Birake Exchange Overview

Birake is a cryptocurrency exchange offering access to 27 trading pairs. With a 24-hour trading volume of $ 8.34, Birake provides a platform for buying, selling, and trading various cryptocurrencies.

Top Gainer
$ 0.000
176.13 %
Top Loser
$ 0.0000000051
0 %
Top Volume
$ 0.0000000051
0 %

Birake Trading Data

24h Trading Volume: Total value of all trades executed on this exchange in the last 24 hours. A higher volume generally indicates greater liquidity and trading activity. $ 0 Fiat Currencies Supported: The number of fiat currencies (like USD, EUR) that users can directly deposit or withdraw from birake exchange 0 Exchange Rank: Current global ranking of birake based on trading volume, providing a measure of its popularity and market share. 1089
Cryptocurrencies Listed: The number of unique cryptocurrencies available for trading on birake exchange. 15 Stablecoins Supported: The number of stablecoins (cryptocurrencies pegged to stable assets like USD) available on birake exchange. 0 Market Share: The percentage of total global cryptocurrency trading volume attributed to birake, indicating its influence on the overall market. 0 %
Pair Price Price Change 24h Volume Action
1 SAPP/BTC SAPP/BTC $ 0.0004231 % $ 110.62 Trade Now
2 LTC/BTC LTC/BTC $ 99.49 8.17% $ 6.98 Trade Now
3 BECN/BTC BECN/BTC $ 0.0008297 6.71% $ 1.53 Trade Now
4 SFD/BTC SFD/BTC $ 0.002489 176.13% $ 1.28 Trade Now
5 ESK/LTC ESK/LTC $ 0.000002724 % $ 1.26 Trade Now
6 DASHD/BTC DASHD/BTC $ 0.0009211 7.54% $ 1.22 Trade Now
7 BIR/SAPP BIR/SAPP $ 0.00009213 % $ 0.6700 Trade Now
8 FLS/BTC FLS/BTC $ 0.0004231 % $ 0.5795 Trade Now
9 MONK/SAPP MONK/SAPP $ 0.00001718 5.30% $ 0.4690 Trade Now
10 DASHD/LTC DASHD/LTC $ 0.000003633 7.54% $ 0.3706 Trade Now
11 PNY/SAPP PNY/SAPP $ 0.01627 5.38% $ 0.04502 Trade Now
12 MOBIC/SAPP MOBIC/SAPP $ 0.00001884 % $ 0.04142 Trade Now
13 777/BTC 777/BTC $ 0.0004148 6.33% $ 0.03863 Trade Now
14 777/SAPP 777/SAPP $ 0.0001718 6.33% $ 0.01705 Trade Now
15 BIR/LTC BIR/LTC $ 0.000009082 % $ 0.01016 Trade Now
16 OWO/SAPP OWO/SAPP $ 0.000004779 0% $ 0.005653 Trade Now
17 MOBIC/LTC MOBIC/LTC $ 0.00001816 % $ 0.002704 Trade Now
18 SAPP/LTC SAPP/LTC $ 0.0001099 % $ 0.001842 Trade Now
19 777/LTC 777/LTC $ 0.00001816 6.33% $ 0.0005592 Trade Now
20 MONK/LTC MONK/LTC $ 0.00001089 5.30% $ 0.0005565 Trade Now
21 PNY/LTC PNY/LTC $ 0.000004541 5.38% $ 0.0003388 Trade Now
22 DASHD/SAPP DASHD/SAPP $ 0.00007139 7.54% $ 0.00009707 Trade Now
23 SUV/SAPP SUV/SAPP $ 0.00003162 % $ 0.00008881 Trade Now
24 SUV/LTC SUV/LTC $ 0.0008538 % $ 0.00008201 Trade Now
25 BECN/SAPP BECN/SAPP $ 0.00003415 6.71% $ 0.00008001 Trade Now
26 AZR/LTC AZR/LTC $ 0.000009082 % $ 0.00000182 Trade Now
27 FLS/SAPP FLS/SAPP $ 0.01543 % $ 0.0000002011 Trade Now