Zaif Exchange Overview

Zaif is a cryptocurrency exchange offering access to 32 trading pairs. With a 24-hour trading volume of $ 1 068 853.40, Zaif provides a platform for buying, selling, and trading various cryptocurrencies.

Top Gainer
$ 2.30
24.07 %
Top Loser
$ 1.20
-14.95 %
Top Volume
$ 12 270 300.00
7.84 %

Zaif Trading Data

24h Trading Volume: Total value of all trades executed on this exchange in the last 24 hours. A higher volume generally indicates greater liquidity and trading activity. $ 1 068 853.45 Fiat Currencies Supported: The number of fiat currencies (like USD, EUR) that users can directly deposit or withdraw from zaif exchange 1 Exchange Rank: Current global ranking of zaif based on trading volume, providing a measure of its popularity and market share. 448
Cryptocurrencies Listed: The number of unique cryptocurrencies available for trading on zaif exchange. 18 Stablecoins Supported: The number of stablecoins (cryptocurrencies pegged to stable assets like USD) available on zaif exchange. 0 Market Share: The percentage of total global cryptocurrency trading volume attributed to zaif, indicating its influence on the overall market. 0.0006982 %
Pair Price Price Change 24h Volume Action
1 BTC/JPY BTC/JPY $ 1 816 125 745.41 7.84% $ 591 490.00 Trade Now
2 ETH/JPY ETH/JPY $ 42 231 661.73 6.95% $ 334 764.00 Trade Now
3 BCH/JPY BCH/JPY $ 7 377 552.94 5.53% $ 39 225.00 Trade Now
4 XEM/JPY XEM/JPY $ 432.71 5.72% $ 26 434.00 Trade Now
5 XYM/JPY XYM/JPY $ 292.01 4.77% $ 25 844.00 Trade Now
6 ETH/BTC ETH/BTC $ 1 933.41 6.95% $ 5 444.06 Trade Now
7 XYM/BTC XYM/BTC $ 0.01327 4.77% $ 3 451.04 Trade Now
8 COT/JPY COT/JPY $ 123.56 3.00% $ 2 786.66 Trade Now
9 TRX/JPY TRX/JPY $ 5 032.71 1.00% $ 2 712.56 Trade Now
10 SNPT/JPY SNPT/JPY $ 339.68 24.07% $ 2 429.49 Trade Now
11 CICC/JPY CICC/JPY $ 177.60 14.00% $ 2 296.35 Trade Now
12 MONA/JPY MONA/JPY $ 5 180.35 0.07746% $ 2 000.49 Trade Now
13 BORA/JPY BORA/JPY $ 1 702.11 6.85% $ 1 945.07 Trade Now
14 POLYGON.MV/JPY POLYGON.MV/JPY $ 164.57 4.00% $ 1 595.02 Trade Now
15 MATIC/JPY MATIC/JPY $ 4 778.94 7.38% $ 808.42 Trade Now
16 ZAIF/JPY ZAIF/JPY $ 5.64 0.8103% $ 366.68 Trade Now
17 XCP/JPY XCP/JPY $ 125 808.41 0.6219% $ 278.44 Trade Now
18 POLYGON.ROND/JPY POLYGON.ROND/JPY $ 28.18 3.00% $ 148.81 Trade Now
19 TRX/BTC TRX/BTC $ 0.2240 1.00% $ 71.92 Trade Now
20 BCH/BTC BCH/BTC $ 307.02 5.53% $ 42.99 Trade Now
21 POLYGON.ROND/BTC POLYGON.ROND/BTC $ 0.0008297 3.00% $ 25.84 Trade Now
22 MONA/BTC MONA/BTC $ 0.2389 0.07746% $ 12.43 Trade Now
23 XEM/BTC XEM/BTC $ 0.01991 5.72% $ 7.29 Trade Now
24 CICC/BTC CICC/BTC $ 0.007468 14.00% $ 2.96 Trade Now
25 KLAY/BTC KLAY/BTC $ 0.1211 10.06% $ 0.6257 Trade Now
26 FSCC/BTC FSCC/BTC $ 0.1825 1.00% $ 0.5681 Trade Now
27 MATIC/BTC MATIC/BTC $ 0.2182 7.38% $ 0.4367 Trade Now
28 COT/BTC COT/BTC $ 0.005808 3.00% $ 0.4067 Trade Now
29 ZAIF/BTC ZAIF/BTC $ 0.0008297 0.8103% $ 0.03425 Trade Now
30 FSCC/JPY FSCC/JPY $ 3 626.23 1.00% $ 0.01663 Trade Now
31 KLAY/JPY KLAY/JPY $ 2 431.03 10.06% $ 0.01113 Trade Now
32 POLYGON.MV/BTC POLYGON.MV/BTC $ 0.006638 4.00% $ 0.006638 Trade Now