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    Bonyta (BNYTA) Price Prediction 2025–2030

    Discover Bonyta (BNYTA) price forecasts for 2025. Get insights into long-term predictions up to 2026-2030

    Bonyta Price Today and Future Forecasts

    Discover the current and predicted price of Bonyta (BNYTA). Analyze important metrics such as green days and 50-day SMA to assess market sentiment.

    50-day SMA What is the 50-day SMA for Bonyta (BNYTA)?
    The 50-day SMA is the average closing price of BNYTA over the past 50 days, used to assess trends.
    $ 0
    200-day SMA What is the 200-day SMA for Bonyta (BNYTA)?
    The 200-day SMA is the average closing price of BNYTA over the past 200 days. It's a key indicator used to identify long-term price trends.
    $ 0
    Volatility What does the 30-day Volatility for Bonyta (BNYTA) mean?
    Volatility measures the price fluctuation of BNYTA over the last 30 days. Higher volatility indicates greater price swings and potentially higher risk.
    Down Days What are the Down Days in the last 30 days for Bonyta (BNYTA)?
    Down Days represent the number of days in the past 30 where the closing price of BNYTA was lower than its opening price, indicating negative price movement.
    Green Days What are Green Days for Bonyta (BNYTA)?
    Green Days are the days when BNYTA closed higher than it opened, indicating positive price movement.

    Bonyta (BNYTA) Price Prediction for Today, Tomorrow, This Week, and Next 30 Days

    Discover short-term price predictions for Bonyta (BNYTA). Check forecasted prices for today, tomorrow, and the next 30 days to guide your trading strategy.

    Date High Low End Potential ROI
    2025-02-26 $ 0.000000001027 $ 0.000000001010 $ 0.000000001010 502.46 %
    2025-02-27 $ 0.000000001030 $ 0.000000001010 $ 0.000000001030 504.39 %
    2025-03-02 $ 0.000000001030 $ 0.000000001000 $ 0.000000001020 504.39 %
    2025-02-28 $ 0.000000001030 $ 0.000000001009 $ 0.000000001009 504.39 %

    Bonyta Price Targets: Day-by-Day for the Next 30 Days

    Discover short-term price targets for Bonyta (BNYTA), with predictions for each day in the next 30 days. Potential ROI is provided for every target.

    Date Price Potential ROI
    2025-02-25 $ 0.000000001027 502.46 %
    2025-02-26 $ 0.000000001010 492.54 %
    2025-02-27 $ 0.000000001030 504.39 %
    2025-02-28 $ 0.000000001009 492.3 %
    2025-03-01 $ 0.000000001000 486.74 %
    2025-03-02 $ 0.000000001020 498.48 %
    2025-03-03 $ 0.000000001030 504.65 %
    2025-03-04 $ 0.000000001010 492.56 %
    2025-03-05 $ 0.0000000009990 485.96 %
    2025-03-06 $ 0.000000001012 493.94 %
    2025-03-07 $ 0.000000001022 499.85 %
    2025-03-08 $ 0.000000001006 490.52 %
    2025-03-09 $ 0.000000001014 495.1 %
    2025-03-10 $ 0.000000001012 494.06 %
    2025-03-11 $ 0.000000001023 500.34 %
    2025-03-12 $ 0.000000001023 500.04 %
    2025-03-13 $ 0.000000001031 504.76 %
    2025-03-14 $ 0.000000001010 492.67 %
    2025-03-15 $ 0.000000001024 500.71 %
    2025-03-16 $ 0.000000001003 488.69 %
    2025-03-17 $ 0.000000001017 496.77 %
    2025-03-18 $ 0.000000001020 498.62 %
    2025-03-19 $ 0.000000001018 497.27 %
    2025-03-20 $ 0.000000001017 496.97 %
    2025-03-21 $ 0.000000001009 492.17 %
    2025-03-22 $ 0.000000001004 489.03 %
    2025-03-23 $ 0.0000000009882 479.61 %
    2025-03-24 $ 0.0000000009919 481.77 %
    2025-03-25 $ 0.000000001007 491.03 %
    2025-03-26 $ 0.000000001012 494.08 %
    2025-03-27 $ 0.000000001014 494.86 %

    Bonyta Price Prediction for 2026-2030

    Discover long-term price forecasts for Bonyta (BNYTA) for 2026-2030. Future prices and potential ROI are estimated year-by-year to help guide your investment strategy.

