Bitbank Exchange Overview

Bitbank is a cryptocurrency exchange offering access to 42 trading pairs. With a 24-hour trading volume of $ 125 229 224.23, Bitbank provides a platform for buying, selling, and trading various cryptocurrencies.

Top Gainer
$ 440.76
16.28 %
Top Loser
$ 33.28
-1.16 %
Top Volume
$ 325.95
12.86 %

Bitbank Trading Data

24h Trading Volume: Total value of all trades executed on this exchange in the last 24 hours. A higher volume generally indicates greater liquidity and trading activity. $ 125 229 229.64 Fiat Currencies Supported: The number of fiat currencies (like USD, EUR) that users can directly deposit or withdraw from bitbank exchange 1 Exchange Rank: Current global ranking of bitbank based on trading volume, providing a measure of its popularity and market share. 65
Cryptocurrencies Listed: The number of unique cryptocurrencies available for trading on bitbank exchange. 42 Stablecoins Supported: The number of stablecoins (cryptocurrencies pegged to stable assets like USD) available on bitbank exchange. 0 Market Share: The percentage of total global cryptocurrency trading volume attributed to bitbank, indicating its influence on the overall market. 0.08179 %
Pair Price Price Change 24h Volume Action
1 XRP/JPY XRP/JPY $ 48 244.12 12.86% $ 52 579 600.00 Trade Now
2 BTC/JPY BTC/JPY $ 1 823 037 807.25 7.84% $ 38 137 600.00 Trade Now
3 ETH/JPY ETH/JPY $ 42 096 380.69 6.95% $ 10 291 500.00 Trade Now
4 DOGE/JPY DOGE/JPY $ 3 619.73 12.84% $ 8 026 420.00 Trade Now
5 ADA/JPY ADA/JPY $ 16 074.47 10.78% $ 3 385 610.00 Trade Now
6 SOL/JPY SOL/JPY $ 2 756 062.55 8.59% $ 1 990 760.00 Trade Now
7 LTC/JPY LTC/JPY $ 1 991 339.85 8.17% $ 1 136 340.00 Trade Now
8 XLM/JPY XLM/JPY $ 5 671.74 11.01% $ 995 199.00 Trade Now
9 GALA/JPY GALA/JPY $ 350.19 12.74% $ 570 769.00 Trade Now
10 AVAX/JPY AVAX/JPY $ 383 721.56 12.57% $ 567 268.00 Trade Now
11 LINK/JPY LINK/JPY $ 289 161.00 9.46% $ 454 351.00 Trade Now
12 FLR/JPY FLR/JPY $ 340.27 12.77% $ 338 385.00 Trade Now
13 BCC/JPY BCC/JPY $ 7 423 732.02 5.53% $ 291 306.00 Trade Now
14 RENDER/JPY RENDER/JPY $ 65 237.13 16.28% $ 220 095.00 Trade Now
15 BNB/JPY BNB/JPY $ 12 133 110.68 7.68% $ 199 269.00 Trade Now
16 TRX/JPY TRX/JPY $ 4 925.19 1.00% $ 172 055.00 Trade Now
17 ASTR/JPY ASTR/JPY $ 669.30 10.15% $ 144 321.00 Trade Now
18 MKR/JPY MKR/JPY $ 24 327 941.48 5.35% $ 139 861.00 Trade Now
19 DOT/JPY DOT/JPY $ 88 349.62 8.94% $ 119 408.00 Trade Now
20 OAS/JPY OAS/JPY $ 417.09 1.98% $ 94 692.00 Trade Now
21 ARB/JPY ARB/JPY $ 7 362.01 11.42% $ 80 621.00 Trade Now
22 DAI/JPY DAI/JPY $ 21 979.32 0.03082% $ 70 624.00 Trade Now
23 XYM/JPY XYM/JPY $ 289.06 4.77% $ 66 857.00 Trade Now
24 POL/JPY POL/JPY $ 4 702.57 10.66% $ 62 732.00 Trade Now
25 OP/JPY OP/JPY $ 18 530.84 12.38% $ 59 928.00 Trade Now
26 QTUM/JPY QTUM/JPY $ 46 291.87 10.59% $ 54 298.00 Trade Now
27 GRT/JPY GRT/JPY $ 1 989.25 11.65% $ 53 533.00 Trade Now
28 SAND/JPY SAND/JPY $ 6 111.48 11.99% $ 52 947.00 Trade Now
29 BOBA/JPY BOBA/JPY $ 2 433.43 4.16% $ 40 987.00 Trade Now
30 BAT/JPY BAT/JPY $ 3 189.02 6.65% $ 40 149.00 Trade Now
31 APE/JPY APE/JPY $ 10 801.02 14.63% $ 35 415.00 Trade Now
32 CYBER/JPY CYBER/JPY $ 26 140.03 13.15% $ 33 200.00 Trade Now
33 IMX/JPY IMX/JPY $ 11 322.76 12.03% $ 24 523.00 Trade Now
34 MASK/JPY MASK/JPY $ 47 630.77 0.8356% $ 21 791.00 Trade Now
35 KLAY/JPY KLAY/JPY $ 2 340.55 10.06% $ 19 114.10 Trade Now
36 ENJ/JPY ENJ/JPY $ 2 559.09 13.03% $ 18 101.50 Trade Now
37 LPT/JPY LPT/JPY $ 116 480.82 11.15% $ 17 767.00 Trade Now
38 MANA/JPY MANA/JPY $ 5 759.36 10.59% $ 13 861.20 Trade Now
39 MONA/JPY MONA/JPY $ 5 201.51 0.07746% $ 12 894.50 Trade Now
40 OMG/JPY OMG/JPY $ 4 440.30 5.42% $ 12 725.20 Trade Now
41 CHZ/JPY CHZ/JPY $ 948.45 9.97% $ 6 425.73 Trade Now
42 AXS/JPY AXS/JPY $ 69 120.47 13.39% $ 3 443.18 Trade Now