July $ 0.0009752 $ 0.001037 $ 0.001005 656.61 %
August $ 0.0008893 $ 0.0009817 $ 0.0009374 616.16 %
September $ 0.0008691 $ 0.001181 $ 0.001005 761.5 %
October $ 0.001169 $ 0.001379 $ 0.001282 906.2 %
November $ 0.001358 $ 0.001555 $ 0.001467 1034.87 %
December $ 0.001571 $ 0.001749 $ 0.001649 1175.84 %

Ojamu Price Prediction for 2026

For 2026, Ojamu (OJA) is forecasted to range between $0.001298 and $0.002489. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 1715.98%.

Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
January $ 0.001716 $ 0.001901 $ 0.001807 1287.06 %
February $ 0.001863 $ 0.002014 $ 0.001945 1369.7 %
March $ 0.001994 $ 0.002128 $ 0.002064 1452.6 %
April $ 0.002113 $ 0.002235 $ 0.002167 1530.38 %
May $ 0.002202 $ 0.002320 $ 0.002258 1592.33 %
June $ 0.002274 $ 0.002399 $ 0.002330 1650.27 %
July $ 0.002318 $ 0.002440 $ 0.002389 1680.4 %
August $ 0.002368 $ 0.002468 $ 0.002418 1700.36 %
September $ 0.001694 $ 0.002489 $ 0.002118 1715.98 %
October $ 0.001552 $ 0.001683 $ 0.001618 1128.16 %
November $ 0.001426 $ 0.001577 $ 0.001508 1050.55 %
December $ 0.001298 $ 0.001435 $ 0.001378 946.91 %

Ojamu Price Prediction for 2027

For 2027, Ojamu (OJA) is forecasted to range between $0.0002275 and $0.001324. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 866.01%.

Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
January $ 0.001175 $ 0.001324 $ 0.001244 866.01 %
February $ 0.001038 $ 0.001167 $ 0.001105 751.56 %
March $ 0.0008965 $ 0.001060 $ 0.0009726 673.25 %
April $ 0.0007543 $ 0.0008897 $ 0.0008270 549 %
May $ 0.0006295 $ 0.0007505 $ 0.0006913 447.47 %
June $ 0.0004931 $ 0.0006264 $ 0.0005600 356.94 %
July $ 0.0003760 $ 0.0004941 $ 0.0004313 260.48 %
August $ 0.0002575 $ 0.0003712 $ 0.0003104 170.81 %
September $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002696 149.03 %
October $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002834 149.03 %
November $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002844 149.03 %
December $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002838 149.03 %

Ojamu Price Prediction for 2028

For 2028, Ojamu (OJA) is forecasted to range between $0.0002275 and $0.0006368. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 364.54%.

Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
January $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002842 149.03 %
February $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002847 149.03 %
March $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002842 149.03 %
April $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002844 149.03 %
May $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002847 149.03 %
June $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002844 149.03 %
July $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002851 149.03 %
August $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002855 149.03 %
September $ 0.0002275 $ 0.0003413 $ 0.0002785 149.03 %
October $ 0.0002651 $ 0.0003824 $ 0.0003214 178.95 %
November $ 0.0003890 $ 0.0005058 $ 0.0004436 268.97 %
December $ 0.0005034 $ 0.0006368 $ 0.0005732 364.54 %

Ojamu Price Prediction for 2029

For 2029, Ojamu (OJA) is forecasted to range between $0.0006340 and $0.004028. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 2838.22%.

Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
January $ 0.0006340 $ 0.0007860 $ 0.0007141 473.39 %
February $ 0.0007845 $ 0.0009239 $ 0.0008508 574 %
March $ 0.0009136 $ 0.001125 $ 0.001013 720.73 %
April $ 0.001127 $ 0.001385 $ 0.001251 910.48 %
May $ 0.001380 $ 0.001673 $ 0.001519 1120.43 %
June $ 0.001670 $ 0.001974 $ 0.001822 1339.95 %
July $ 0.001967 $ 0.002306 $ 0.002133 1582.41 %
August $ 0.002284 $ 0.002629 $ 0.002469 1818.09 %
September $ 0.002655 $ 0.003042 $ 0.002823 2119.7 %
October $ 0.002982 $ 0.003376 $ 0.003179 2362.95 %
November $ 0.003378 $ 0.003688 $ 0.003530 2590.82 %
December $ 0.003677 $ 0.004028 $ 0.003869 2838.22 %

Ojamu Price Prediction for 2030

For 2030, Ojamu (OJA) is forecasted to range between $0.003991 and $0.004776. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 3384.26%.

Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
January $ 0.003991 $ 0.004399 $ 0.004216 3108.88 %
February $ 0.004311 $ 0.004663 $ 0.004492 3301.52 %
March $ 0.004570 $ 0.004776 $ 0.004675 3384.26 %
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Ojamu (OJA)
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