Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC) Price Prediction 2025–2030
Discover Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC) price forecasts for 2025. Get insights into long-term predictions up to 2026-2030
Discover Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC) price forecasts for 2025. Get insights into long-term predictions up to 2026-2030
Discover the current and predicted price of Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC). Analyze important metrics such as green days and 50-day SMA to assess market sentiment.
50-day SMA
What is the 50-day SMA for Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea)
(WBTC)? The 50-day SMA is the average closing price of WBTC over the past 50 days, used to assess trends. $ 88 471.24 |
200-day SMA
What is the 200-day SMA for Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea)
(WBTC)? The 200-day SMA is the average closing price of WBTC over the past 200 days. It's a key indicator used to identify long-term price trends. $ 86 396.30 |
What does the 30-day Volatility for Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea)
(WBTC) mean? Volatility measures the price fluctuation of WBTC over the last 30 days. Higher volatility indicates greater price swings and potentially higher risk. 21.12 |
Down Days
What are the Down Days in the last 30 days for Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea)
(WBTC)? Down Days represent the number of days in the past 30 where the closing price of WBTC was lower than its opening price, indicating negative price movement. 18 |
Green Days
What are Green Days for Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea)
(WBTC)? Green Days are the days when WBTC closed higher than it opened, indicating positive price movement. 12 |
Discover short-term price predictions for Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC). Check forecasted prices for today, tomorrow, and the next 30 days to guide your trading strategy.
Date | High | Low | End | Potential ROI |
2025-04-01 | $ 87 480.08 | $ 87 480.08 | $ 87 480.08 | 6.97 % |
2025-04-02 | $ 87 620.28 | $ 87 480.08 | $ 87 620.28 | 7.14 % |
2025-04-06 | $ 88 087.70 | $ 85 594.42 | $ 88 087.70 | 7.71 % |
2025-03-31 | $ | $ | $ | -100 % |
Discover short-term price targets for Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC), with predictions for each day in the next 30 days. Potential ROI is provided for every target.
Date | Price | Potential ROI |
2025-04-01 | $ 87 480.08 | 6.97 % |
2025-04-02 | $ 87 620.28 | 7.14 % |
2025-04-03 | $ 87 106.25 | 6.51 % |
2025-04-04 | $ 85 594.42 | 4.66 % |
2025-04-05 | $ 87 036.80 | 6.43 % |
2025-04-06 | $ 88 087.70 | 7.71 % |
2025-04-07 | $ 87 270.71 | 6.71 % |
2025-04-08 | $ 86 581.18 | 5.87 % |
2025-04-09 | $ 87 611.26 | 7.13 % |
2025-04-10 | $ 87 746.23 | 7.3 % |
2025-04-11 | $ 89 107.67 | 8.96 % |
2025-04-12 | $ 88 368.98 | 8.06 % |
2025-04-13 | $ 89 177.24 | 9.05 % |
2025-04-14 | $ 87 393.70 | 6.86 % |
2025-04-15 | $ 87 563.15 | 7.07 % |
2025-04-16 | $ 87 269.04 | 6.71 % |
2025-04-17 | $ 87 921.45 | 7.51 % |
2025-04-18 | $ 87 877.49 | 7.46 % |
2025-04-19 | $ 88 626.01 | 8.37 % |
2025-04-20 | $ 87 476.99 | 6.97 % |
2025-04-21 | $ 88 379.98 | 8.07 % |
2025-04-22 | $ 88 883.68 | 8.69 % |
2025-04-23 | $ 87 541.86 | 7.05 % |
2025-04-24 | $ 88 731.77 | 8.5 % |
2025-04-25 | $ 88 944.89 | 8.76 % |
2025-04-26 | $ 87 667.43 | 7.2 % |
2025-04-27 | $ 87 823.45 | 7.39 % |
2025-04-28 | $ 89 004.33 | 8.83 % |
2025-04-29 | $ 88 536.27 | 8.26 % |
2025-04-30 | $ 86 870.01 | 6.22 % |
Discover long-term price forecasts for Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC) for 2026-2030. Future prices and potential ROI are estimated year-by-year to help guide your investment strategy.
