Bitci TR Exchange Overview

Bitci TR is a cryptocurrency exchange offering access to 186 trading pairs. With a 24-hour trading volume of $ 39 890 698.30, Bitci TR provides a platform for buying, selling, and trading various cryptocurrencies.

Top Gainer
$ 0.07720
78.34 %
Top Loser
$ 0.03899
0 %
Top Volume
$ 82 886.10
7.84 %

Bitci TR Trading Data

24h Trading Volume: Total value of all trades executed on this exchange in the last 24 hours. A higher volume generally indicates greater liquidity and trading activity. $ 39 890 700.03 Fiat Currencies Supported: The number of fiat currencies (like USD, EUR) that users can directly deposit or withdraw from bitci-tr exchange 1 Exchange Rank: Current global ranking of bitci-tr based on trading volume, providing a measure of its popularity and market share. 106
Cryptocurrencies Listed: The number of unique cryptocurrencies available for trading on bitci-tr exchange. 173 Stablecoins Supported: The number of stablecoins (cryptocurrencies pegged to stable assets like USD) available on bitci-tr exchange. 1 Market Share: The percentage of total global cryptocurrency trading volume attributed to bitci-tr, indicating its influence on the overall market. 0.02605 %
Pair Price Price Change 24h Volume Action
1 BTC/USDT BTC/USDT $ 82 855.27 7.84% $ 5 926 790.00 Trade Now
2 SOL/TRY SOL/TRY $ 168 067.83 8.59% $ 5 475 130.00 Trade Now
3 BNB/USDT BNB/USDT $ 552.69 7.68% $ 2 793 550.00 Trade Now
4 ZEC/USDT ZEC/USDT $ 30.28 5.55% $ 2 215 280.00 Trade Now
5 BNB/TRY BNB/TRY $ 736 963.16 7.68% $ 1 918 620.00 Trade Now
6 ETH/TRY ETH/TRY $ 2 559 661.41 6.95% $ 1 567 200.00 Trade Now
7 ADA/TRY ADA/TRY $ 976.52 10.78% $ 1 540 430.00 Trade Now
8 BTC/TRY BTC/TRY $ 111 497 588.70 7.84% $ 1 318 620.00 Trade Now
9 DOGE/TRY DOGE/TRY $ 207.67 12.84% $ 1 314 490.00 Trade Now
10 USDT/TRY USDT/TRY $ 1 313.00 0.01594% $ 1 310 940.00 Trade Now
11 SKL/USDT SKL/USDT $ 0.02538 9.67% $ 947 209.00 Trade Now
12 DGB/USDT DGB/USDT $ 0.008596 4.94% $ 819 893.00 Trade Now
13 SPELL/USDT SPELL/USDT $ 0.0005738 10.21% $ 758 274.00 Trade Now
14 ETH/USDT ETH/USDT $ 1 905.04 6.95% $ 754 153.00 Trade Now
15 EURT/TRY EURT/TRY $ 1 451.87 1.35% $ 731 362.00 Trade Now
16 CNW/TRY CNW/TRY $ 2 964.68 12.14% $ 596 260.00 Trade Now
17 GRT/USDT GRT/USDT $ 0.09056 11.65% $ 496 551.00 Trade Now
18 FLOKI/TRY FLOKI/TRY $ 0.08253 14.72% $ 482 698.00 Trade Now
19 BEPE/TRY BEPE/TRY $ 14.18 17.54% $ 467 204.00 Trade Now
20 STORJ/USDT STORJ/USDT $ 0.2743 10.73% $ 449 917.00 Trade Now
21 AVAX/TRY AVAX/TRY $ 23 381.66 12.57% $ 430 388.00 Trade Now
22 XTZ/USDT XTZ/USDT $ 0.6737 9.22% $ 415 628.00 Trade Now
23 BTRM/TRY BTRM/TRY $ 287.10 10.70% $ 357 917.00 Trade Now
24 ANKR/USDT ANKR/USDT $ 0.01711 9.86% $ 349 175.00 Trade Now
25 AVAX/USDT AVAX/USDT $ 17.48 12.57% $ 346 366.00 Trade Now
26 DASH/USDT DASH/USDT $ 21.86 7.68% $ 317 165.00 Trade Now
27 SHIB/TRY SHIB/TRY $ 0.01626 10.12% $ 272 606.00 Trade Now
28 XLM/TRY XLM/TRY $ 345.48 11.01% $ 253 606.00 Trade Now
29 TUSD/USDT TUSD/USDT $ 0.9969 0.09707% $ 206 459.00 Trade Now
30 DODO/USDT DODO/USDT $ 0.06637 11.67% $ 203 094.00 Trade Now
31 JTO/TRY JTO/TRY $ 2 866.07 5.77% $ 198 109.00 Trade Now
32 SOL/USDT SOL/USDT $ 125.83 8.59% $ 196 918.00 Trade Now
33 BAT/USDT BAT/USDT $ 0.1445 6.65% $ 196 542.00 Trade Now
34 EOS/USDT EOS/USDT $ 0.4878 11.56% $ 193 012.00 Trade Now
35 SNX/USDT SNX/USDT $ 0.7997 8.72% $ 140 445.00 Trade Now
36 BCH/TRY BCH/TRY $ 455 516.38 5.53% $ 136 252.00 Trade Now
37 JASMY/TRY JASMY/TRY $ 17.72 14.66% $ 133 575.00 Trade Now
38 HOT/TRY HOT/TRY $ 1.45 9.45% $ 130 564.00 Trade Now
39 LINK/TRY LINK/TRY $ 17 526.19 9.46% $ 122 573.00 Trade Now
40 ZIL/USDT ZIL/USDT $ 0.01188 10.30% $ 122 096.00 Trade Now
41 UNI/TRY UNI/TRY $ 8 148.65 8.09% $ 115 508.00 Trade Now
42 MANA/TRY MANA/TRY $ 347.45 10.59% $ 112 065.00 Trade Now
43 JST/USDT JST/USDT $ 0.03020 0.02841% $ 111 913.00 Trade Now
44 JST/TRY JST/TRY $ 40.04 0.02841% $ 111 098.00 Trade Now
45 DROP/TRY DROP/TRY $ 15.57 12.26% $ 110 750.00 Trade Now
46 TRUMP/TRY TRUMP/TRY $ 14 806.67 7.72% $ 97 439.00 Trade Now
47 RWA/USDT RWA/USDT $ 0.01372 18.77% $ 95 985.00 Trade Now
48 SEI/TRY SEI/TRY $ 259.27 10.53% $ 93 792.00 Trade Now
49 LINA/TRY LINA/TRY $ 2.37 11.37% $ 90 184.00 Trade Now
50 EDU/TRY EDU/TRY $ 211.03 13.47% $ 90 083.00 Trade Now