Bitexen Exchange Overview

Bitexen is a cryptocurrency exchange offering access to 46 trading pairs. With a 24-hour trading volume of $ 43 222 178.98, Bitexen provides a platform for buying, selling, and trading various cryptocurrencies.

Top Gainer
$ 2.99
14.28 %
Top Loser
$ 36.67
0 %
Top Volume
$ 36.67
0.02 %

Bitexen Trading Data

24h Trading Volume: Total value of all trades executed on this exchange in the last 24 hours. A higher volume generally indicates greater liquidity and trading activity. $ 16 418 974.18 Fiat Currencies Supported: The number of fiat currencies (like USD, EUR) that users can directly deposit or withdraw from bitexen exchange 1 Exchange Rank: Current global ranking of bitexen based on trading volume, providing a measure of its popularity and market share. 177
Cryptocurrencies Listed: The number of unique cryptocurrencies available for trading on bitexen exchange. 46 Stablecoins Supported: The number of stablecoins (cryptocurrencies pegged to stable assets like USD) available on bitexen exchange. 0 Market Share: The percentage of total global cryptocurrency trading volume attributed to bitexen, indicating its influence on the overall market. 0.01072 %
Pair Price Price Change 24h Volume Action
1 USDT/TRY USDT/TRY $ 1 341.09 0.01594% $ 11 376 100.00 Trade Now
2 BTC/TRY BTC/TRY $ 111 325 325.85 7.84% $ 5 391 120.00 Trade Now
3 ETH/TRY ETH/TRY $ 2 570 139.82 6.95% $ 4 166 540.00 Trade Now
4 GALA/TRY GALA/TRY $ 21.29 12.74% $ 3 794 390.00 Trade Now
5 DOGE/TRY DOGE/TRY $ 220.42 12.84% $ 3 523 820.00 Trade Now
6 COS/TRY COS/TRY $ 5.07 11.72% $ 3 270 810.00 Trade Now
7 LTC/TRY LTC/TRY $ 121 641.71 8.17% $ 2 734 780.00 Trade Now
8 AVAX/TRY AVAX/TRY $ 23 443.84 12.57% $ 2 575 010.00 Trade Now
9 ADA/TRY ADA/TRY $ 981.05 10.78% $ 2 375 660.00 Trade Now
10 S/TRY S/TRY $ 575.56 4.50% $ 2 335 740.00 Trade Now
11 USDC/TRY USDC/TRY $ 1 341.13 0.003840% $ 620 242.00 Trade Now
12 XRP/TRY XRP/TRY $ 2 918.53 12.86% $ 116 443.00 Trade Now
13 EXEN/TRY EXEN/TRY $ 100.31 0% $ 94 555.00 Trade Now
14 MBOX/TRY MBOX/TRY $ 109.31 14.28% $ 37 938.00 Trade Now
15 AKREP/TRY AKREP/TRY $ 71.59 0% $ 37 406.00 Trade Now
16 RIZE/TRY RIZE/TRY $ 65.56 0% $ 34 646.00 Trade Now
17 AAVE/TRY AAVE/TRY $ 238 205.51 5.10% $ 34 002.00 Trade Now
18 KYSR/TRY KYSR/TRY $ 54.72 0% $ 32 038.00 Trade Now
19 HOT/TRY HOT/TRY $ 1.43 9.45% $ 31 397.00 Trade Now
20 MANA/TRY MANA/TRY $ 346.16 10.59% $ 30 817.00 Trade Now
21 POL/TRY POL/TRY $ 283.70 10.66% $ 30 585.00 Trade Now
22 SIV/TRY SIV/TRY $ 55.51 0% $ 30 102.00 Trade Now
23 NEO/TRY NEO/TRY $ 10 204.11 10.30% $ 28 538.00 Trade Now
24 SKRY/TRY SKRY/TRY $ 41.82 0% $ 27 155.00 Trade Now
25 URFA/TRY URFA/TRY $ 47.73 0% $ 26 003.00 Trade Now
26 HATAY/TRY HATAY/TRY $ 36.94 0% $ 23 362.00 Trade Now
27 VAN/TRY VAN/TRY $ 58.00 0% $ 21 807.00 Trade Now
28 MIY/TRY MIY/TRY $ 16.61 0% $ 21 288.00 Trade Now
29 WIN/TRY WIN/TRY $ 0.07635 2.52% $ 21 263.00 Trade Now
30 BTTC/TRY BTTC/TRY $ 0.0009164 4.08% $ 21 205.00 Trade Now
31 BCH/TRY BCH/TRY $ 449 456.09 5.53% $ 20 531.00 Trade Now
32 YMS/TRY YMS/TRY $ 17.24 0% $ 20 501.00 Trade Now
33 GRS/TRY GRS/TRY $ 35.45 0% $ 20 059.00 Trade Now
34 ERZ/TRY ERZ/TRY $ 58.70 0% $ 19 369.60 Trade Now
35 SAND/TRY SAND/TRY $ 365.78 11.99% $ 18 844.40 Trade Now
36 LINK/TRY LINK/TRY $ 17 445.73 9.46% $ 18 438.70 Trade Now
37 XNP/TRY XNP/TRY $ 6.98 0% $ 18 226.40 Trade Now
38 DIYAR/TRY DIYAR/TRY $ 17.70 0% $ 17 076.80 Trade Now
39 DUZCE/TRY DUZCE/TRY $ 16.61 0% $ 16 784.30 Trade Now
40 ICP/TRY ICP/TRY $ 7 168.48 10.35% $ 16 386.70 Trade Now
41 XLM/TRY XLM/TRY $ 341.35 11.01% $ 14 488.70 Trade Now
42 SOL/TRY SOL/TRY $ 167 330.50 8.59% $ 11 193.50 Trade Now
43 BLKS/TRY BLKS/TRY $ 77.62 0% $ 10 555.00 Trade Now
44 REEF/TRY REEF/TRY $ 0.4788 0.6743% $ 9 804.37 Trade Now
45 DEMIR/TRY DEMIR/TRY $ 47.47 0% $ 9 709.51 Trade Now
46 DOT/TRY DOT/TRY $ 5 303.21 8.94% $ 2 393.86 Trade Now