Year | Min. Price | Max. Price | Avg | Potential ROI |
2025 | $ 139 226.17 | $ 59 102.20 | $ 90 268.32 | 70.24 % |
2026 | $ 212 850.45 | $ 119 116.11 | $ 172 694.51 | 160.27 % |
2027 | $ 119 520.82 | $ 8 422.24 | $ 53 463.59 | 46.15 % |
2028 | $ 48 196.22 | $ 8 422.24 | $ 15 861.71 | -41.07 % |
2029 | $ 328 194.99 | $ 47 232.30 | $ 164 593.78 | 301.31 % |
2030 | $ 406 429.24 | $ 323 092.85 | $ 367 777.24 | 396.98 % |
For 2025, Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC) is forecasted to range between $59 102.20 and $139 226.17. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 70.24%.
Month | Min. Price | Max. Price | Avg | Potential ROI |
April | $ 85 594.42 | $ 89 177.24 | $ 87 843.34 | 9.05 % |
May | $ 86 133.25 | $ 89 802.41 | $ 88 019.78 | 9.81 % |
June | $ 83 255.98 | $ 88 857.30 | $ 86 101.54 | 8.65 % |
July | $ 77 036.81 | $ 85 527.07 | $ 81 331.28 | 4.58 % |
August | $ 69 077.29 | $ 78 841.87 | $ 74 189.27 | -3.59 % |
September | $ 59 102.20 | $ 69 209.18 | $ 64 369.62 | -15.37 % |
October | $ 61 489.93 | $ 107 109.71 | $ 83 697.68 | 30.97 % |
November | $ 106 030.54 | $ 122 324.66 | $ 115 237.26 | 49.58 % |
December | $ 121 760.75 | $ 139 226.17 | $ 131 382.46 | 70.24 % |
For 2026, Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC) is forecasted to range between $119 116.11 and $212 850.45. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 160.27%.
Month | Min. Price | Max. Price | Avg | Potential ROI |
January | $ 138 366.21 | $ 154 378.37 | $ 146 035.22 | 88.77 % |
February | $ 151 686.79 | $ 166 737.15 | $ 158 603.90 | 103.88 % |
March | $ 164 863.96 | $ 176 185.59 | $ 169 314.08 | 115.44 % |
April | $ 173 815.13 | $ 186 636.61 | $ 180 071.97 | 128.22 % |
May | $ 182 516.79 | $ 193 856.38 | $ 187 773.92 | 137.05 % |
June | $ 190 722.36 | $ 200 081.69 | $ 195 556.68 | 144.66 % |
July | $ 196 754.08 | $ 205 347.18 | $ 200 856.78 | 151.1 % |
August | $ 201 102.14 | $ 209 268.30 | $ 205 006.71 | 155.89 % |
September | $ 205 943.65 | $ 212 850.45 | $ 209 239.45 | 160.27 % |
October | $ 140 051.89 | $ 201 824.78 | $ 159 162.26 | 146.79 % |
November | $ 129 066.59 | $ 140 686.93 | $ 135 578.59 | 72.03 % |
December | $ 119 116.11 | $ 129 730.53 | $ 124 727.98 | 58.63 % |
For 2027, Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC) is forecasted to range between $8 422.24 and $119 520.82. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 46.15%.