    Year Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    2025 $ 0.000000001956 $ 0.0000000007094 $ 0.000000001224 1047.63 %
    2026 $ 0.000000002417 $ 0.000000001047 $ 0.000000001865 1318 %
    2027 $ 0.000000001057 $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000003899 520.1 %
    2028 $ 0.0000000008767 $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000002972 414.2 %
    2029 $ 0.000000004523 $ 0.0000000008875 $ 0.000000002581 2552.79 %
    2030 $ 0.000000004651 $ 0.000000004499 $ 0.000000004570 2628 %

    Bonyta Price Prediction for 2025

    For 2025, Bonyta (BNYTA) is forecasted to range between $0.0000000007094 and $0.000000001956. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 1047.63%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    February $ 0.000000001009 $ 0.000000001030 $ 0.000000001019 504.39 %
    March $ 0.0000000009813 $ 0.000000001031 $ 0.000000001010 504.76 %
    April $ 0.0000000009404 $ 0.000000001007 $ 0.0000000009795 490.87 %
    May $ 0.0000000008633 $ 0.0000000009559 $ 0.0000000009156 460.66 %
    June $ 0.0000000007654 $ 0.0000000008805 $ 0.0000000008273 416.46 %
    July $ 0.0000000007094 $ 0.0000000009390 $ 0.0000000007787 450.76 %
    August $ 0.0000000009578 $ 0.000000001317 $ 0.000000001183 672.75 %
    September $ 0.000000001302 $ 0.000000001484 $ 0.000000001393 770.61 %
    October $ 0.000000001489 $ 0.000000001662 $ 0.000000001573 874.99 %
    November $ 0.000000001649 $ 0.000000001836 $ 0.000000001729 977.04 %
    December $ 0.000000001785 $ 0.000000001956 $ 0.000000001882 1047.63 %

    Bonyta Price Prediction for 2026

    For 2026, Bonyta (BNYTA) is forecasted to range between $0.000000001047 and $0.000000002417. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 1318%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January $ 0.000000001916 $ 0.000000002076 $ 0.000000002004 1118 %
    February $ 0.000000002033 $ 0.000000002188 $ 0.000000002102 1183.3 %
    March $ 0.000000002142 $ 0.000000002270 $ 0.000000002198 1231.79 %
    April $ 0.000000002213 $ 0.000000002318 $ 0.000000002272 1259.96 %
    May $ 0.000000002277 $ 0.000000002374 $ 0.000000002330 1292.44 %
    June $ 0.000000002326 $ 0.000000002408 $ 0.000000002372 1312.49 %
    July $ 0.000000001816 $ 0.000000002417 $ 0.000000002245 1318 %
    August $ 0.000000001560 $ 0.000000001780 $ 0.000000001626 944.3 %
    September $ 0.000000001436 $ 0.000000001582 $ 0.000000001500 828.25 %
    October $ 0.000000001326 $ 0.000000001459 $ 0.000000001383 756.04 %
    November $ 0.000000001183 $ 0.000000001337 $ 0.000000001255 684.7 %
    December $ 0.000000001047 $ 0.000000001182 $ 0.000000001118 593.67 %

    Bonyta Price Prediction for 2027

    For 2027, Bonyta (BNYTA) is forecasted to range between $0.00000000009208 and $0.000000001057. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 520.1%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January $ 0.0000000009023 $ 0.000000001057 $ 0.0000000009739 520.1 %
    February $ 0.0000000007791 $ 0.0000000009095 $ 0.0000000008427 433.47 %
    March $ 0.0000000006308 $ 0.0000000007867 $ 0.0000000007125 361.44 %
    April $ 0.0000000005074 $ 0.0000000006434 $ 0.0000000005777 277.37 %
    May $ 0.0000000003929 $ 0.0000000005171 $ 0.0000000004523 203.29 %
    June $ 0.0000000002818 $ 0.0000000003931 $ 0.0000000003336 130.59 %
    July $ 0.0000000001761 $ 0.0000000002761 $ 0.0000000002256 61.99 %
    August $ 0.00000000009614 $ 0.0000000001746 $ 0.0000000001320 2.42 %
    September $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000001381 $ 0.0000000001122 -18.99 %
    October $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000001381 $ 0.0000000001156 -18.99 %
    November $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000001381 $ 0.0000000001151 -18.99 %
    December $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000001381 $ 0.0000000001158 -18.99 %

    Bonyta Price Prediction for 2028

    For 2028, Bonyta (BNYTA) is forecasted to range between $0.00000000009208 and $0.0000000008767. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 414.2%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000001381 $ 0.0000000001143 -18.99 %
    February $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000001381 $ 0.0000000001159 -18.99 %
    March $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000001381 $ 0.0000000001143 -18.99 %
    April $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000001381 $ 0.0000000001151 -18.99 %
    May $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000001381 $ 0.0000000001145 -18.99 %
    June $ 0.00000000009208 $ 0.0000000001381 $ 0.0000000001149 -18.99 %
    July $ 0.0000000001263 $ 0.0000000002288 $ 0.0000000001727 34.23 %
    August $ 0.0000000002334 $ 0.0000000003522 $ 0.0000000002896 106.58 %
    September $ 0.0000000003500 $ 0.0000000004670 $ 0.0000000004056 173.9 %
    October $ 0.0000000004687 $ 0.0000000005949 $ 0.0000000005311 248.96 %
    November $ 0.0000000005939 $ 0.0000000007264 $ 0.0000000006669 326.06 %
    December $ 0.0000000007293 $ 0.0000000008767 $ 0.0000000008031 414.2 %

    Bonyta Price Prediction for 2029

    For 2029, Bonyta (BNYTA) is forecasted to range between $0.0000000008875 and $0.000000004523. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 2552.79%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January $ 0.0000000008875 $ 0.000000001050 $ 0.0000000009613 516.21 %
    February $ 0.000000001071 $ 0.000000001283 $ 0.000000001179 652.66 %
    March $ 0.000000001307 $ 0.000000001584 $ 0.000000001431 829.27 %
    April $ 0.000000001557 $ 0.000000001889 $ 0.000000001717 1008.16 %
    May $ 0.000000001872 $ 0.000000002209 $ 0.000000002028 1195.9 %
    June $ 0.000000002204 $ 0.000000002547 $ 0.000000002352 1394.01 %
    July $ 0.000000002496 $ 0.000000002874 $ 0.000000002688 1585.8 %
    August $ 0.000000002849 $ 0.000000003235 $ 0.000000003035 1797.36 %
    September $ 0.000000003245 $ 0.000000003564 $ 0.000000003380 1990.47 %
    October $ 0.000000003530 $ 0.000000003928 $ 0.000000003716 2203.96 %
    November $ 0.000000003864 $ 0.000000004243 $ 0.000000004048 2388.99 %
    December $ 0.000000004181 $ 0.000000004523 $ 0.000000004345 2552.79 %

    Bonyta Price Prediction for 2030

    For 2030, Bonyta (BNYTA) is forecasted to range between $0.000000004499 and $0.000000004651. December could be the most bullish month, with potential growth of 2628%.

    Month Min. Price Max. Price Avg Potential ROI
    January $ 0.000000004499 $ 0.000000004651 $ 0.000000004570 2628 %
    Disclaimer: This is not investment advice The content presented is for informational purposes only. Nothing on this site - information, materials, services or other content - constitutes encouragement, recommendation, endorsement or financial or investment advice. You should always seek independent professional advice, including legal, financial or tax advice, before making any investment decisions.
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