Month | Min. Price | Max. Price | Avg | Potential ROI |
January | $ 106 883.28 | $ 119 520.82 | $ 113 724.48 | 46.15 % |
February | $ 96 890.13 | $ 109 107.88 | $ 102 482.31 | 33.42 % |
March | $ 83 893.66 | $ 98 432.95 | $ 91 335.33 | 20.36 % |
April | $ 73 304.67 | $ 84 971.84 | $ 79 042.97 | 3.9 % |
May | $ 61 563.02 | $ 72 430.87 | $ 67 062.84 | -11.43 % |
June | $ 48 752.10 | $ 60 331.76 | $ 55 229.87 | -26.23 % |
July | $ 38 499.12 | $ 49 727.14 | $ 44 077.72 | -39.19 % |
August | $ 27 606.86 | $ 38 085.61 | $ 33 162.52 | -53.43 % |
September | $ 18 993.99 | $ 27 481.03 | $ 23 360.01 | -66.4 % |
October | $ 10 943.80 | $ 18 901.85 | $ 14 718.38 | -76.89 % |
November | $ 8 422.24 | $ 12 633.36 | $ 10 040.07 | -84.55 % |
December | $ 8 422.24 | $ 12 633.36 | $ 10 580.63 | -84.55 % |
For 2028, Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC) is forecasted to range between $8 422.24 and $48 196.22. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of -41.07%.
Month | Min. Price | Max. Price | Avg | Potential ROI |
January | $ 8 422.24 | $ 12 633.36 | $ 10 595.72 | -84.55 % |
February | $ 8 422.24 | $ 12 633.36 | $ 10 455.20 | -84.55 % |
March | $ 8 422.24 | $ 12 633.36 | $ 10 595.72 | -84.55 % |
April | $ 8 422.24 | $ 12 633.36 | $ 10 527.80 | -84.55 % |
May | $ 8 422.24 | $ 12 633.36 | $ 10 459.88 | -84.55 % |
June | $ 8 422.24 | $ 12 633.36 | $ 10 527.80 | -84.55 % |
July | $ 8 422.24 | $ 12 633.36 | $ 10 474.97 | -84.55 % |
August | $ 8 422.24 | $ 12 633.36 | $ 10 490.07 | -84.55 % |
September | $ 9 825.95 | $ 15 560.84 | $ 12 298.08 | -80.97 % |
October | $ 15 872.06 | $ 25 765.55 | $ 20 974.75 | -68.49 % |
November | $ 25 894.41 | $ 36 327.37 | $ 30 970.65 | -55.58 % |
December | $ 36 435.14 | $ 48 196.22 | $ 41 649.36 | -41.07 % |
For 2029, Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC) is forecasted to range between $47 232.30 and $328 194.99. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 301.31%.
Month | Min. Price | Max. Price | Avg | Potential ROI |
January | $ 47 232.30 | $ 59 571.62 | $ 53 409.95 | -27.16 % |
February | $ 59 242.11 | $ 70 521.45 | $ 65 044.37 | -13.77 % |
March | $ 69 834.52 | $ 82 728.63 | $ 76 953.05 | 1.16 % |
April | $ 83 973.58 | $ 102 458.17 | $ 93 247.56 | 25.28 % |
May | $ 102 352.95 | $ 128 293.43 | $ 115 306.49 | 56.88 % |
June | $ 126 879.18 | $ 151 327.22 | $ 139 030.40 | 85.04 % |
July | $ 151 978.02 | $ 179 000.58 | $ 165 184.04 | 118.88 % |
August | $ 176 028.99 | $ 205 078.14 | $ 193 005.76 | 150.77 % |
September | $ 205 794.78 | $ 237 653.46 | $ 220 999.91 | 190.6 % |
October | $ 235 915.73 | $ 266 883.32 | $ 252 291.85 | 226.34 % |
November | $ 267 285.18 | $ 296 263.81 | $ 281 868.50 | 262.27 % |
December | $ 296 542.25 | $ 328 194.99 | $ 311 626.16 | 301.31 % |
For 2030, Linea Bridged WBTC (Linea) (WBTC) is forecasted to range between $323 092.85 and $406 429.24. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 396.98%.
Month | Min. Price | Max. Price | Avg | Potential ROI |
January | $ 323 092.85 | $ 357 504.37 | $ 341 730.58 | 337.15 % |
February | $ 351 974.62 | $ 385 594.79 | $ 369 226.79 | 371.5 % |
March | $ 380 964.71 | $ 406 429.24 | $ 393 339.20 | 396.98 % |